Why is he so cranky and irritable? Why does he lash out at minor slights?

Why is he so cranky and irritable? Why does he lash out at minor slights?

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Personality disorder or 5D checkers. Nobody knows which.

Small pp

He explains it in his book. He has a chapter on revenge where he explains why he hits back times ten

but it also validates or elevates otherwise minor opponents


Also, for the bants, it's incredibly hilarious

You'd be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a narcissist. They're master manipulators and know how to stick it to people. I certainly wouldn't fuck with him.

100% Narcissist

why are you projecting?

But he doesn't hit back ten times.
He just makes vulgar insults that make him look unhinged.

it was ghost written

But he isn't a master manipulator and he doesn't know how to stick it to people.
Ranting and raving on twitter making yourself look unhinged doesn't hurt anyone but yourself.

If anything lashing out like is shows someone is easily manipulated. People can predict how you will respond and calculate their behaviour to make you react and look bad.

hes been bating all the haters as far as i can remember, he knows how much leverage the simple act of playing dumb can give, also 69d chess

by god

>makes himself sound like a retard on twitter

It doesn't add up

I am sure that most of the /r/fatpeoplehate voted for this fatball. Hypocrisy.

Really? I remember Kathy Griffin crying on television saying Trump broke her. The entire election was "HURR TRUMP BULLY." You're retarded.

Revenge on who? Some tv show hosts with plastic surgery? Why doesn't he avenge himself after the Saudis tried to torpedo his campaign, publicly insulted and belittled him and financed his enemies? Instead he went to kiss ass

>doesn't hurt anyone but yourself.
>if you kill your enemies, they win
Libtards want the right to sit down and shut up and take their crap, like Bush did for 8 years. Do you know who says "pick your battles"? People who can't win on their own so they want you to roll over and give up like a bitch.

If you're not cranky and irritable, you may have a low T issue.

Please consult a doctor if you believe you may be suffering from low T.

Duck off hes 70 even you would be tired

Low blood sugar.

This is what 'strong' leaders look like.

It's called sticking up for yourself.

>only 5D
you like a little baby

>He just makes vulgar insults that make him look unhinged.

desu this. His insults used to be good, but now theyre rehashed and not creative. Low Energy Jeb and Crooked Hillary were effective, disarming insults. Muh fake news and low Iq Mika are terrible.

>If anything lashing out like is shows someone is easily manipulated. People can predict how you will respond and calculate their behaviour to make you react and look bad.

Im worried about this. It's only the first year of Trump's presidency. Im worried people will try and get under Trump's skin.