How many gun owners have actually stopped a crime from being committed by using a gun?

How many gun owners have actually stopped a crime from being committed by using a gun?

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Ask the FBI

Better yet ask google
Better still, don't even think about taking my guns. Don't even get the idea in your head.

Several times in just the last year. Mass shootings, we'll never know because you can't legally possess a firearm in a gun-free zone, which is where 90%+ of mass shooting occur.

Gun control laws are a delayed death sentence

Crimes are prevented from ever being attempted because potential criminals fear reprisals, this at least is a more realistic impact of gun proliferation, more than actual events of a civilian stopping a thief

Keep in mind, most mass shootings occur in gun free zones.


Do you live in Syria?

Principle ran to his car to get a gun to stop to middle school kids from shooting up the school and held them at gun point.

the virgin tech shooter was stopped by students with a gun

>Crimes are prevented from ever being attempted
Who the fuck unironically believes this shit? This is a logical definition but it doesn't actually go down like that. There are still mass shootings. It's like taking the feminist slogan for equality seriously.

And that's why the entire country should be a gun free zone.

Ive seen a news report about a guy who was robbed of his gun.
It was hilariously ironic.

Am I going to see more than one post?

>Responds to post stating mass shootings happen in gun-free zones
>Pretends shootings don't happen in gun-free zones

Stopped my wife from takin half my shit.

Don't bother Bulgarians are retarded, they are half gypo half turk.

>Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year…in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.

This is not some shill study by the NRA. This is the largest, most expensive and comprehensive study on gun violence ever conducted. It was funded entirely by Obama's executive order.

This is Obama's gun study, and it proved guns are used at the very least guns are used 1.6X more for defense than for crime, and potentially 10X more for defense than for crime. It's hard to put an exact number on it because prevented crimes are not logged like crimes are.

Not many, i know i honestly don't expect i'll ever need to, but its good to have the guns and not need them

>not many
The US government estimated guns are used at the very least 500,000 times a year to stop crime compared to 300,000 times to commit a crime.

This does not include shootings. It means the gun was used in the act of defense or crime. A robber pulling a gun on a clerk and robbing a store, but never firing a shot, would go into the 300,000. Somebody scaring off an intruder from their home with a gun, but never firing a shot, would go into the 500,000 to 3,000,000 estimate.

What is mass shooting?
>mass shooting is defined as having four or more fatalities, not including gang killings or slayings that involve the death of multiple family members

So gang shootings aren't even counted.

>So gang shootings aren't even counted.

They are counted by the liberals. Go yo their retarded mass shooting logging websites and every news story about 6 niggers shooting each other up at some ghetto house party is listed as a "mass shooting".

I've also seen them list niggers shooting each other a block away fro a school a "school shooting" because the school still went into a lockdown because the shots were close to the school.

Statistically/legally CNN/Fox News can't talk about mass shooting on television if it involves gangs, which is the reason you don't hear that much on news when niggers kill each other.

Show your flag you imbecile.

I don't pretend they don't happen in gun free zones. In fact, these things wouldn't happen if there are no gun free zones at all. Like making the entire country a gun free zone.

The leftist media will never report on that statistic desu because it is MUCH higher than crimes committed WITH guns.

you know a good amount of high profile mass shootings are done on purpose by our government (deep state) in order to try and take our guns away, right? they're done to show look guns are bad we need to take them away. but America knows that and will never give up their guns. the 2nd amend is there for a reason. the people will never be defenseless. they'd have to pry our machine guns from our cold dead hands

Stay up to date right here:

Yes, it's reddit, but go there anyway.

Wtf is this bullshit? Literally every day there's a suicide bombing or gang murder or something else across the planet.

The only reason the US has most of the shootings is because the US has the most armed citizens out of any other country.

If we instead asked "Which country has the .osr homicides" or "which country has the most mass killings" it would NOT be the US. Use fucking critical thinking, please.

Most mass shootings ≠ most dangerous place.

Put a "gun free zone" sign up on your house and see what happens.

mass shoting include gang drive bys and other nigger shit.

Is that because Africa is literally incapable of recording statistics?

But not nigger free zones

>you americans can never understand what it is like in the rest of the world
>why are you americans so different than us?


Doesn't matter. We'll shoot you to death if you try to take them from us :)

Who cares about mass shootings? Over 700 blacks were killed in Chicago in just 2016. But we can't talk about that cause it leads to the "nigger problem".

even the lowest, biased estimate is 500,000 times a year. the best objective estimates are 1.5 to 2 million a year legitimate DGUs.

Do DGU statistics just track instances where the gun was fired defensively or does it also include instances where individuals pulled a gun in self defense but did not fire it?

>How many gun owners have actually stopped a crime from being committed by using a gun?

Ask the dead British people that got run over and stabbed by muslim extremists

Plenty, you just don't hear about it in the main stream media. NRA has thousands of police reports each year that they choose from to publish 6-10 stories each month in their magazine.
If the stories become too public you eventually get backlash from liberals and death threats, violence, and arson from nigs.

>tfw you are in Poland and can't into guns

Well there was that armed guy who stopped CongressBaseballShooter from taking out the entire ballfield.

It's not a whole lot different from having a bat and wondering when you would actually bash somebody's skull open with it. Except you can use it from far away.

Most sane people just don't have the mindset to go around using a last resort on a whim.