Mass shootings


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Yeah, now is safer.

Obama did a horrible job indeed

There was that one faggot obsessed with a shitty Nickelodeon show, but he was a Bernout so it doesn't matter to the media.

Tell that to Steve Scalise.

Niggers gonna nig

> Mass shootings stopped
> BLM Riots stopped
> Crazy ANTIFA riots stopped
> etc.

I think it's safe to say that we've postponed what (((they))) had in store for us at the very least.

We just had two shootings in the last week

one in a hospital in the northeast
one in a nightclub in Arkansas or something

Let's archive it

They still happen but the media is obsessed with Russia right now, the national media ignores all black on black crime and Left has realized the value of gun rights now that they're out of power which disincentivizes anti-gun propaganda to some extent.


They watered down the definition of mass shooting to include mass woundings.

Both nignogs getting their nog on.
The Holder false flags have stopped

Since when did they stop? The media just stopping giving them as much attention, since the perps don't fit the narrative.

Yeah. Pretty amazing isn't it?

If you want to stop shitskins from killing people, it helps to let the cops do their job instead of sitting on their hands till it's too late because muh racism.

postponement is not in our favor. every year white people become demographically less significant. the sooner the shit hits the fan, the better.

Only 12 with >=4 deaths, 25 with >=3 deaths since Trump took office.

Define stopped

Idk I'm kinda holding my breath on that until after le 4th

Notice how the flag isnt constantly at half staff now that obama is gone?

oh okay

you should clarify that you only mean shootings that involve white people

got em

rly makes u think

stopped him from doing what? fucking retard

No they didn't.

you have to go back
get better bait brochacho
try again
we'll wait

yes, but those shootings are just nig nogs being nig nogs. The worst part about being black is having to be part of a community with other black people.

Don't care.
I'm having fun watching Europe burn.

Agreed friend, now to just watch Europe burn, or for them to grow a pair and take on their leftists.

Notice that BLM went away the moment the election passed? Almost like they were only paid to swing votes.


hahahaha, CIA shills strike back

That's fucking garbage evidence, those people look nothing alike.

Or the 17 niggers that got shot last night, noone died tho.

based bot save me

Just give it time, there are plenty of loser teenagers who think taking out their peers that picked on them if justified.

Nothing Trump or Congress does is going to make this any more or less likely.

>Trump remarks on the damage some guys with knives and a truck did in londonastan an how there weren't guns
>media suddenly explodes giving massive coverage to any gun related event in the US the next two weeks

>those people look nothing alike.

according to this criteria
he didn't kill enough people to be considered a mass shooting unless you count himself.



>noone died tho.

>> Mass shootings stopped> BLM Riots stopped

it is actually true. hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

you're doing God's work

Holy shit I was wondering why that kept happening, that shit was absolutely disgraceful and killed the whole point of it.

didnt we just have one in nigville?

Why would they use the same 'actors'? If it's this important and all of the media is watching, why don't they just find new people?

There was a mass shooting at a NYC hospital two days ago:


So a bunch of niggers and Jews died who cares?