What happened to western women?

What happened to western women?

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Collectively shit testing men, specifically millennial men, in revenge for PUA.

You think I'm motherfucking kidding?


Media constantly telling women to have a career and never have kids and telling men to be gay and cuckolds.

We let them have freedom and gave them a titanic safety net that prevents them from actually feeling the consequences of their actions. Women have almost exclusively voted to expand that safety net to include stuff like birth control as well, so they can whore it up even harder.

Ask any woman what "freedom" is to her, and her answer will nearly always actually be "freedom from consequences" to some degree. To a woman, "freedom" is the safety to do what she wants without fear of reprisal.

>in revenge for PUA.
What do you mean? I assumed PUA was the response to this phenomena

yep. kike media is literally causing the destruction of a race of people. Hitler was so right it's not even funny

My girlfriend right now. Drunk as fuck, passed out on my bathroom floor, waking up occasionally to tell me she hates me. I am her financial support btw.

Feminism as well as the general moral decay.

They got way easier and friendlier thanks to openness about sex and relationships with the passing of time. If you cannot get laid in this day and age, you really are either a smelly hermit or a bottom of the barrel scrapping ugly loser.

Forgot pic. My alcoholic gf boys and girls. Life is great when you're dating a drunk who hates you (or is honest) only when she is drunk.

what is "shit testing"?

K and it uploaded upside down for some reason

the funny thing is women don't realize that the girl on the left is more attractive to men

>posts nude gf in a vulnerable state

It's true--a woman is only as good as her man. Kill her then yourself, thx

>alcoholic gf hates you
>financially support her
What a cuck.

I second to that.

Seeing what they can get away with. In a relationship, a good example of a shit test would be coming home late smelling of another man, even if she didn't actually do anything with another guy. It's to see how you will react and see if you will put her in her place.

I'm a shitty person but I don't force other people to deal with my shit


Post timestamp could be random.

You ever see that study that shows men find "cute" girls more memorable than "hot" girls?

Getting laid became easier, finding a good partner became next to impossible. And I'm not even one of those guys who gets butthurt a girl has had sexual partners before me, but girls hand out sex so easily now that the average 20 year old has had a couple dozen dicks in her already. This raises so many red flags for anyone who isn't a complete idiot.

Basically taking the piss to see if you'll react. If you don't you failed the test.

You are by being her sole financial support. She may have good reason to hate you that you aren't telling us about. Also, keep in mind that she *is* drunk and naked on your floor with you and not someone else's.

Funny or sad, doesn't really matter, for it's maddening that we tell them we prefer the left but they'd rather listen to (((popular media))) and act like the right.

No, no you're not recognising where we're at, PUA was the response to the real sexual revolution which was the creation of the meat market clubs in the 80s. PUA was then adopted by young gen X and millennial men, who blatantly posted it freely and accessibly on the internet for all women to see and become paranoid about.

Oh boy, just wait till you get a girlfriend bro. In short, it's how women power play and feel secure, it's literally a test.

In men, reaction seeking is meant to be unattractive and akin to approval seeking. Shit testing is extremely immature behaviour and they do it because they know if everyone shit tests then every guy has to accept their shit.

See, collective, global shit test.

Thanks ladies.


Women are group thinkers. Jews created a non-existent, extremely degenerate group to follow through the media, college "education" and feminism (peer pressure).

I don't care. We've broken up and gotten back together countless times. She's 29 and still gets shitfaced falling-down drunk multiple times a week.

You have exactly 10 seconds to explain to me why are you putting up with this shit

My partner who I've been with for two years now has only had one previous sex partner, she'd attractive, She's friendly to everyone, yet she's not a whore. Stop generalizing, it's untrue and unintelligent

Because when she's sober she's a great companion and lover.

Is this loss?

The girl on the right gets more attention

Do we have to say it every time?

Keep in mind that the phenomenon OP describes is more likely to be highly exaggerated to dissuade men from breeding. Women are sexually passive, and when men are led to believe they're active by the media, they sit around and wait for pussy to fall in their laps playing COD and postING on MGTOW boards while they become less viable mates with every passing day.

>Brown nipple

She's not white

Not for them.

She's not. She's half spic

This, also. It takes more sluttiness to get male attention since men are encouraged to overstim themselves in every area of life.

Similar story here. Many young men fall for the "going to a bar, going to a club" meme to meet women, but that's where Jews herd the sluts. You aren't going to meet a good woman at social events like this. Get a non-degenerate hobby and you'll find women aplenty who aren't stupid whores. I don't get these young guys who keep complaining about how there are no good women. There's plenty, but they are too busy obsessing over models and ignore the plane janes who just need a little work to become excellent wife material.


Do you perhaps want to try and put a baby in her and believe that will fix her?
I've seen many people try to fix their relationship with a baby. Terrible idea.

That's way too small a picture

The shit testing always goes on, that's why so many societies are rigidly patriarchal. It's ultimately where women are most comfortable because they have protection and not nearly as many responsibilities

Feminism was the shit test. They kept nagging men until men finally relented on voting rights, and it just got worse from there. That merely broke the seal Women realized that men were giving in more to their demands so kept pushing and pushing, without even realizing they were creating men who were utterly unattractive to them. But they don't care, because muh liberation

Years of whining have worn white men down to the point where they don't even want to contribute to society anymore, and women are running rampant having casual sex (the conjunction of birth control and sexual liberation helped with that) without actually having children or starting a family.

Women also are in the work force in higher numbers, sacrificing precious time that could be spent actually continuing the human race. This also reduces their pool of acceptable men, as women still overwhelmingly prefer men wealthier or more educated than them, so the fact that more women than men get college degrees means in their minds that there's a shortage of men, when in fact the men are killing themselves and taking drugs at record rates after being beaten down in a gynocentric public school system. But women insist on marrying up, even if they're reducing the number of men they'll even find acceptable

So it makes perfect sense why feminists love Muslim "refugees." These are savage, masculine men who will rape the women and treat them like the pieces of meat they want to be treated as. I can't think of any other explanation other than maybe they blame their white male fathers of all of the world's problems so they ally with gangraping savages to get back at him.

>has sex outside of wedlock
>not a whore
Oh sweetie, no. That's not how it works, darling. If a woman isn't going to be a virgin on her day of marriage she is a whore by default.

Yep. It's a sad self perpetuating cycle.

Just ignore guys like that. They're not worthy of our comradery and are obvious losers, and it's fun to see them rage

Prove you are from around here and put a shoe on her head and retake the photo.

Their dads didn't love them.

Black women are more likely to graduate frim college than any other demo in the US due to social programs. School is now skoo and has become wholly worthless.

Is that the same girl?

They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth.


Yes... I wonder...

Who cares?

Dude I didn't know Colin Farrell was a Sup Forumsack when he was 10 years younger

>t. guy from a remote village in the 3rd world

But women rarely comprehend the consequences of their actions, so either white men reassert themselves and put their women back in their place, or the Muslim men will. Because right now in countries like Sweden there's 124 young men for every 100 young women because of their suicidal refugee policy. One group will lay claim to the women, and they'll both fight for the female, as it always is in nature

Unironically income inequality. Poverty creates degenerate behavior because it triggers r-selection. Not only that poverty creates the manchild problem as well. In the US the middle class has been rapidly disappearing for at least 20 years. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. The myth that Jews are spreading cultural Marxism is actually a convenient Jew myth. That way people focus their attention on the media in stead of the material conditions of the economy.

My mother divorced my father, followed by the usual spiel of how men are evil, my father was at fault etc etc. Women in my schools, women in my environment, all constantly lying to me about how women behave in general. Many young men are now suffering from similar conditions inflicted upon them, so I think it's worth telling them that there's plenty of women out there who aren't like that and that they shouldn't waste time on slags.

Most of our initial instinct when looking at that sluts pic on the right (and girls who look like that in general) is to fuck her brains out.

I mean sure its less depressing to blame the external world, like the jews or some shit, but I think we're all to blame as individuals. We've given in to nihilism and we cannot resist its temptation. Women dress to compete for male attention, the majority of western men want porn fucksluts, so women dress like that. But it's not just men who have caved to the nihilism obviously, women themselves have a whole set of temptations that they've fallen into.

Only a weak man blames the external world.

Goal of marriage is a family. If women see that no man is willing to also wait until marriage to fuck, the biological impulse is to simply accept that she must lose it forst.

Again, women are passive sxually. They will do as the man says if that strengthens their monogamous pair bond.

Wow what a shame she had the look of a classy classical women. Those looks for nothing but degeneracy.

The two ones are makeup-whores.

>What happened to western women?
Porn culture and gay acceptance.

this screenshot is utter bullshit

Third world women are far more likely to be whores than women in advanced societies

Serves a flaggot right honestly

Im gen x, nobody like parents or whoever mentioned how horrible women can be to inexperienced young guys, when I was 17 i put up with all kinds of crap from women. Because we got no help at all from boomer generation.
Beyond "find a girl settle down"
Younger blokes are lucky that they can learn about shit testing and female bs,before they even have to mingle.

For me the game is up, nearly fifty and given up on women.

What's she saying?

>triggers r-selection
is this leafbait?

Besides the latter part, because I do believe media is meant to placate people, I 100% agree with you and wish more people would realize this before >muh pure Cambodian virgin

My initial reaction to that picture is
>what a bunch of whores, gtfo
Pretty good eh

No, the majority of men want a pornslut is a jewish meme targeted towards the r-selected. Think about it, the porn industry puts out thousands of free videos every year. Who is paying for all this? It can't possibly be a profitable business since free porn is everywhere. Then you look at who owns these businesses and it's all jews, funded through other jewish subsidiaries. It's part of the genocide agenda, plain and simple. When you're aroused, the part of the brain that makes decisions physically gets less blood pumped into it and they know it.

Porn is unnatural and women who use sexuality to get what they want do so because they're bad people who can't get it any other way.


How exactly are females sexually passive? Have you seen how women between 18 and 30 behave in the West? They actively seek out dick and often pressure men into fucking them. Because it is humiliating for a man to turn a woman down, they have little choice in the matter. The tables were turned with the arrival of the pill. Women are very much sexually active.

Your father's absolute did fail big time. So did the women's fathers. You think this a man only thing?

I was where you are once. Tell her she stops drinking or you stop supporting her. Threaten to go and find a real woman and all that fun stuff. Dont put out unless she hasnt been acting out. Shes putting you through a shit-test like a dumb stubborn cunt. Make it real.

Nah she's not mate, that's just what you tell yourself

No how is that confusing? The less money people have the more degenerate they behave. R-selection tells women to act like sluts and breed like niggers. It also makes the pavement ape more attractive as a mate since he has the qualities which seem better in a desperate situation. I'm not saying that the media doesn't play a part but it is nothing compared to white people becoming less prosperous over time.

You can't threaten women into a happy relationship any more than Stalin could force people to be productive at gunpoint.

What you want is subtle conditioning, by speaking out your displeasure about certain behaviors while encouraging others.

>implying the degenerate whores like the one in OP's pic are in poverty
What the fuck are you on?

>Not transmogrifying your gear so it looks great or at least all in the same style

I can only speak for men of my age group.

Well she can't drink if she's pregnant lul

Or, you know, you just leave and find a better partner.

I use to be into PUA, it was fun man. Going out every weekend, then posting to my secret club the sexual adventures I got up to. I and my best friend were both into it.

And you're right, once it became this common thing all over the internet I got out. I wasn't the same, and folks on the forums were just complete retards. Not that there weren't any before, but it's just out of hand now.

Anyways, a shame to see such a cool industry fall apart, but that's the cycle I guess.

Nobody even said that.


You identified them as whores, that's essentially the point. You can larp all you want and pretend you truly aren't interested in no strings hookups with whores, but you're still part of the problem. Let me guess you watch porn, or are you one of those guys who spends all day on Sup Forums but acts like he doesn't like porn?

It's okay, responsibility is terrifying for most people. That's why most of the men here crave a dominant Hitler type figure to show them the ropes.

From what I've gathered, her sister's pictures show that she had a normal life until about 2012, which is just before she took the picture on the right and created her Tumblr. The picture on the left is from 2010 or so.

Funnily enough, every time I see her picture on the left on Sup Forums, everyone seems to think she's Slavic, but she has a German surname and is actually from the USA.

>Not realizing this is from TBC.
Come on newfag you can't just out yourself like t his

Yea the media does play a part but blaming only the media I think is a mistake
I'm not talking about Somalian starvation poverty I'm talking about western poverty; she may not be completely destitute but chances are her family is either already below true middle class or is heading that way; both parents probably work and they probably can't afford to spend the time it takes to foster proper morals in her. Cucks like you don't realize that Capitalism is the economic form of Judaism.

Wow, really?

Haven't watched porn in weeks, trying to come clean and be a better man.

Exactly, the best way to avoid trouble is to avoid troublesome people, but even then you aren't going to find someone who is 100% perfect for you in every way. It's easier to work from 80 or 90% than it is from 10%, obviously.

You are an r-selected beta bitch who doesn't think about consequences so of course you project your whore-lust onto sane K-selected people. Enjoy your aids.


>What happened to western women?

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:



Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




what's pua

Sexually active =/= active sexuality. A woman cannot penetrate a man and impregnate him. Women create personas they believe will attract men. A woman's sexual fantasies statistically revolve around a man taking advantage of her naturAL submissive nature.

Seeking dick betrays their passive nature--they are seeking TO BE fucked, not TO fuck.

Nope, you're dodging the question like I knew you would. You're an ideologue, look at your fucking post cunts.
