How come right-winged women are so hot? Lefty gal's can't even compete!
How come right-winged women are so hot? Lefty gal's can't even compete!
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Those are trannies.
shes in it for the NEETbucks
Why don't you guys bend over for muhammed, sven and pierre
can't tell if irony. centuries of catholic inquisition and proselytism in western europe ensured the vast majority of your women are absolutely abominable to look at
Thank god for that word salad.
Right wingers see beauty as objective and a virtue. Right wing meadia is not ashamed to put beautiful women in front of a camera and right wing women feel they are doing a good thing by putting effort jnto their looks
And because they think its objective they have a clearer idea on how to achieve it
The one on the right is a woman, she just got the government into registering her as a man to prove how ridiculous the whole trans thing is.
Tara and RageAfterStorm are the only Sup Forums tier hotties on youtube. Wish Lauren has the balls to join them soon
>Why are jews so hot?
Because they've been baking for a while now ?
I want to ejaculate all over Faiths leathery orange skin
No. She's not in my list.
I want to skin her face off and stich it on my dick.
>sure you can plug up my boipussy fashy daddy, just be careful with my feminine penis
>imblying that all of them haven't already gone through the cock carousel at least 25 times
Leftist ideologies are all about changing society to accommodate personal deficiencies, "liberating" yourself from any sort of standards instead of fixing yourself
Mad that you're too fat & the person you have a crush on doesn't like you because of that? Join a fat acceptance movement & try to make society more accepting of obesity instead of improving yourself and working out
Mad that more blacks get arrested because they cause more crime & that you're statistically less likely to succeed than white people? Claim that society is "racist", that white "privilege" or "supremacy" is holding you down and that they should give you special privileges like reparations, affirmative action. welfare instead of working hard, or going to a country where there's less competition
Mad that pretty women are more likely to succeed and attract men & that men are more likely to work in certain fields and prefer feminine women? Join a feminist movement & complain about "beauty standards", "being oppressed by the patriarchy", etc.
Mad that you can't find a good job, don't want to work to make a living, or can't start a successful business. Claim that communism & an omnipotent state would fix things so you don't have to do anything
Upset that your parents grounded you? Go to you school and claim that authority is bad and the family unit is bad
The Left attracts failures & degenerates who want to change society to accommodate them instead of the other way around. The Right usually values self-improvement, tradition & nature. Instead of fighting nature (gender roles, people valuing attractive, slim, feminine women, etc.), they embrace it and use it to their advantage.
The biggest cancer on the Right are MGTOW by far.
You mean controlled opposition women
Witnessed. You forgot to archive it
>independent co uk/news/science/right-wing-politicians-better-looking-left-conservative-labour-socialist-study-professor-jan-erik-l-a7657516.html
fuck off coalburner.
>lel every woman is a Jew and a coalburner and controlled opposition and also a tranny and also riding the cock carousel and also have a feminine penis xDDD
Forgot pic.
>be blonde qt3.14 gril
>Kick off a Instagram account becuz, "Look at me, attention whore."
>Put on Trump trucker hat and suddenly likes and subskribs go up.
>Now I'm all over twatter, kikebook, becuz NEETz spread my qt3.14
Women never stop being attention whores. The Obama effect created the same result. But I understand most of you where just tykes in those days.
Are you talking about her?
>How come right-winged women are so hot?
Is this even statistically true? I bet if you asked most very attractive women, probably the majority would be left-wing or liberal.
>butthurt commie faggot detected
>guys I swear anyone who likes women is a NEET
It very probably has something to do with taking regular showers.
I agree, I was thinking about going full mgtow, but I kinda forgot that my mom is actually an excellent person and I had a talk with her and we honestly came to the point that: not only good women, but good men are also good to find at the moment. There are good girls out there. But, you need to be ready for a girl like that. And MGTOW just ignores those women.
(((southern))) is a jew
You're a jew
I hope I see Lauren one day. I'm in BC and if antifa threaten or do anything to her I will make them choke on their teeth
I'm 6 foot and white so I suppose I have a chance with her
I just noticed something. You know the shit for brains in lefty propaganda use labels as misogynist or racist? The shit for brains on the right have one too.
>Lefty gal
Did you just assumed my gender ??
You're either a man, a woman, or you're liberal.
can't event compete
>shills are still trying to push this failed meme
i think i got face cancer by looking at that pic
how can the left even compete
Is there a dox on the faggot who poured piss on Lauren's head?
I live near Vancouver where it happened
If i was running for office and this was my average supporter i would seriously reconsider my political staces
Daily reminder she fucked stickman
choose one
Jews should repel any decent nationalist
stop this meme
i like hot jews
>brown eyes
Okay, Muhammad.
>guys if I keep calling anyone on the right a Jew, people will believe me
It's not working out m8.
You've been doing this for months.
Damn,I'd never guess Faith Goldy is actually 21 years old.
Looks 40.
Nice try
Cuz they take care of their appearance and don't fall for the whole "beauty at any size" bullshit
Right-wing = strength of body and mind
Shes 21?
Damn. Then slav genes are real.
It's getting to be funny. At least the weak of mind believe this crap so you can spot the idiots fairly quickly, since summerfags and newfags are becoming the usual suspects here.
Fucking hell they look like some custom characters from video game's cutscene. They look that ridiculous
She's Anglo,hence ugly and shit skin.
picture of grandpa (((simonsen)))
lel. Fair point, my lekker loving friend.
>being this retarded
Kill yourself shill
Who is this absolute milf?
Like most women, they prob hate each other.
fuq, just read filename
who fucking cares get in here!
It's straight from her video you retard, she literally had her genes tested while you go on and on making up shit
Faith Goldy is 28
believing the lies that a Jewess tell......
I'd love to see these women straddling a black cock.
They probably do in their private lives but act like trads so you guys will paypig them.
Sex kitten 'age'.
>still pushing 2015 tweets when she was working at Rebel Media and forced memes because you don't have anything else
You've been spamming this shit for months m8, all it shows is that you really don't have any arguments against her.
All you're doing is invalidating actual criticism of her, and now you're even spamming this shit in unrelated threads.
Liberals want to challenge "what is beautiful" and make themselves ugly.
Conservative women make themselves beautiful by following current and traditional ideals of beauty.
Ironically, women who don't try to be beautiful are still faaaaar more attractive than those on the left. Every.Single.Time.
>buttmad kike detected
Those are Canadians. The shitposting Leaf breeds beautiful daughters to collect Patreon funds from beta American conservatives. Then they become Justin's sex slaves and spend the rest of their lives worshipping Big Canadian Timbits. Americans can never have that fine, maple-sweet Canadian bacon.
Lay off the porn, it's showing.
This guy for president!
There are no right-wing women. They're just hot and see a niche market of horny dudes. Like hot girls at comic-con, they're not there because they LIKE comics, they are there for attention and money.
she's 28. literally confirmed it in Molymeme's video just recently.
Lay off the mgtow, it's showing.
Literally 11 hours ago.
Fake Nazi shills are the worst
Let's see
Should we trust a fake Nazi shill or an actual gene test
Seriously, what woman redpills herself? there is always a man who does it for her. Women should not be involved in politcs, just like the NFL politics is a mans sport.
He is interviewing all the hot bitches recently. Who will he talk to next? I hope its that Petibone chick. She makes my penis hard
I can't stand duckmouth
I think the modern perception of hot is anyone without shaved eye brows and short pink hair.
nice trips toothpaste but FUCK OFF she's fuckin hot
k neckbeard
Not saying women should be in politics, when did I say that?
The way you want a woman to be, there's one out there just like that. It's just that it's harder to find them. So don't dismiss all women because 90% of them are from single-mom households with no real man.