The world appears to be shit now

>Be me
>Buy shrooms
>Take 7 grams
>Start thinking about how everyone and everything is meaningless
>The universe will die
>Politics are a sham
>Go from being meme depressed to real depressed
How to fix pls?

Other urls found in this thread:

more shrooms will fix it

shrooms up the dosage and mix it in bologna
do it in a room filled with the color yellow
trust me it works

Graduating high school might be a start

Put on some music and enjoy the revelations.
>Meditate and enter total bliss < do this
Have fun user

Drugs are bad, mkay?

this is the most intense break through ive ever had, op is not ready for this 9th layer of sprituality.

>How to fix pls?
It will wear off in a few days. I did 5/8th one night, and had a great time. The next few days were "blah" because I ran my "fun gland" in overdrive, and it needed to go into a coma and recover. Ill be honest, I never got all the way better. You may not either. You may just feel that way the rest of your life. Me, I love life today.

kil self

Why do you care so much about universe user? It surely won't die in our lifetime.

and now you know the truth.

>shrooms up the dosage and mix it in bologna
THAT SOUNDS AMAZING! That would work with other edibles as well I would imagine. I quit culturing the active species, and only keep edibles anymore, but that is a great idea!!!!!

When I did actives, I would dust them with a light coat of olive oil, and then sprinkle with veggie or beef seasoning, than into the dehydrator. They came out tasting pretty good. Good enough to eat till you are full lol.

Nothing dies everything is recycled

You're supposed to shove them up your ass you mong

Ever tried Morning glory Kickstarted with Syrian rue?

Follow with me. Lace your shrooms with LSD and take a big hit of DMT at the same time. Have a friend to keep you safe.

If you are going to walk into the forest, you cant just go "oh no, its dark" and turn right the fuck back around. Gotta go all the way through.

First time on shrooms is a cluster fuck of new shit.
Enjoy the 2nd time friendo. You'll have more control of it. But don't try writing anything down... Or do, and spend your life trying to figure out what it means.

Sort yourself out

Pro tip- don't eat mushrooms if your having emotional problems or instability / depression.

i smoked weed after failing bootcamp and got super depressed for 2 weeks

Anyone know how long dried shrooms are supposed to last? I have a jar of them in my room that I haven't touched for 3-4 months

Yet it is the only effective drug for depression.

go full circle bro

life, death, and resurrection

"death is not the opposite of life. death is the opposite of birth. life has no opposite"

You should lay off the shrooms, user.

Too much.. TOO MUCH

I get thoughts like that almost daily without shrooms

yeah, i really want to trip hard af (been almost 10 years) but now im so fucking red pilled i wouldnt settle for anything but an out of body experience, i dont think those are attainable through indoor shrooms, something about them being a controlled process opposed to natural state, def interferes with spiritual connection imho


you need at least a zip to see something cool.

Taking a drug that make you think your brain is doing amazing things is going to leave you feeling like a special snowflake for life. Sorry OP but you're too late to be saved.

Find San Pedro cactus. Cut off the skin, boil, drink. Leave Earth for a lil while and be happy.

Just get that spicy DMT then, sounds like that's what you're going for anyways.

>failing bootcamp

How does one fail boot camp?

the fucks a syrian rue? i want it even tho i dont know what it is.

Best answers.

You can't. You've taken the shroom pill, which is the truest pill of any pills.
The shroom pill lets you properly take the red and black pills without hesitation and you've done that, just like I did.
There is no escape. There is no end. There is no change coming.
This is life, my friend. I'm sorry.

>take shrooms
>go into a forest

It's just amazing

i k.o'ed my company commander and then ko'ed my sdi and killhat.

then everyone else in the company kicked my ass for 1 week straight

First time I used shrooms I spent the whole time wondering about the concept/purpose of doors. It was wonderful and magical.

Second time I did them I only thought about how all of my friendships are shallow as fuck and I'm pretty meaningless to everyone around me. Tried to kill myself during my trip. Became seriously depressed for a couple years, had to drop out of college and see a therapist for a while. I'm starting to get back to "normal" now but... yeah, second time isn't always better.

How do you keep from getting lost?

You've taken the black pill user. You now know that despite everything, all humanity's squabbling and politicking and discoveries and wars and great persons and works of arts and triumphs and failures will all culminate in nothing but an explosion of the sun engulfing our solar system and turning everything into dust and our worthless wet marble will be forever forgotten by the galaxy, a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of time come and gone without even a whisper. That's why you keep going - It's all a fun game, a charade. Nothing has meaning.

You literally fought people? Why dude?

You wont even go that far, just sit down somewhere and be alone with the world. It's an amazing experience, better if done just by yourself

im about to get some serious bread soon, i really want to travel to peru again, this time for some ayahuasca, just googled san pedro cactus and lol its native to the andes, def want to try that

you make it sound so easy to get

hardest i tripped was an outbodyexperiene off like 2 lbs of wet shrooms, may have contained different species, i need to feel that again, i was with god for 3 hours, i feel the whole worlds pain sometimes

I can beat that
>Take shrooms
>Go out on kayak

ehhh, donnnnn't worry about it
not a big deal


Alright I realize you're being facetious. Why did you fail boot camp, seriously?

nah just kidding, i didn't want to get sent beck to td1 after mrp so i said i said i had suicidal ideations

cause fuck going back to day 1 after being on island for 2 months

ironically enough id pay 10 grand to get another shot i regret it

it makes you face yourself

I like a shroom trip now and again because I feel like it makes me face my inner turmoils i've been suppressing

the world is a beautiful lie

How the fuck would you be willing to ingest this shit when you are aware of such stories. You did some research right?

in high doses i would agree its better by yourself but on lower doses with like minded people + south park is one hell of a fun time, when the chemistry is right you feed off eachother and giggle like faggots


Damn. Sorry man. Maybe it brought out some underlying problems to the surface. Shrooms can deff make you crack at your weak points mentally. It's about harnessing them to fix them not making them weaker. But good luck from here on out man, no more shrooms for you.

You did it wrong famboi.

Everything is meaningful and life is infinite.

>7 grams

fucking degenerate

try 9 next time

I've met literal retarded people able to pass boot. You must be an absolute mess. kek


You could legit flip and panic, it's gotta be calm so you can phase out completely

Nope, I stayed safe. Just gotta make sure your on canal water and not river/rapids.

For me it doesn't really change the more you ingest, the best experiences were with 1.5 grams

>lower doses with like minded people + south park is one hell of a fun time
> the chemistry is right you feed off eachother and giggle like faggots

This is the same retardation by which humans carry the repository of our accumulated knowledge in our pockets and what we do with it is watch cat videos and shitpost on Sup Forums.

This is why we won't succeed as a species.

Its results for terminal illness depression are phenomenal.

I've had mushrooms with Syrian Rue and it was the most intense experience of my life

i was, i make more now then i ever would have there tho so it turned out to be financially profitable to fuck myself out of a 6 year commitment.

That's where this lad comes in, lad.

Good for you, dude. I hope you do well in life.

It could be a really big deal, I recommend you talk to a professional about this OP.

I had a similar experience a few years ago
>try mushrooms
>earth-shattering existential crisis
>everything is meaningless
>life sucks
>time passes
>still feel like shit all the time
>end up deciding I wanted to die

turns out I had PTSD and it was never really triggered until I fucked myself up on mushrooms.

You ever just observe people and their mannerisms while tripping? It's so pretentious, worldly, self-conscious, it's incredibly weird. It just makes you laugh at how silly peoele always behave and don't even know it.

My backyard is full of San Pedro. One day I will extract its essence. In the meantime I've made a month's supply of canna caps.

>kys...problem solved.

I don't know, I went to a Starbucks one time on shrooms. And couldn't take how much people bothered me, I threw carrot cake at the wall and walked out.

its not about things lasting forever or proof that you or any one existed needs to last. its about being amused while you have the time

your one of those people who get hung up on needing a meaning to life a purpose. you need to learn how to have fun

Military past, or something else?

i have experienced ultimate enlightenment

its also good to have fun and laugh while we are here temporarily, buddha was smiling and saying gay jokes the whole time if that makes you feel any better

7 grams was way way way too much..
I have a friend that took 10+ grams when we were teens in Oaxaca (mushroom capital of the world).
He supposedly had a trip where he was in another place as a different person for what it felt like ten years or more.
Needless to say, he was never the same person after that, almost as if he became autistic lul

I had the same kind of trip but instead of getting depressed it made me happy and couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of life

Basically intensifies and prolongs the trip.

Join the catholic church

Kek, I second to that. Opens the mind. Probably the reason why they don't want you to take it.

>cucked pope
Yeah nah

kill every Jew everywhere

We had a seminar wich was centered to the meaning of life thingy. We concluded at the end of seminar that giving meaning to life is highly interpretative and arbitrary, more objective will be relating to negativist view positive one beacause you have already born, you have already done something, you are. Makes me think why thinkers pick negativist side....

Love you inform you -- Catholicism is Paganism cloaked in "Christian" aesthetic.
escape Babylon

take mdma but dont abuse it focus on the positive aspects while youre high, dont do it around friends or girls or any social settings. remember the way you felt while high and try to focus on it while sober repeat a few times every couple months until you become a better person. basically thats how i fixed my depression and i am now positive 99% of the time

Thank you ami-bro someone gets it.

You haven't gone deep enough, but hopefully you will.

You're only in the physical manifestation of creation right now. We're born to experience and take back with us knowledge and sensations / feelings that are not possible in the miasma of creation.

So learn, feel, suffer and die. You'll do it again and again and again, willingly, because life is a holiday and everyone wants to be here.

Looks really delicious, although it isn't.

>Politics are a sham
>Start thinking about how everyone and everything is meaningless

if you didn't realize this before taking shrooms you might be legit retarded

>How to fix pls?
stop posting you're thoughts you get from drugs online, they are not profound, original, or enlightening

do w/e hobby still provides enjoyment. we're all pretty much just wasting time until we die

and the biggest bluepill you can take is letting some fag on the internet tell you how to live your life

you don't fix it, you just keep looking for the guy who wants to for selfless reasons

>because life is a holiday and everyone wants to be here.

what is it about yellow?

Baby's first shroom badtrip

Scientifically proven to cause insanity.

If they're properly dried they should last indefinitely.

>life has no opposite
Stasis, look up endospores

Holy shit you really suck at mushrooms.

>How to fix pls?

Stop taking drugs

Just clean your room bro

I'm young and naive, I thought I was invincible. My first trip went so well I didn't even think worry about it the second time. Obviously if I could go back and stop myself from doing it I would, but there's nothing I can do now but continue getting my life on track

I have a family history of depression and for most of my teenage years I could tell something was wrong mentally. I told myself I would never do psychedelics because of it, but it's hard to say no when all of your friends are doing it and telling you there's nothing to worry about, especially when they're pretty experienced with psychedelics and all still seemingly normal/healthy/sociable

I'm pretty sure we are doomed.

Either become a serial killer or kill yourself. Anything else is disingenuous faggotry imo.