Ask a Czech nationalist anything
Ask a Czech nationalist anything
Why is Poland >>>>>>>>>> Czech ??
you cant divide brothers, kike
Who is /ourguy/ in Czech elections this year?
How do I into Czechia? Gib citizenship pls. I am huwhite anglo male with college education and want guns and yurope culture.
what is your opinion on Slovakia?
what is your day to day life like?
would you like a country similar to the Austro-Hungarian Empire to created or are you happy that the western-Slavic countries are their own countries?
also why are all the best porn stars Western-Slavs?
what elections, my hue friend? The entire parliament is anti muslim and anti immigration, thats all pretty gud I'd say
No leaf, you're the cancer. Fix your own country rather than shitting up someone elses
Visegrad nations are pretty cool. Good on you.
Okay ill try. If (when) Canada goes to shit in 20yrs when Im a minority can I come then? I promise to help kill terrorists