We're not fooled. Women have betrayed men's trust since Adam and Eve. The only reason why women, such as you, are speaking out against feminism now after 50 years of Antoinetteian apathy is because you can't handle equality. Men walking away from women means you will have to fend for yourselves and that scares the p i s s out of women who wanted it all-the privileges of feminism and chivalry all rolled into one. Women have always seen men as dumb chattel that would do whatever they want without question and will put up with anything to kiss that flesh ring between their legs. You didn't count on the fact that even the most gentle of dogs will attack when beaten repeatedly.
Get it though your heads. It. Is. Over.
There will be no return to the "good old days" (the flip side of feminism). Men have left the bargaining table and are discovering their lives are perfectly happy, if not infinitely happier, without women. And as with everything, money talks. The amount of money men save without women in their lives shocks many men out of the delusion. And I'm not going to even get into the criminal laws that every single female "conveniently" disregards (because they adore those laws). Women are so incorrigibly self absorbed that each and every one of them, especially traditionalists, believe they are worth the risk of those laws, worth the cost of time and money, worth enduring their interminable emotional capriciousness, and that we men must feel grateful for the opportunity to suffer. Just like those who rationalize slavery on the basis that "the slaves would be living in huts and chucking spears if not for the slave trade", women believe we should be appreciative of being rescued from a life of loneliness.
In the words of the band Gang Of Four: We live as we dream, alone.
And we do so just fine without women.
Dominic Gomez
So, when should men accept women back?
Matthew Hernandez
>born-again virgin tradcon women this is the worst. for the people who fall for this i've got no pity. they're literally the same hitting the wall 30 year old roastie who had a dozen black guys in her. now she just pretends she's a conservative, but if you question her at all she's still a liberal who lost her virginity when she was 13.
i don't feel sorry for the tradcucks who fall for this shit either. these people deserve each other so whatever pain is inflicted on them is good. anybody worth a damn already knows the real message and will avoid these roasties who are lying about their chastity/past. thirsty beta deserve the worst the world has to offer
Elijah Cruz
We shouldn't. Artificial wombs and wifebots are the way forward.
Alexander Howard
Almost all women are/were sluts when they're young and attractive, once they grow old and pass that threshold of attractiveness, they only become traditional out of circumstance, not choice.
Kayden Gutierrez
>DEUS VULT God certainly does not whatever you selling you fucking degenerate cease your usury fix your behaviour and through example educate the woman around you as men seek to atract women through their industry women chance their behaviour to atract best of these men if you are good the merely by signalling you will get what you want
Christopher Ortiz
I am a white male, I was born in a stable, two parent household, I was valedictorian of my high school, highest tested IQ at my school, planning to study math at university so that I can do data science and/or medicine, don't use drugs or alcohol, workout regularly, and you are absolutely right. Women are objectively horrible by (almost) any metric you care to name. The worst stories I have ever heard have been about men who sacrificed their health, wealth, and heart to a woman, only for her to toss him aside like a used up cum rag when the situation benefited it. The one thing they have going for them is that they can get pregnant and raise children, and they still fuck that up because they are ruled by their emotions, and discard reality in favor of social reality. While low-IQ people replace us in the lands of our ancestors, never forget that it was women who were the mechanism of the Jew. Women were the ones who shamed and bullied everyone else to go along with the Jew's plan, and now they can damn well lie in their beds. If a woman is getting raped, I will not help her. If a woman is homeless, I will not help her. If a woman wants my time, energy or attention, she cannot have it. I will go to my grave with my books and my animu, because women are not worth shit.
Christian Anderson
Well written OP!
Jonathan Hernandez
>I was born in a stable
Juan Myers
MGTOW has been the ultimate red pill for me. Shameless sluts have always been around but third wave feminism is the final nail in the coffin. Why should anyone have to put up with these entitled parasites when you could live a happier life spending money on what you want and doing the things you enjoy. Life is too short for catering to every roasties pathetic needs...
Andrew Thomas
Aiden Jackson
Elijah Jackson
(((mgtow))) Just another mind game psyop from our enemy. Only weak men can't handle their women. Cut your balls off.
Hunter Walker
Artificial wombs would solve 90% of Feminism and MGTOW.
Jordan Myers
No a psyop is walking dick first into a worn out vagina who will drain you of all your savings while treating you like a useless cuck. Game is rigged.
Landon Perry
Yes, yes, goyim - don't like women, don't have babies, don't continue the white race.
Yes, goyim, go your own way.
Adrian Myers
Decades away if you ignore the fact that civil war is brewing in almost every developed country in the world, potentially centuries if the wars reach their full destructive potential
Matthew Richardson
The thing is, tradcons KNOW this, but they just expect you to shut up and breed like an animal because that is the only thing they value. Forget about quality of life, independence, freedom, tradcons would rather you be a miserable father of four than a happy and independent bachelor > Yes, yes, goyim- create more tax slaves for the international finance system to squeeze dry! Nevermind the fact that your children are going to be minorities in their own countries and will be actively despised by the politicians and thought leaders of the day, we need fresh meat! There is no winning move. Playing the game means you have lost, and not playing the game means we all have lost.
David Rodriguez
>Gang Of Four What does Design patter has to do with this thread anyway?
Justin Gomez
fuck off, kike.
James Hall
>MGTOW I always like to pretend these threads are just people LARPing for (you)s
Like, just dont get married. wow such hard I come here to read threads about how trump pissed someone off, not read about some autist's sekret klub.
Jaxon Morales
Fuck off jew
Eli Robinson
Great. It just wouldn't be a Saturday night on pol without the beta-micropeen-sad-fag thread.
Lucas Mitchell
Cucks don't want to deal with the woman problem but they need to be stripped of their rights. Simple as that. They're a bunch of nigger lovers, no wonder they want open borders. White Sharia now!
Dylan Reed
Sharia for your hidden flag. You cite 'cuck', but yet you are the embodiment of it; both by definition, and by means. Fattie.
Brody Peterson
>I come here to read threads about how trump pissed someone off, not read about some autist's sekret klub
Then don't read these threads, idiot.
Jaxson Thomas
every MGTOW OP >self righeous "listen up/message for you" title >list of things women did that upset your feelings >nothing was ever different, goy >le badass reddit-tier movie quote >statement about how you don't need women that's obviously trying to convince yourself more than anybody else
What's wrong beta male? Don't like someone calling your Aryan Princesses nigger lovers? Well it's true.
Adrian Ward
>please stop pooping in our streets its ruining my shoes >just dont step in it LMAO XDD good thinking there Tex
Michael Parker
Blake Sanchez
fucking idiot
Dominic Cox
MGTOW is good. At least those guys aren't trying to force me and other fellow women back to the kitchen.
I have also done a similar life choice. I have a striving career, hobbies and friends. I have sex with men occasionally but I'm not aiming for marriage nor do I want to have children. I don't think that male-female relationships often times even work. So let's just hook up every now and then and live our lives separately. That's a good deal.
Anthony Anderson
t. Rabbi Goldstein
How do we reproduce then? Should we just let low IQ stinky beaners take over?
Eli Green
Honestly, I don't care. Sounds harsh but I don't as an individual feel like it's my job or responsibility to reproduce just for the sake of saving the white race or whatever. I don't want to sacrifice my personal happiness for future I'll never get to experience myself anyway.
Easton Mitchell
MGTOW is for white boys who can't compete, there seems to be a lot of mgtow whiteboiz here lmao.
Jaxon Hill
MGTOW=Men Sent Their Own Way. Just admit it, you did not walk away from women. When the going gets tough, ....you gave up.
Andrew Cruz
MGTOW = nobody will fuck us because we're hateful, ignorant assholes, and we don't want to change, so we're going to pretend we don't care, but inside we're lonely and miserable and we're goin to go home and cry our eyes out to Mom and Dad before we even get a chance to take off our fedora.
Prove me wrong. >protip: you fucking can't.
Thomas Lewis
>alt-right/nazis/etc. = nobody in government will represent us because we're hateful, ignorant assholes, and we don't want to change, so we're going to pretend we don't care, but inside we're lonely and miserable and we're goin to go home and cry our eyes out to Mom and Dad before we even get a chance to take off our fedora.