First of all, if you are reading this you need to be well versed in the history of government pedoring conspiracy theories in this giant fucking web of kikery. This shit also requires patience, If you don't have time to read it all, then please don't flap your gums or give your 2 cents. This is serious business. Btw greentexting has been used strictly to differentiate between links and information. I didn’t follow greentext rules so keep your goddamn reddit accusations to yourself and just go through the info

Let’s start with Jeffrey Epstein. He's the top dog pedophile with a lot of VIP friends. He got a slap on the wrist courtesy of our ZOG controlled police, the best goyim money can buy. Here is what happened to Jeffrey recently:
he got a pretty sweet deal! What a lucky guy. A lot of his Tribe members are lucky, remember Larry from 9/11?

Jeffrey Epstein was involved in a relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell
Ghislaine Maxwell's Jew dad was a Mossad agent.
This isn't debatable, she's a fucking mossad asset.

Other urls found in this thread:


Now for Pizzagate. Pizzagate is a giant clusterfuck of disinformation and half truths/psyops that I can't even begin to go into all of it. I'm trying to summarize everything to disseminate this info far and wide so you're just gonna have to believe what I say about it being 50 percent real and 50 percent PSYOP. You need to already have some background knowledge on Pizzagate or this shit won't make sense.

I've been sleuthing for a long time on this subject and the startling conclusion I came to was that all these anti-human trafficking organizations are actually run by the human traffickers. Here is how I came to this conclusion
>Jeff Koons and Marina Abramovic at NCMEC/ICMEC and their connection to Alefantis
>Izette Folger and James Alefantis own art gallery- Transformer
Archive just incase they scrub it

Wow, sounds like she's kind of a big deal. Hmm… how about that last name…SARNOFF
“The marriage of Conchita Maria Suarez, the daughter of Pedro Suarez Hernandez and Conchita Priete Suarez of Asturias and Granada, Spain, to Daniel Jay Sarnoff, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warren Sarnoff of Beverly Hills, Calif. took place yesterday at the New York Athletic Club in Pelham Manor, N.Y.
The marriage of Conchita Maria Suarez, the daughter of Pedro Suarez Hernandez and Conchita Priete Suarez of Asturias and Granada, Spain, to Daniel Jay Sarnoff, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warren Sarnoff of Beverly Hills, Calif. took place yesterday at the New York Athletic Club in PelhaOkay, so if you are up to speed on the above, you're hopefully in the same paradigm of thought and can now understand the next part, and this is where Epstein comes back into the picture. We need to go back to when the story broke, who was the one to speak up about this and disseminate this information?
>Conchita Sarnoff
>"Conchita Sarrnoff broke and owned the story in 2010"

Wow, what a strong independent and COURAGEOUS woman. We need more good people like this, I'm sure this woman is on our side. Let’s find out who she is.
>Conchita Sarnoff has developed multimedia communication programs for Fortune 500 companies and has produced three current events debate television programs, The Americas Forum, From Beirut to Kabul, and a segment for The Oppenheimer Report. She is writing a book about child trafficking in America.
>Fortune 500 companies

m Manor, N.Y.
Mr. Sarnoff is a grandson of the late David Sarnoff, the chairman of the RCA Corporation. Over a period of more than 50 years, David Sarnoff, who died Dec. 12, 1971, was a pioneer in the development and marketing of radio, phonographs and television.
The bridegroom, who graduated from the Harvard School in North Hollywood, Calif., and the University of California at Los Angeles,is a cable research specialist at NBC. His father, former executive vice president of NBC, is president of Sarnoff Entertainment in Los Angeles. His mother, Janyce Sarnoff, is vice chairman of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games and president of the California Special Olympics.
The bride, who graduated from Columbia University, will be attending the Yale Law School in September. Her father owns an architecture and civil engineering company in Miami and Madrid.”
>Mr. Sarnoff is a grandson of the late David Sarnoff, the chairman of the RCA Corporation. Over a period of more than 50 years, David Sarnoff, who died Dec. 12, 1971, was a pioneer in the development and marketing of radio, phonographs and television.
The bridegroom, who graduated from the Harvard School in North Hollywood, Calif., and the University of California at Los Angeles,is a cable research specialist at NBC. His father, former executive vice president of NBC
>the wife of some Jewish mainstream media mogul is now at the forefront of exposing a giant elite pedophile ring
We should trust her, she sounds like she herself might be into some eyes wide shut fuckery strictly based on her social standing, but I’m just paranoid

Now, I’m not certain if she’s still married to this dude but when I looked up his Grandfather David Sarnoff and this is what I found
>David Sarnoff was born to a Jewish family in Uzlyany, a small town in Russian Empire, the son of Abraham and Leah Sarnoff. Abraham emigrated to the United States and raised funds to bring the family. Sarnoff spent much of his early childhood in a cheder (or yeshiva) studying and memorizing the Torah.

Ok, so now we know that Conchita Sarnoff is indeed connected to some topdog Jew Media moguls. This is the equivalent to being part of royalty, these people are literally propagandists. At this point I’m almost 100 percent convinced that this is some kind of “Limited Hangout”

>A limited hangout or partial hangout is, according to former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Victor Marchetti, "spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further."

Now, this shit is circumstantial at best, but it’s not over. Here is where we get into the nitty gritty, this is where shit gets fucked up, and the pendulum swings back to Pizzagate in Washington DC, the Occult Masonic base of operations for world Jewry.

Conchita Sarnoff runs this organization, let’s look at who her organization is connected to, let’s go to the source... Let’s look at the Board of directors

>Debra Sigmund
>sounds familiar tbqh

Who is Debra???
>”In 2003, while on holiday in Europe, Deborah Sigmund first heard the phrase “human trafficking.” She had no idea what this was. When the issue was explained to her, she was horrified that buying and selling children is actually a huge business. In fact, it is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world today, producing over $150 billion annually. Every day, young women and children are being bought and sold, used and tortured. As a mother, she felt something had to be done.”

>control f: Abigail Folger
There is also a Lee Merritt Folger on the Bohemian Grove attendees list
Woah, another strong empowered woman who just wants to save the children. Here is an article about Debra Sigmund and her anti-human trafficking crusade. Did you know that she SINGLE HANDEDLY stopped a child from being trafficked! Now that’s some inspiring shit. Wanna know a fun fact about Debra? She runs Innocents at risk, the same foundation that Izette Folger (connected to Alefantis) is on the board of directors for.

If you guys need a /quickrundown/ on Izette Folger (who you should know by now)
>control f: Folger

Folger sounds familiar. 10 seconds of Googling will show you that the Folger family is rich af… and heavily into some eyes wide shut bohemian grove black mass shit, It’s fucked. Remember charles manson? Yea apparently he killed Izette Folgers aunt… Abigail Folger

Izette’s maiden name is Maccoby, she’s the daughter of Michael Maccoby, a confirmed CIA agent,

Michael Maccoby, let’s look into him
>Michael Maccoby is an American psychoanalyst and anthropologist[1] globally recognized as an expert on leadership for his research, writing and projects to improve organizations and work.[2][3] He has authored or co-authored fourteen books and consulted to companies, governments, the World Bank, unions, research and development centers and laboratories, universities and orphanages or taught in 36 countries.[4] Maccoby's article,

Nora Maccoby is also very close to Donald Rumsfeld, it says this is the above youtube video description
> “With a US-China cooperation strategy in place, Nora was able, in December 2005, to interface directly with then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. In late January, Nora received credit for President Bush's State of the Union line when he declared, "America has a problem. We are addicted to oil."

Remember when Donald Rumsfeld announced the 2.3 Trillion missing from the pentagon (after the “plane” hit it)
>”according to some estimates we cannot track 2.3 Trillion in transactions”
Because Jews stole the money, they have no shame

“Maccoby’s” ...hmmm let’s look that name up…
>Maccoby, derived from the Jewish Maccobee's
>The Maccabees, also spelled Machabees (Hebrew: מכבים or מקבים, Maqabim; Latin: Machabaei or Maccabaei; Greek: Μαkkαβαῖοι, Makkabaioi), were the leaders of a Jewish rebel army that took control of Judea, which at the time had been a province of the Seleucid Empire. They founded the Hasmonean
dynasty, which ruled from 164 BCE to 63 BCE. They reasserted the Jewish religion, partly by forced conversion, expanded the boundaries of Judea by conquest and reduced the influence of Hellenism and Hellenistic Judaism.

>Eleanor Emmons Maccoby (born May 15, 1917, in Tacoma, Washington) is an American psychologist who is most recognized for her research and scholarly contributions to the field of child and family psychology. Throughout her career she studied developmental psychology, specifically, sex differences, gender development, gender differentiation, parent-child relations, child development, and social development from the child perspective. Maccoby obtained her M.A and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan where she worked under B.F Skinner. She also did her dissertation research in Skinner's Harvard laboratory. Maccoby continued her psychology career at Stanford University, where she served as a professor, member and chair of the department of psychology and conducted various research. Her research resulted in multiple publications with her most recognized publication being her book, The Development of Sex Differences (1966). Maccoby has received numerous awards for her work; however, in 2000 Maccoby was named the first-ever recipient of an award named in her honor, which was The Maccoby Award. The American Psychological Association listed Eleanor Maccoby as number 70 out of 100 for the most eminent psychologists of the 20th century
>sex differences, gender development, gender differentiation, parent-child relations, child development, and social development from the child perspective

She takes an interest in children, very interesting. Some more interesting stuff I found:

>Her family beliefs and way of life were unusual for that time period. They were vegetarians, interested in eastern thought and religious doctrines which included reincarnation, astrology, and occult phenomena.
>occult phenomena

Reminder that Max maccoby (the son of Michael) is the fucking Jew Lawyer who helped Alefantis and David Brock in their shady blackmail case with a large sum of $850,000 to be exact. Max Maccoby is also the same lawyer that was on the board for Friends of the Orphans (the same group that tried to take 33 haitian children with Laura Silsby)
>Friends of Orphans

Now let’s get into Jorge Puello, the guy who mentioned friends of Ophans.
>The one-time legal adviser, who calls himself Jorge Puello, now acknowledges that he faces sex trafficking charges in El Salvador under the name Jorge Anibal Torres Puello. He remained at large on Monday, as Dominican, Salvadoran and American law enforcement officials worked with Interpol to interview his relatives and search border and immigration records to find him.

Smdh, I’m so surprised






















You're a fucking gem m8. I can't believe you're still awake. You don't even know these feels I'm feeling rn. Respect bro, we're gunna crash this child sex ring with no survivors

this is fucking brilliant. Add this about rumsfeld

This is the thread theme tune:

Ghislaine maxwell and Jeffrey were in a legit relationship

>"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

If you sleep, (((they))) win


Fuuuuuug! Nice work natsoc user!

Any autists available to make some purdy infographics to distribute to the normies?

The game dun' changed now. We got good optics now. I'll use this for next thread

We needa astroturf our own shit like the shills do and hit R/conspiracy, Voat, GLP and everywhere else


They would probably love this information over at Voat. R/conspiracy is mostly compromised, and GLP doesn't really do much, they just wait for the "Doom".

I can't follow any of this shit. Make a simplified layout ffs.


now HERE'S a thread I can sink my teeth into. Not any of that teenage bullshit

Here I'll simplify it. Weird faggot runs a pizza shop for the elites. Instagram posts and a DOJ nigger make everyone think that it's a front for child molestation. Then everyone spends months flipping over every rock in DC too little avail. I am sure our elite is lousy with pedophiles (watch any Joe Biden video), but the #Pizzagate investigation has yielded remarkably little.

we're all bros in /ewo/ get comfy and start digging

yeah because they don't arrest themselves you fucking faggot

Thank you.


Here's a more solid lead on elite pedos.




There is some actual shit here. Look up Yew Tree and Franklin, KS. As for Pizzagate we've seen a ton of leads and no real proof. It's been close to a year now, if there were something we would have found it. Trace other leads for Christ's sake.


>muh franklin scandal
>muh conspiracy of silence
>muh joe biden

You're a fucking kike, you know how I know? Because if you even watched the documentary or read the goddamn books you'd know that Craig J Spence was pimping out call boys in washington DC with Barney Frank

Oh you called me a Jew. I posted evidence and you called me a Jew. Happy now? If I posted convoluted infographics full of screenshots and red lines that would be proof though. Barney Frank is a well known queer who also enjoys boys. He's an actual Jew.

you sound jew to me, too.

A massive fucking jew.

youre even worse than frank

yfw the shilling doesn't work

OP can you rework your narrative? Hard af to follow.

U really believe all this nonsense conspiracy crap!

later I will

This is really just fake news

Where is this smoking gum

Yeah guys, i cant believe all this disinformation is here! we have to stop it, Drumpf is finished

stop shilling all this disinformation. its all bogus and wrong

There is no smoking gun, its all fake man

>not knowing you have IDs

Yeah guys! we have to stop this now before all this fake news neo nazi conspiracy shit starts shitting our board!

hurr durr its shareboogie man. Stfu nazi and stop spreading all this lies

bump, only real thread right now

its all been said before, nothing new all fake

You're better off using 8polfor this sort of thing. 4pol threads get slid so fast. 8pol has much higher digging skills than this shithole.

"it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Macbeth Quote (Act V, Scene V).