Nigga what?
Other urls found in this thread:
something something mental illness.
Are we near or at the pinnacle of degeneracy yet?
Mental illness and american autism.
>poe's law strikes again
So...back to being heterosexual men?
It's almost like people on this board don't lurk the faggot board.
Vice needs to be purged
Proof that sexuality and gender are fluid
they do everything they can to not look Quetaine
Does this mean we're going to get an influx of porn where trannies fuck real women?
Why is west pushing this agenda so much?
What's wrong with you stupid People.
Please don't do this, People here try to imitate you thinking it's cool.
Just stop it please.
So...still gay.
i figured it out:
>women who dressed like men and fucked men are now attracted to women.
>when you can't choose your sexuality but you can choose your gender, and if you change it you can choose your sexuality too
No, gay again.
yet another South Park joke becomes reality
To the chambers gay faggot.
South Park predicted this years ago.
This is what happens to every trans man I know. Gets fucked in the ass a few times then decides they like being pinned in vagina.
Trans woman = cross dressing homosexual
Trans woman trans lesbian= cross dressing cis male
>mentally ill men who are bisexual
the corporate media is trying to undermine existing, more traditional social structures in an attempt to make people more pliable consumers.
that is the motivation. identity politics is just an excuse to slap more labels on people so they can sell bumper stickers and make it easier to focus group test their products. without traditional family and group structures individuals are forced to turn to the corporate, commodified version
they're going for the kids next
Anyone else remember when Vice was edgy and un-PC? My local pub used to stock it and if was always a good read. Now it's SJW central. Sad!
Buckle up. You aint seen nothing yet
Beat me to it senpai.
What the F does that BS
We're not going to see anymore because this shit is going to stop. This is reality, not a video game, and people are fed up.
Yes, because it's the people pushing this, not the Jews and their pets who run nearly everything else in the country. Feeling upset? Go kill some Jews. Maybe that'll stop it.
> I only love men
> Next year: I only love women
You can't go from Gay to Lesbian. That's just not how it works. I'd expect these people to be bisexuals in denial but that doesn't win you as many opression points.
What way they born?
I don't think this show gets enough credit around here. It's easily one of, if not the, most red-pilled and brilliant works of social satire et al. Good to see popular shows that reject PC culture, desu.
>being gender fluid and totally open to all sexualities is totally normal and totally regular
>now read the thousandth article about some totally normal couple doing normal things
>be gay for years
>get SRS
>suddenly become a lesbian
Doesn't this actually prove that homosexuality is not genetic and is really a mental illness/sick fetish?
Someone should notify the (((scientists))) about that
stumbled into this today. it was two women wrestling. turned out one of them had a dick and it turned from lesbian porn into straight porn. but then the dude with breast implants got pegged. my dick was very confused.
Literally, AIDS.
they know it's far from normal, but they want to normalize it for some unholy reason
Spoiler alert: they're still gay men
Jesus christ it's like every month we hear a story of a person or a couple that outdoes the previous one in degeneracy. How far will it go lads? I'm scared.
Just how many layers of larp are they on?
what the fuck
burn in hell
Hopefully they cover this brave lesbian tranny
a decent leafpost, nice
Happy Syrup Day
soon when degeneracy is the norm the degenerates will have to come full circle and only the thing left that's truly taboo is heterosexual intercourse between married couples using only the missionary position
>the very same show whose creators claim to be libertarians, then proceeded to bitch and moan because they thought Hillary was going to win
Very redpilled
As always conshitvative brainlets unable to comprehend basic full-length sentences.
Hey buddy, that kind of statement demands a link. Link me up senpai, my dick wants to be confused.
>How far will it go lads?
Open Pedophilia is the next edge to be ridden by the degenerate cucks.
Despite the insanity of the left many people still feel being openly pedo is still to far but just you watch. The left is pushing the limits to see how far they will be allowed to go and pedo is high on the list and I would not put it past these faggots to try normalizing pedo on a large scale within the next few years.
The highest level of degeneracy included shit like AIDS parties were these cucks intentionally inject themselves with AIDS infected blood but that level shit only goes on well below the radar of the average person and is too much for even the Reddit tier leftist to accept. Basically, this level of degeneracy ends in death cults and murder/sacrifice level extremes.
The Left seems determined to make all jokes a reality
That had got to be some mental shit. No wonder Der they like to stick a, 357 Magnum in their mouths. You cannot defile the spirit (the breath of life in every human) of the Creator with the lowest unhygienic form of perversion and expect no retribution. Thank God homosexuality is illegal in Alabama!
So ok I'm confused.
So it's originally a man.
And then he transforms into a gay man.
The he evolves into a tranny woman
Then becomes a lesbian tranny woman?
If that's the case, he originally wanted to fuck girls....and his end result still involves him wanting to fuck girls? What the fuck's the point of all that in between?
So being gay is a choice and you're not born that way?
>The degenerate who fucked one thing, and wasn't gassed in time, so if fucked another thing.
Not saying I agree with them on all their positions, simply that I appreciate the value they put on freedom of speech and and the basic shitposting they do at the expense of identity politics in general. They've been trolling all sides for the last 20 years. Put some respek on it.
Mental health issues.
I also forgot open bestiality.
"Sick revellers at Oxford toff bash ‘romped with a goat’ during debauched uni party"
>normal men don't want to fuck trannies
>so they fuck eachother
>"lol lesbian benis sucking"
We are not pushing g it brother. They are in the closet in Alabama and if they come out they will wish a psycho Islamic group had ended it quickly with gravity.
You just have to look at all of the Scandinavian countries who because of the whole multi kulti bullshit are trying to outdo themselves for how accomodating they can be towards a certain religious group that thinks fucking a nine year old is being restrained.
Wew lad. Those trips are pure pottery
I'd love to be a lesbian. Best of both worlds.
I don't like my hairy male body.
No, no, they don't want men. They want women.
They're not committed to being women, they're only doing it because they failed sexually as men. Blame split between feminism and themselves for being retards. And their idea of womanhood doesn't mature beyond crossdressing and penis in vagina, and most of them don't get castrated in the first place. They've got the sexual maturity of a horny teenager and will certainly kill themselves if epiphany ever strikes and they realize this.
Why not have both genitals? You can give yourself the S U C C and you won't be a virgin because you lost virginity to yourself.
>men who like women
We call that "straight. These faggots need to check their fucking straight privilege
Feel like, for some people, being gay has alot to do with being attracted to your own body. For instance I couldn't give a fuck about how hairy my body is, just about the other person. Which would actually explain why some people become gay again after changing sexes. Being straight I know that I wouldn't fuck me. And now that I just typed that out I think I understand what Buffalo Bill was talking about.
>people here
Where exactly?
>dat face
>dat bulge
You're not a smart one, aren't you?
I did some meth
started the video after the intro at the 2 minute mark and he lost the arm wrestle. I got duped. I am not a smart man.
There are some decent indications that what makes people gay is a feeling of same-sex attraction. It actually validates the notion of transexuality, that people who switch their sex remain same-sex-attracted.
It's pretty fucking common with mental illness ((("MtF"))). They are always absolute failures as men so they always wind up "lesbian tranny".
This lets them attempt to talk to women about shopping and babies and all this kind of crap Right wing women flee and lefty women have to push down the natural instinct of bile rising in their throat and pretend its normal. Some are so brainwashed they're probably nominally friends before some kind of awkwardness makes them ghost or they become a real ghost because they're cut up and stored in the tranny's freezer.
That's a neat theory. Too bad it lacks any form of evidence and is actually just nonsense you blew out your ass.
"Hoomosexualism can't be fixed", yet they changed their preferences
Stay away from children.
I ran it through archive archive.is
Watched an episode from the recent mst3k remake.
The stranded guy is stereotypically newmale, the robots joke like they're posting on tumblr, and the evil scientist is that nose-refuelled lesbian from The Guild.
I know it's a kid's show.
But why do leftists have to ruin everything?
>"Homosexualism can't be fixed", yet they changed their preferences
That's been the biggest crock of shit forever and one of their greatest tools to normalize mental illness. Now that it's accepted hey're abandoning it with all the genderfluid brand of mental illness and hoping no one remembers.
It's going to look pretty funny with the Supreme Court cake thing coming up where they argue they're being discriminated against for something that is absolutely a choice unlike skin color.
>TFW pre-op pre-hormone trans lesbian
I hated it at first but it grew on me. My only problem now is their speed. They rapid fire jokes without a break. The jokes aren't bad but old show had a comfortable relaxing pace. On the positive side the quality of bad movies has gone up. Felicia Day ain't so bad. Patton Oswald's character gets annoying.
Not even close.
Dude, for a preview just look up videos on what was going in the Weimar Republic. Fucking jews man, sick people.
Underrated post.
When I meet some crazy degenerate, the first thing I'll try is bringing this paradox, I wonder what "their" reaction will be
Translation for Sup Forums: They're faggots who got their dicks chopped off and now people are calling them "lesbians".
Still have kids and animals to go..after that nobody knows!
Many such cases. Sad!
Is this like a reverse roastie?
Some effeminate faggot gets pozzed weekly for years and then decides he wants to settle down so now he's (she's?) "gay" and only dates women?
I cant even do the mental gymnastics required for my own post.
Why ask why it only fuels confusion.
Mental illness is the new fashion.
Is it possible to go full circle?
Im a trans-gay who identifies as straight.
idk if its been mentioned yet but this shit has caused an offshoot to a group of feminsists more like 90s feminists who call themselves "gender critical" and the trannys/sjws call trans exclusionary radical feminists. basically its a bunch of women, majority lesbians, who feel like their feminism has been overtaken by trannys. reading their accounts was really interesting. trannys are so absolutely fucked in the head it beggars belief. really shows how retarded the average white woman is these days too.