Post yfw you realise you could've seen a Chadian on Sup Forums and never know it was a nig from Africa

>post yfw you realise you could've seen a Chadian on Sup Forums and never know it was a nig from Africa

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i talked to one once. he had 4 wives. each cost about a chicken's worth.

If this is the flag of Chad, then what is the flag of Stacy?

at least Chad doesn't think it's the successor to the roman empire

>tfw Chad doesn't have Chads.

>we wuz dacians and romans

We actually are descendants of Dacians getting conquered by Romans though.

>he doesn't know all black men are chads

wtf, no romanian believes this, we only know we are their offspring.... just like great people can have shitty children.

Also, notice how Chad's flag is slightly shittier.

Das rite, it's why Indian sloots all want BIG TAMIL COCK

don't forget about them asian migrants though