Socialism doesn't work

>Socialism doesn't work
>Praise Hitler

You can't be this retarded can you?

Other urls found in this thread:

National Socialism works; civic socialism does not.

pol is not a single person, dumbshit canuck.

Fucking based leaf, now can we talk about how hitler was a jew himself and bullshited the holohoax, surrendered his country to communism, and then made his merry way to argentina with his goybux to party his gay jewish ass off?

What do you expect from when the Germans are productive af and love to be controlled. Combine that with killing the retards and Gypsies and you're productive af. They would've taken over the world if their unifying wasn't a slow process.

Corporatism is not socialism.
OP is not hetrosexual.


I don't care if it's socialism just for whites, it's still socialism. And working specifically for the benefit of complete strangers makes you a turbocuck. End of story.

And working for Jews isn't? You ultrocuck

People misunderstand why socialism and communism doesn't work. They're perfectly fine systems, make plenty of sense, and work wonderfully!

...As long as the original leader, who typically has what's best for his people in mind stays in charge.

The issue with communism and socialism is that you are giving absolute power to someone, or a group of someones. This means that corruption is significantly more likely.

All it takes is 1 Stalin or Mao to absolutely ruin a country thanks to the full control that communism or socialism gives it's leaders. Germany itself is a great example in fact!

Hitler was, by all measures, a man who loved his country and people. But can you imagine if in a few decades time, he died of old age? Who would take over do you think? Would they care about the people as much as him?

>Muh thousand year reich works
>lasted ten years

National socialism works


enjoy getting steam rolled by communists you autistic ancap

The whole point of fascism, national socialism, falangism, etc was to oppose the rapidly expanding communist movement in Europe. Feudalism/monarchy are shit and libertarianism is a pipedream and always fails when there is an actual outside threat.

I'd love to be able to send every autistic kikebergtard back in time to Eastern Europe during the Mongol Invasions to seem them try to explain to Genghis why the "non aggression principle" is so great. Afterwards he'd pick his teeth with their bones.

Fuck off and die.

it did a far better job at opposing communism than your ridiculous fagtopia ever would have

It worked very well economically.

National Socialism =/= Marxist

>Hitler is conveniently a socialist now
The only economic policy of hitler's people praise is trying to ride his country of jews

If you think Hitler was a corporatist you're fucking retarded.

>take huge loans
>spend it on war machine
>use war machine to attack lenders
>get crushed

National socialism isn't Marxism/communism

>The only economic policy of hitler's people praise

libergtarian detected

>take huge loans

You have no idea what you're talking about

Banks create money out of nothing. If you have a central bank you can create money out of nothing without charging usury.

>use war machine to attack lenders

oy vey muh innocent kikes

Except they were already getting kicked out and forced out of parasitic finance.

>get crushed

By the 3 major world powers combined while the 2 "heroes" Britain and America then handed half the world over to communists.

Libertarians are so fucking stupid it hurts. They brag about handing the world over to communism as if it was a victory then they brag about all the non white immigrants they are letting into the country.


Socialism is the natural route to communism. National Socialism is merely fascism, which was made by Mussolini as a way to larp as a communist while also getting to be a dictator, without just having to go for the straight corruption approach.

If germoney was so well off, why did they invade poland?

>fail in only ten years
>then retreat to a dream world for a thousand years

>Preventing class crime by throwing the least amount of fiat shekels


Fascism was the only way to use collective action to combat communism

If you shill against fascism you are by default a communist enabler

The fact that faggot libertarians celebrate communists taking over half the world is proof of their collaboration and open material support of communists.

Launching pad to invade Russia and stop the communist menace. Hitler wanted to side with Poland and invade USSR together but they rejected his offer.

Good thing we stopped them and handed half the world to communism!

thanks le based America!!!!

>never exist ever

bravo ancaps

>libergtarian detected
why cant statists make a good sounding insult? are they afraid of merkel taking them away for holoocaust denial

Make up whatever excuses you want to push your blend of socialism you commie scum. Look up the origin of fascism are the NatSoc part sometime. Hell, look up Hitlers policies and beliefs. He's a fucking liberal, authoritarian bastard just like Stalin.

>If you shill against fascism you are by default a communist enabler
same goes for shilling against liberatarianism, or did you think the freedom to disassociate from brown people was a given?


Socialism needs nationalism to work. Having open borders and loose lips sinks the ship of socialism.

>Germany unemployed
>hitler needed baby boom

Socialism was the answer for the time and environment

>afraid of merkel taking them away for holoocaust denial

Yes someone think of the poor kikes.

>sides with communists
>denigrates Germans who fought against communism
>calls anyone else a communist

just kys

libertarianism is retarded

How can individuals resist collective action? Answer: you can't. So you implicitly support whatever collective group is going to invade you and (probably) kill you. In the modern world that menas you're supporting leftists, communists, anarchists, globalists, and international finance.


Ah yes, because all communists and socialists must be allies, right? Surely there can never be two locations with tension. Are you fucking retarded?

It's an indisputable fact that Stalin's off-brand Leninism is different not only in ideology and practice than Hitler's NatSoc, but Hitler's polices and beliefs are inherently socialist.

Wow it's almost like the 2 aren't mutually exclusive when used to make the term Natsoc....
really makes you think.


The "economic miracle" was a huge credit card refinancing. WW2 was a sad attempt to pay it off with slave labor. (WW1 was the original mortgage.)

First time in history the rich had the money to hire an entire county of thugs.

The Nazi as superior thing is like the flat earth thing.

Only total morons with no idea how to work Google believe it. Hitler was nothing more than a coked up failed artist hired by the rich to try and enslave the planet.

Wow, I guess invading Russia was all apart of the act huh?

Socialism doesn't work.

Hitler was a dumb cuck.

End of story.

The fact Jews are entirely behind Austrian/Libertarian economics and Communism should tell you everything you need to know.

Centrist national economic policies are everything they hate. They can't run it via community organizations or banks.

Yea he totally didn't have a life size portrait of Henry Ford in his office.

Oh wait he totally did.

Hitler's Germany was essentially the first major country run entirely by corporatists.

Get your history somewhere other than WW2 movies and stormfront.

>Ah yes, because all communists and socialists must be allies, right?

No, I said the Germans fought the communists, you fucking moron.

>Hitler's polices and beliefs are inherently socialist.

And nationalist

The Germans didn't owe anyone anything, and you're an idiot if you think otherwise

The very foundation of a sovereign credit system means the concept of a state "being in debt" is meaningless.

It should, but libertarians and neoliberal shills are notoriously oblivious to the facts.

>Marxian socialism is best socialism

Fucking leaf ofc.


Yes. Socialism and Nationalism are not inherently separate. My only point was that Hitler, and NatSoc is Socialist, which is the natural route to communism; which can also be Nationalist in ideal.

No matter how much you idolize Hitler, and wish you could get your goodboy points for turning in das juden, eventually someone else would have gotten in charge and ruined Germany if Hitler didn't do it himself. (See how he constantly ignored his generals and advisers and instead made decisions based on emotion rather than logic or facts."

> Hi, I'm a huge moron that knows exactly nothing about why Germany was at the center of both world wars.

There's this treaty you should look into.


>let the state control you to keep jews from controlling you
Sounds great to me!

>which is the natural route to communism

A national socialist system can't convert to communism without destroying the very essence of nationalism.

>why Germany was at the center of both world wars

First for opposing the Russian Empire

Then for opposing the USSR

Hitler just canceled the reparation payments, Weimar didn't pay much either as it was an impossible to pay bill

>oy vey the state is evil

the state is the basis of civilization. Good luck getting steam rolled by a hostile government when you try to set up one of your larptopias.

There can literally never be a complex form of human organization without a state somehow involved.

Your only options are either feudalism, nationalism, or communism. The abolition of a state will only lead to a power vacuum and a return to feudalism.

>own a picture of someone who runs a corporation
>become corporatist
Really compelling argument.
Hitler was a thoroughbred socialist. He followed Marx when it came to his views on capitalism and the like.
If you want corporatism, suck off Franco.

also you should hate both those leaders equally since they are both le evil statists

Pointing out the one is a violent, retarded black nationalist is racist

What about communism requires the destruction of nationalism? Please do tell.

Trotskyism isn't the only brand of communism.
Stalin was hugely nationalist. It's compatible if your aim is for everyone to eventually be under your nation.

Socialism can be influenced by corporatism. Corporatism =/= Corporations ruling. A group of farmers, a group of teachers, a group scientists can all be ruling parties withing corporatism.

that's true, but corporatism means those groups are working for their own ends, and just cooperating with all the others.
The only ends to the groups within NS Germany was the betterment of the Reich, and by extension the race.

I don't see what that has to do with how a portrait of someone proves Hitler was a corporatist.

don't spread fake news.
National Socialism is not marxist,
Hitler said that in many occasions.
For Hitler socialism was when everyone have a daily meal and a smile.
no trivial matter as means of productions.
Also he saw the private initiative as the only way to progress.

>Communism before the third Reich is limited to the USSR
>Communism when the third reich collapsed has spread across eastern Europe, the Balkans, and East Asia
Are you legitimately retarded?

the basis of communism requires the elimination of all class, race, nations, money, borders, and anything else that separates classes of people

Marxist-Leninism is consistent version of what we know as communism.

Stalin was just pragmatic and sacrificed whatever ideals he may have had for success.

Because America and Britain actively helped the USSR and the PRC take over the world you fucking moron

there were still big companies not state owned during hitlers regime like tyssen krupp and so on
they just worked closer with the state nothing close to communism
the economy was partly state controlled prices werent so much
my grandparents were goldsmiths, they set their own prices and had their own buisiness
idk why people think that the economy under hitler was communist
the socialist part of natsoc is more related to the society than the market system

It wasn't fake news, you're just reading into it more than you should.
He agreed with Marx's views about capitalism and other stuff but this doesn't mean national socialism is Marxist, because Marxism is more than just about what's wrong, but how to fix it as well.
Marx's ideas for how to fix it were really fucking bad.

>idk why people think that the economy under hitler was communist

Because that is what libertarians are told to think by jewish writers like Ayn Rand.

>having a welfare state
>not having any border
You can't be this retarded can you?

i think most people just cant differ between a society / the political world / whats done with taxes / and the market economy
they just want to make it all into one
i think thats what communists in general do make everything into one big thing they think they can control

Why should that be what we know as communism?
Stalin's application was the most successful

Yeah while fighting the whole fucking world, dipshit.

Stalin's form of socialism and national socialism are almost indistinguishable.

It's really easy to "fix" the economy after a huge inflation spiral. You just need to drain the monetary reserves of the population and then introduce a new currency that they have to use because their reserves are gone and due to that the new currency has high confidence and the economy stabilizes.

For example, the price of everything doubled two times a day in Yugoslavia for months on end. There were state sponsored "illegal" money traders all over the streets providing you with local currency in exchange for foreign currency (German marks). There were also state sponsored pyramidal scheme banks promoting 20% interest rates on your foreign currency.

At one point you could only afford to buy 1 ounce of baking soda with your monthly salary.
Then they reformed the currency, and you could easily afford to buy a car with just one monthly salary.

socialism doesn't work when one country has to support themselves and all of africa

Socialism doesn't work.

>Why should that be what we know as communism?

Because that's the entire basis of Marxist thought.

Stalin nationalized the means of production and banned private business and private property, an act that never occurred in Germany.

Pretending that Stalin was a nationalist or that he believed in private property is asinine and disingenuous.

we could brainfuck a lot of these degenerate little trotskyite communists we have today by preaching Hitler's doctrine to them and replacing race/German/aryan etc. with masses/workers/proletariats etc.

Leninism isn't the basis of anything.

>Pretending that Stalin was a nationalist
He was. Just the expansive kind.
>or that he believed in private property
Hitler also didn't believe in private property in the same way as capitalists.

Why shouldn't private bussiness be nationalized? Private property ultimately is the first step to libertarianism, which, according to a good consensus in this board, is a step before feudalism. Hitler nationalized the heavy industry and infrastructure, which is the thing that matters. The minor difference, indeed, is that Stalin was, in a sense, a step ahead of Hitler.

As long as there is any individuality or different groups the world is not complete. Hitler no doubt knew this with his racial purges, as did Stalin with his own purges.

Pure socialism doesn't work. It might "work" for a littel while, but you can't live off someone else's pockets forever. At one point there is not going to be enough money, and then everything is going to be fucked. I don't know much about natsoc, but I know mixed economics with some socialistic influences could work.
No way would people want to "redistribute" the wealth they have obtained by their own work, but I think it's a fundamentally good idea to have the citizen to pay extra tax so that the ones who are not doing so well can at least have food and shelter.
Not much, but just enough to have free/affordable health care for the citizen etc.

And of course, none of the money should go to """"""""refugees"""""""" or any other stupid shit like that. And none of the money would be controlled by foreign leaders like in European Union.

I don't know if this is national socialism, but I think people of the nation should always come first.

Sage fag

hitler's socialism wasn't even remotely similar to marxist socialism.
but why do i bother explaining, when you're just a shitposting leaf

Marxism-Leninism was the basis of the original Bolshevik revolution.

>Hitler also didn't believe in private property in the same way as capitalists.

But not in the same way as communists either.

>Why shouldn't private bussiness be nationalized?

Ultimately because without private property you inevitably create a system of oscillating shortages and surpluses, resulting in stagnation and eventually collapse.

By the 1960s the USSR was already stagnating

By the late 70s the PRC was already adopting market liberalization.

The USSR collapsed and Russia was ultimately looted by Jewish oligarchs and western jewish neoliberal academics from Harvard.

Communists controlled the majority of the largest land mass on earth. Even prior Russia's collapse it was almost entirely self sufficient. The chronic shortages and inability to produce adequate consumer and capital goods can only be laid at the feet of inherent flaws in communism.

>Because America and Britain actively helped the USSR and the PRC take over the world you fucking moron
>Agree to give half of Europe to the USSR
>Invade France and bomb London
>Invade the Soviet Union which you empowered
>Oh my god why are you helping the communists?

Are you retarded?

The National Socialists agreed to give the USSR half of POLAND and then invaded the entire Eastern portion of the USSR. It was the allies that began giving material and military support to the USSR almost immediately.

ffs please learn basic history.

The revolution didn't amount to much of anything in terms of policy before Lenin died and Stalin imposed his own theories.
Just seems more appropriate to frame communism based on what brand achieved the most in strengthening it. That's what we do with Hitler and national socialism, after all.

>But not in the same way as communists either
A lot closer to their way than yours
The idea of someone living within a community, being an integral, functioning part of it, but claiming complete and whole possession over all their belongings is absurd.

Porky, ban yourself: bacon is forbidden for jews.

Anyways, the problems of PRC can be entirely attributed to high population and low technology. No system other than the liberal capitalist is going to be sustainable in that. The problems of USSR can partly be also attributed to that and the massive capitalist/porky/jew meddling. You know, that the world develops in steps between ideologies, and total homogenuity is achieved in the end?

You just state intuitively from unreliable data that without private property everything is going to collapse. Private property is individuality. With individuality the group collapses. As long as there is any individuality, the world is in danger.

Kill yourself, jewporky.

>Weimar didn't pay much either as it was an impossible to pay bill
They were also paying with goods and raw materials. The French occupied some of their land to use coal mines "for free." Besides, reparations were only a couple of the state budget.

Patriotism has socialist elements.

I have had enough of National Socialism! Alas, listing all of our nation's woes that are directly caused by National Socialism would take up far too much of this letter: the spread of neocolonialism; a newfound interest by the most sinful buffoons you'll ever see in raising extortionate demands; the increasing number of people who believe that taunting, deriding, and generally vilipending National Socialism's foes is essential for the safety and welfare of the public; and so forth. Hence, to keep this letter to the point, I will limit its focus to a discussion of how National Socialism exhibits a lack of humility, a lack of concern about what other people think. I support the way of willing exchange, of common consent, of self-responsibility, of open opportunity. National Socialism, in contrast, supports unleashing an unparalleled wave of Satanism. This difference in what we each support indicates that no approach to stopping it will benefit from the lemonade-like outpourings of aestheticizing literati and drawing-room heroes. Rather, stopping National Socialism requires people who can beat National Socialism at its own game. It requires people who understand that National Socialism's recklessness and greed have led it to change children's values from those taught in the home to those considered chic by sullen, stinking Xanthippes. Get that straight, please. Any other thinking is blame-shoving or responsibility-dodging. Furthermore, National Socialism claims that the world is morally decrepit and degenerate and that only it can set things right. That claim is preposterous and, to use National Socialism's own language, overtly jackbooted. No history can justify it. Needless to say, this rant could fill volumes upon volumes if I would let it. However, I probably ought to end my missive here with the simple observation that National Socialism's sodality of self-absorbed rascals is a treacherous cult based on hatred and exploitation.

Would you like me to elaborate?

>Would you like me to elaborate?

Your level of ignorance is astounding.

Everything about the Nazi economy was either plunder or corporate loans.

Funded by all the people that own said world.

You people are such marks. You bought an ad campaign, literally.

It was forcefully ended.

>1 post by this ID

Unless you're a newly hatched pod person you already know that National Socialism's a consummate liar. But let me add that National Socialism's secret agents amount to nothing more than feral wonks riding on the back of a social fungus attacking the body politic. Let me start by stressing that I am not attempting to suppress anyone's opinions, nor do I intend to demean National Socialism personally for its beliefs or worldviews. But I do profess that I must defend tolerance and justice against the temptations of hatred and oppression. At this point in the letter I had planned to tell you that National Socialism stands for rogue authority, social directives, and onerous laws that weaken personal freedoms. However, one of my colleagues pointed out that with its prank phone calls, simple credos like “check your sources” and “argue the other side of the question” have gone out the window. Hence, I discarded the discourse I had previously prepared and substituted the following discussion in which I argue that National Socialism has made some very dangerous assumptions about prurient pop psychologists. I hardly need to add that it, already oppressive with its quisquilious refrains, will perhaps be the ultimate exterminator of our human species—if separate species we be—for its reserve of unguessed horrors could never be borne by mortal brains if loosed upon the world. If you think that that's a frightening thought then consider that no one has a higher opinion of National Socialism than I, and I think National Socialism is an unbridled, caustic obdurate-type. Lastly, for those who read this letter, I sincerely hope you take it to heart and pass this message on to others.

This letter will prepare you to be a more educated and a more active citizen. To do so, it promotes putting an end to acrimonious escapism. First and foremost, if you think that this is humorous or exaggerated, you're wrong. Given the range and unpredictability of human behavior, it is quite possible that this is not wild speculation. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is documented fact. National Socialism's dream is to genetically engineer humans with no frontal lobe to keep them from realizing that National Socialism uses its influence to channel the pursuit of scientific knowledge into a narrow band of accepted norms that are based exclusively on its intrusive deeds. If, after hearing facts like that, you still believe that better governance can be achieved by granting profitable concessions, permits, waivers, zoning variances, monopolies, and other such political machinations to its gang, then there is undoubtedly no hope for you. Allow me to close by stating that it would please National Socialism greatly to destroy that which is the envy of—and model for—the entire civilized world.

>garbage quality homemade "documentary" uploaded to YouTube
>pls give money so i can make pt 2
Nobody here's going to donate to your IndieGoGo
Have you tried reddit?

>He thinks people are reading his blogs

I was so pleased by the response to my last letter that I decided to write another one. Don't worry; I have plenty of new stuff to say about Mr. Unironic Actual Nazi and his legates. The following text regards my complaints of recent days against Mr. Nazi and his subtle but malapert attempts to repeat the mistakes of the past. His monographs are not witty satire, as Mr. Nazi would have you believe. They're simply the ultra-soporific ramblings of someone who has no idea or appreciation of what he's mocking. To wrap up, I'll just hit the key elements of this letter one last time. First, I cannot think of any satisfactory rationale Mr. Unironic Actual Nazi could put forward that would justify his decision to demonize and penalize people who find success on the road to happiness. Second, sometimes the best course of action will be obvious, sometimes not. And finally, one supercilious outcome of his obnoxious crotchets is that people will be compelled to rob and steal in order to live.

that was the only (you) pic I had saved atm, or I'd give you more

What I have to say will probably provoke a response from Mr. Unironic Actual Nazi. He may label me “biased” or even “politically incorrect”. I realize and accept that as a consequence of what I am about to say. However, I do certainly hope that Mr. Nazi will read everything I have to say before labeling me. Before I begin, let me point out that Mr. Nazi needs to realize that he's not special. He's not a beautiful or unique snowflake. He's just another vengeful, arrogant sleazeball who wants to manipulate everything and everybody. I think I've dished it out to Mr. Unironic Actual Nazi as best as I can in this letter. I hope you now understand why I say that it's not uncommon for uncouth wantwits to employ Mr. Nazi-esque tactics to place immovable barriers between people who want to talk to each other, understand each other, and work side-by-side for peace.

Please don't stop

Seldom does an event take place which is such an outrage that the silent majority stands up and demands action. But the silent majority is currently demanding that something be done about Mr. Unironic Actual Nazi. Here's a quick review: Mr. Nazi needs to realize that he's not special. He's not a beautiful or unique snowflake. He's just another aggressively censorious braggadocio who wants to sensationalize all of the issues. What's more, he and I disagree about our civic duties. I allege that we must do our utmost to expose the shaky foundations upon which Mr. Nazi's puzzleheaded hypnopompic insights are bulwarked. Mr. Nazi, on the other hand, contends that his rapacious retinue is a benign and charitable agency. In summary, Mr. Unironic Actual Nazi has gone way too far with his no-compromise attitude. Is anyone listening? Does anyone care?


I'm not reading these walls of text faggot