1. The jews own Sup Forums. They use it to test the strength and intelligence of the resistance. Whenever something rises to the surface that they don't agree with, they shut it down. If it keeps rising over and over again they deploy the shillsquad to slide the catalog in the direction of their favor. It's safe to assume the mods have been compromised on all boards on all chans.
2. It's easier to manipulate people if they have no unifying identity. You know how in big cities, people don't really have communities of friendships with their neighbors? Imagine that on a state level. The goal of the Globalist is to destroy identity. It starts with foreigners stating that they are every bit as Swedish/English/German as any one whose family has lived their since the Neolithic, and ends with an indiscriminate mass of mindless, materialistic drones.
3. Our intellect is actively being suppressed >lack of parenting >unhealthy food in our diets >the entire "educational" system >the slavery being passed as a work environment >the absolute decline in quality of "popular" music >our vocabulary >mistaking self destruction instead of self improvement as "fun" Everything mentioned above has been altered to keep people as stupid and docile as possible. All of this is done with the intention to gradually eliminate thousands of years of evolutionary reasoning powers and pattern recognition.
Angel Perez
Thank you sir More need to know this! Know your enemies.
Benjamin Price
Bump so people can learn Jew tactics
Adam Reyes
I hate kikes
James Evans
Ryan Flores
Jaxson Brown
Typical anarchist conspiratard.
Leo Watson
Sebastian Scott
>The goal of the Globalist is to destroy identity. Absolutely. This is what has happened in communist countries over and over.
Austin Wilson
>tfw kekistan is another Psy-Op kosher edition FUCK THIS REEEEEEEEEEEE
Easton Reyes
so what you are saying is this is where they find the boundary because our opinion gets heard? wtf i hate representation now
Carter Moore
Just an off side idea from this little leaf, pol should have a word the day/week thread where we learn new words, and expand our volcabulary, this will help our discussion more then us calling each other kikes, chinks, niggers (not if it's a bad word when u act like one), white boi
Question is if it's gonna be a mod operated thread or user?
Just an idea..... From this very proud leaf
Henry Murphy
Brandon Gonzalez
Noah Reyes
>muh privacy
Owen Fisher
>Jews are actually very insecure and weak and need to prop themselves up with money in order to feel superior...attack the Jews financially and watch them fall like the snowflakes they are.
Anthony Jones
Yes and what a shame it is.
Whites need to colonize space. We have had it cushy for too long.
Juan Taylor
Adam Nelson
cointelpro hasn't been relevant since the end of Bush-era cia
Kayden Garcia
Always ask yourselves this about everything in life; is this a coincidence or is this a (((coincidence)))?
Luke Bell
Zachary Nelson
RARE thread have a bump
Cooper Bennett
Leo Williams
Zachary Johnson
checked >enemies picrelated
Christian Morales
Good idea leaf, may the rake pass you by this fall.
If no one does it, I will. And ill make it great.
David Cox
~plot twist~ we are all jews
Parker Flores
Lucas Russell
Dylan Jones
Christian Russell
>Destroys own premise in first sentence.
Makes legitimate anti PR post sleazy antisemitic bullshit.
Well played.
Leo White
Carson Kelly
Andrew Richardson
John Bailey
Strange... nobody wants to accept the simple fact that jews own Sup Forums
Jose Reyes
The shilling is obvious at this point. (((They))) clearly guide opinion and manufacture consensus among those who aren't following the mainstream media.
Owen Moore
That is what crypto currency is for, it makes banks redundant, we need to relise that