How do any of you morons think this is fucking okay? This is absolutely embarrassing for both the country and the world, fucking happy now? YOU DID THIS
Why the fuck is A PRESIDENT pinning tweets like this? EXPLAIN NOW
He's senile. We need to impeach him before he nukes someone.
nice slide thread right there.
Because the jewish media is the number one domestic enemy we face. It is the president's job to face such enemies down.
what the fuck happened to this country? seriously??? what the fuck..
fuck off you antisemetic twat. freedom of the PRESS means nothing to you huh? you hate the constitution ?
this is nOT OKAY!!!
LOL is this a joke? Can't tell if liberal retard with proxy or just sand nigger retard
Filthy kike lover. Tell that to bill Clinton when he signed the telecommunications act merging 80% of the media into SIX fucking companies.
CNN is still free to lie. Trump hasn't locked anyone up. He is just calling them out for their (((reporting)))
what the fuck? enjoy the report, you don't fucking call people that. do you talk like this in real life? jesus chris.t.
Making up narratives to undermine and subvert the republic is not a freedom of the press. It is subversion and will be dealt with.
Freedom of press means freedom to unmask your lies jew
oh look, another report for you too! stop with the slurs. none are allowed in my thread.
Whats wrong libtards, scared you finally have a president with balls?
Good job on baiting some nu-Sup Forums
is this an easter egg of the kino Hey arnold episode with the homeless lad and his pigeons ?
Liberal troll who shitposts is angry.
You're not gonna change people's minds on this site you nigger. I always see you spamming
so anything that goes against your dear god emperor is "fake news" isn't it? i cant believe people actually think this lmao. you're fucked in the head.
WHEN WILL YOU UNDERSTAND? he broke all campaign promises and you still suck his dick. i cant wait for 2018 to shut you arrogant assholes up
i love Trump because he triggers retards like these
> cries about anti-Semitism
HAHAHAHAHA what a kike lover
Fraud has legal conontations
Figure it out
>so anything that goes against your dear god emperor is "fake news" isn't it?
No, only sedition against the republic. You will refuse to accept this logic. But you're part of the problem as well. You'll be sent to the camps. You opinion is irrelevant.
Her part of a liberal troll group
I'm extremely happy. Best timeline ever. Keep crying you little bitch boy.
he is fucking crazy?
You are fake news too then. Quiet!
you seem mentally ill, just like your president
wow surely this'll sink the trump ship
Of course I'm happy, he's hilarious. I can't wait to watch more of the world burn.
NOT TRUE. time for sleepies.
its becoming great, AGAIN! if you would be so kind as to kys
that's not even him lol. oopsies, you fucked up (:
>Fake News
>Very Fake News
>Fraud News
Well, at least CNN should be happy to know they're no longer "fake news" but "fraud news" after all this time.
Kate's law + Muslim ban slide onto the books while everyone is distracted by meaningless bullshit.
>He's actually giving the left media a break & an excuse to look the other way without losing too much face.
Daily reminder this entire circus is orchestrated & stage managed from behind the curtain.
Stay mad hahahahaha 4th tweet down retarded.
0 Days without Winning Achmed
Take it down a notch.
Exactly what promises did he break? He seems pretty much on point except
For Syria
niggershit frogposter
youre a terrible moonman
because he's petty
He's basically yelling HINT HINT HINT at the people who don't see the lawsuit coming
but seriously we cant let him gets the codes
>they still think you can raid Sup Forums
he's the absolute madman
>How do any of you morons think this is fucking okay?
Change it, you don't deserve it.
>implying a president can't do whatever the fuck he wants
you people who pedestalize the position of president are some funny ass motherfuckers.
Captcha: Pizzeria
Topkek, I am still waiting for the ayy Shitpost tbqh
he did it because it's the truth
>They won't know what hit them
Even without this, I think the shill accusations are pretty heavy. We've known what was hitting is before the Hilary invasion. Ignorant.
If they send 1000 shills and we turn one of them we win. How many people with...problematic opinions are actually going to be turned by some faggy post? It only strengthens our resolve.
>We already have a few agents with names
U-uh oh...
we are EXTREMELY happy! Don't YOU get it??? Real American's hate muslims. you will never be the majority and there will NEVER be such a thing as sharia law. this is America, baby! founded "under God", the christian God.
>before he nukes someone
I vote to glass California first
He is taking on the Deep State and Black Ops CIA and Khazarian Zionist Mafia who OWN and control most media to brainwash you all and dumb you down. From the comments here it looks like it worked.
fake news cnn is better.
HIs main enemy is the most interesting enemy to have, the media (that happens to be owned buy Jews)
Yes I'm happy so much winning from mi papi Trump
Op is white, 90 pounds, locked in a cuck closet while his wife fucks his best friend, has a dildo up his ass, and is clearly a faggot.
It's funny and entertaining and most importantly, it's not wrong.
Truly the best president the world has seen in a long time
the SOONER the nukes start flying the better. it would be the ultimate uncuckening
He's a modern day Andrew Jackson. Fucking love it.
>Muslim flag
>jew confirmed
Its not your country you goatfucker
You can tell a shill because they think pol cares about shit trump promised to do lol
the people of pol have accute perceptive abilites and can spot shills and shitty logic a mile away
>the people of pol
Fuck off back to T_D
It was funny at first but now this is too much. You know the 25th amendment does let us remove a crazy president from office
>not speaking in 3rd person
i can tell you arent wealthy like this poster {me}
Have a (you).
>all these hidden flags
i may be a leaf
but you're all worse
Look at this fucking faggot lol
Kill yourselves
Complete garbage (((nu-pol))) bait thread
strange and uncertain times we are living in. trump has a right to post on twitter if all the leftist traitor cunts do. i wouldn't if i was president though. i'd be too busy vanquishing my enemies.
That's not how nukes work
hes so based right now no one can fucking stop him hes a mad man i tell ya
Why dont you shut your jew mouth, you piece of shit.
You are just a powerless little shit and reposting this crap in between all the BLACKED shit isnt gonna change the narrative, sweetie.
and more people will follow just like you to disowning trump. the house of cards is collapsing, you'll all see in 2018.
>We already have a few agents with names
His insult game and nicknames have gone down since he became president
something happened in the last few months. the only insults he has is "m-m-muh fake news"
Welcome to post-elections Sup Forums.