Are boomers the most spineless cunts to ever exist?


No, they are just behind Canadians.

they are a generation of cowards with a sick fetish of having their children breed with third world non-whites
the "cute mixed baby" meme came from boomers
the boomers are the best proof that the greatest generation was not great at all
gas the fucking boomers



In South America boomers are also the ones who support all the commies and make being Right-Wing pretty much impossible.

No. Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z are worse cowards. Not one of these generations has shown the fortitude to stand up to Boomers. It should have happened in the 90s. Gen X was ripe to sweep the rug right out from underneath Boomers then with the on set of modern technology and the internet. They failed to do so just like the spineless Millenials did and Gen Z is too.

How do we end the curse?

>duh Boomerz
L0Lno crymoar fgt pls

Do you know what that word means? If you did you would know that that title belongs to shillennials easily.

>Smoke glue and march with niggers
>Not spineless

They especially exist off a diet of self hatred and Jew dick.

What's the problem with boomers again? That they're wealthy and successful?

No shit, they've had 40 years to climb the corporate ladder and amass wealth. You 20-somethings straight out of college and still in debt are obviously aren't going to be able to afford McMansions, boats, etc. yet. Quit with the sour grapes already.

>they're wealthy and successful
they aren't either of those things

They spent their youth ruining education grew up had 1 job and bought a 2 million dollar house for 150k.

Baby boomers: "Enjoy your niggers and Jew overlords, now PAY FOR MY RETIREMENT AND HEALTHCARE UNTIL I TURN 110 YEARS OLD"

>be boomer
>have 1 child
>tell them to go to college
>get them a worthless degree
>"ok now since you'll be on minimum wage for at least 25 years, we'll have to bring in some pajeets and achmeds to pay for our 50 years of retirement. It's because you're lazy ;)"

>most of them will die off soon...get over it.


Boomers will NEVER die. Not as long as you pay your taxes! And work, work, WORK!


As a younger gen x whenever I tried to red pill people all I ever got was abuse or uncomfortable silence. Our generations are mostly maggots and faggots.

Where as boomers and ww2 gen would at least be receptive. Albeit they did seem to see it as a pretty hopeless situation, and didn't care a heck of a lot because they were well into their lives or at the end of them and we're financially pretty well set.

Spineless, I don't about that but they are definitely the most gullible. They know the media lies to them all time, but then they still believe everything they say. If you say anything that diverges from the media they will label you a "conspiracy theorist" which inherently makes you wrong no matter how many times you're right. Then again there is my brother who told me that it was undeniable that Russia hacked our election, but when I asked how he had no explanation and just got mad at me
