Ameri-bros aussies need your freedom of speech superpowers

We are under attack, and like our britbong cousins we are powerless to respond because of our statist hate speech laws.

They are now gangin up to attack the average aussie.

Here they are celebrating the end of the killing month.

Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Notice to Foreigners:

Free Speech:
Western Australia (Perth)
Tasmania (no major cities)
Queensland (Brisbane)

Some Restrictions:
South Australia (Adelaide)
New South Wales (Sydney)

No Free Speech:
Victoria (Melbourne)

u wot m8

Look for now you can do your part by joining Bernardis conservatives and don't watch the project until waleed gets the sack.

I've heard Perth is the best city for getting laid as an American. Sounds like a nice place.

It's called civil disobedience, the trick is to do it in numbers.

If you want freedom of speech then you need to draft it as a right in your constitution. It has to be legally guaranteed and have little to no restriction on its use. There must also be wording that makes it so that it is primarily aimed at the government. You want to try and take the government's power away as much as you can to make it work.

also none of us know what the fuck killing month is, but it sounds like a great month

Because she's been getting away with everything with impunity she's getting bolder

ramadan m9

oh, right, good luck with that

Now you know why we have a 2nd amendment.


Melbourne I reckon is easiest. There's nothing in Perth. Just a smaller Brisbane with way less to see.

Kek wills it

I don't think you understand.

The mainstream media is either dying, or becoming a joke because it's dependent on either government subsidies or corporate welfare. This woman is such an atrocious personality when things actually become equal the media simply won't hire outspoken black Muslim women because of her and it'll be okay, no hard feelings, we totally only accidentally found the most obnoxious black Muslim woman in Melbourne during the Islamic semi-cold war.

Remember, Sup Forums thinks at least 4d.

BTW yasmin, the "i take my hijab off and it feels bad" thing is so childish. I'd need to be forcibly stripped naked before I feel ashamed in public because I control how I feel.

Yet another dumb lefty helping us win the war simply by existing.

Another cunt.

Yet another perfect stereotype of the electronically aggressive brown man who says all sorts of shit online. Yet another insult to Muslim people.

>actually telling cassie jaye she's a bad person for thinking about the victims first
Not stereotypical of a Pakistani to think raped boys isn't an issue at all.

We don't really have free speech

But it seems like it's not really enforced unlike in the UK

>Melbourne is easiest
Depends if you want her to speak English or not.

It's too late. Make your peace with it or leave.

Her shitter^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Forgot my pic!

Please remember how negative laws work in Australia, if there's no law against it it's assumed to be legal until challenged.

What about a petition for constitutional free speech to federal parliament? I know its pretty shit, but its better than nothing. Need normies to spread it through social media though.