Why do brits make such horrible tourists?
They are literally running around naked, fucking on the street and giving trouble to other European and international tourists.
They act like literal niggers.
Why is that?
How come you act worst than Slavs?
Why do brits make such horrible tourists?
They are literally running around naked, fucking on the street and giving trouble to other European and international tourists.
They act like literal niggers.
Why is that?
How come you act worst than Slavs?
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Everyone here pretends that Alcohol is the absolute greatest thing ever. At least half of all young people here get wasted all the time instead of having any meaningful actual social life or spare time activities.
For once I completely agree with Croatbro, brits a Israeli tier shit tourists that can't hold their drink and fly off the handle after a half litter of beer.
Their teenagers are everything bad multiplied by 10.
Also I guess since we're an island the cultural seperation means this bad habit has been allowed to develop without positive influence from the other euro countries.
guess you haven't met a chink yet
Do not worry, my English friend. Cultural enrichment is soon coming to a city near you.
also everything here is cheap as shit for brits so they get even more drunk and fucked up
I can vouch for this
>Be 22
> Into shooting, gardening, hiking, cooking
> None of my peers actually seem to have hobbies
> 95% of social interactions will involve intoxicants, mostly alcohol.
English people drink the most, yet they are the least able to handle their drink. Men drink lager and get lairy and women drink wine/vodka and become slutty and also violent.
Pic very related
same with aussies except we can actually handle our piss
they need constant supervision, when they leave the island they feel free,this is what freedom means for unfree people
I thought my country was the only one. There was recently a riot-level disturbance in Algarve (south) where people usually take their vacation.
Apparently 19-22 y.o. londoners thought it'd be cool to destroy everything and resist the police.
Some travel agency who sold the tickets named the travel package "Portugal Invasion" or whatever.
We don't send our best to European costal resorts
Our upper class go to the Caribbean and Australia
I worked with a lot of British people when in Japan. I was preparing for the worst, for the Americans to behave poorly and for the Brits to mock us for being ugly Americans. To my surprise, they were totally insane drunks, getting in fist fights with Japanese, throwing furniture out of windows, barfing in cabs, etc. shocking shit.
We have a drinking culture that revolves around getting smashed combined with a weird superiority complex that makes us even worse when we're on foreign soil.
because genetically we know it's all our clay so when we're drunk it brings out the imperialism.
He looks like roasted pork
I know, it's fucking horrible. I literally do not know how people socialise without alcohol in this country. I'm so fucking lonely everyday I wish I was dead.
Nah man...
Since we have JewULTRA music festival and countless other festivals on the coast during the summer, brits come here in tons.
Problem is that they tend to destroy everything they see and they tend to get in fights with others.
Just yesterday I heard a story of this Brit beating up this poor shit McDonald's employee because his burger was "too cold" while his friend runned around naked with his face covered in mcsunday.
I've been drunk to the point where it seems like you're teleporting around because you have only brief moments of lucidity and I still didn't do anything destructive.
Yea, okay m8.
There is no foreign soil to an Englishman lad, you are barmy. 1/6th of the world back then, but now we're approaching 1/3
We are the eternal britbong
Britain has a rigorous and historic class system.
You shouldn't consider British tourists homogeneous.
If they sound like they are from the north, sound cockney, or sound estuary, avoid at all costs.
These people belong in Mcdonalds and sweeping streets but thanks to capitalism they can quire money and travel abroad. They are little scum and i wouldn't trust them as far as i could throw them.
Amen brother
brits are scum, not slav-tier scum but another.
they act like they are high class but they are alcoholic degenerates who still think they are superior because of "muh past"
welcom to the weekend
>Some travel agency who sold the tickets named the travel package "Portugal Invasion" or whatever.
I fucking kek'd at this.
Socialising in free time with alcohol involved is not the problem, its the
Shit thats the real problem, even slavs have higher drinking culture...
British tourists are either absolutely awful chavs that go on party tours to places like Malia, Magaluf, Kavos or Budva, or awesome older tourists that have money and respect for the places they are visiting.
Most of the best sort of British tourists aren't in the Mediterranean. The only tourists who tend to congregate there are autistic Germans and rowdy pikey scum.
>I'm so fucking lonely everyday I wish I was dead.
Words can't describe how much I relate to this.
>music festival and countless other festivals
We have those too. But yeah I was referring to how brits behave whilst abroad.
Some of the current generation are real shitbags. They will just drink until puking up and start destroying things. If you ever go into a city centre on Saturday night, someone will always try to fight you. These people aren't here for any intellectual stimulation on holidays, they just burn up on a beach drinking foreign lager. The good tourists are the ones who like to do interesting things abroad and learn about the places/culture.
I like going to places like Northern Norway or Canada. Fuck the sun and fuck lager louts.
>some years ago BBC make a documentary on how shitty sunny beach is
>all they do is slate the fact that there is a lot of booze
>show broken hotel rooms
>the documentary is actually filled with drunk english tourists
The people that do this are generally the lowest of the low in terms of social class. Usually on benefits and don't learn basic respect.
Good to see some English women don't drink all the time and have some hobbies
Chose that flag by accident and now I want to kill myself.
We are such a wealthy country even our chavs can afford to go abroad on holiday. Perhaps you shouldn't live in a peasants holiday resort.
he's telling the truth. It's the lower class council house lot that go to the Balkans and Benidorm and places like that. Upper class lot go on cruises or cultural holidays.
It's all the ryanair guys fault
Blame the Irish
You must differentiate between middle-class and working-class Brits. They are almost entirely different species. English class has a longstanding historical continuity, the middle-class emerged from the 18th century.
Just think of Game of Thrones. The middle-class (nobles) are intelligent, well spoken and attractive. The working-class (peasants) use dialects, incomprehensible accents, they're stupid and crude. I was in Europe recently, yes I had sex with cute local women, yes I had drinks in local bars, etc but I didn't trash my room, puke on the street, and stamp on some local lad's head.
The middle-class areas are what foreigners dream England is like, and it is... The working class people on those holidays will not lift a finger against a black or Muslim but they'll stamp on the neck of someone that supports the football team on the other side if his own city. These people are cancer.
Don't confuse dogs with their owners.
I'm British and I'm the only person I know who doesn't drink alcohol. Everybody gets so messy, violent, rowdy and slutty every weekend and because I don't drink, I don't get invited to anything. There's a really big drinking culture here and in my opinion it's a problem. They go abroad to get cheaper alcohol and to get fucked up.
she's implying gypsies aren't bad in this video
wtf is wrong with her
I've always thought we're Slav tier when it comes to booze. We drink to get drunk, whereas other countries drink for the taste.
While I'm sure that may be the case, isn't it still horrible how parents raised sons to be total and utter morons and daughters to look like jordey shore whores and to fuck like cattle?
This tbqh.
We built an empire off being drunk. Going on holiday and getting drunk brings out the inner imperialist every Brit has.
Omfg pls no
I thought they were all going to Spain
I am going to Croatia next summer most probably but I dont want to have british chavs around me
the Brits I met in Switzerland were nice lads though
I'll be honest OP something happens to our minds when we go abroad. We get to shit faced too quick. I honestly think its because our lives are increasingly stressed and we are pushed to our limit when at home with few opportunities to vent. I'm as guilty as anyone else - when I go abroad I get fucked up, shag anything that moves and get into troubles.
I do apologise from the bottom of my heart. On the flip side we spend money in your second tier economy countries and in Europe we pay for all your gibs so don't whinge too loudly
Where did you visit?
Don't go to Hvar, Pag, Split or Dubrovnik and you'll probably avoid them.
>pic related,taken in my town,British tourists
Jesus Christ what a trash you are.
African refugees aren't as bad as british tourists.
>They are literally running around naked, fucking on the street and giving trouble to other European and internationals
>They act like literal niggers.
Uhm, that's not new.
Brits have always been the niggers of europe.
Brits aren't human
I think the heat has something to do with it. We are kind of like orcs lol, as soon as the sun shines we are weakened and then get drunk quicker
It's a product of the chip on their shoulder, they think they cannot rise in society so they act like lower class scumbags. What they fail to grasp is that they cannot rise precisely because they act like that.
>They are literally running around naked, fucking on the street and giving trouble to other European and international tourists.
You should see what happens when we give them guns.
Alcohol is a terrible drug. I haven't touched it for over 10 years. I'm 38 and have two teenage kids - a daughter of 18 and a son of 16. My daughter rarely drinks. They don't see it as 'cool'. My wife drinks; she can make a bottle of wine last a week.
Brit tourists can be the absolute worst. When my family go abroad on holidays, we go to quiet places, or just stay in UK. But we're into camping, fishing, hiking etc.
There are certain 'resorts' such as Magaluf, Benidorm, etc. that must be hell on Earth.
When we go abroad on holiday, the whole family plan it in advance. We learn phrases in the local language, eat the local food, make friends with the locals.
We've made so many good foreign friends on holiday, and have exchanges.
These 'drink all you can' holidays digust me.
The degeneracy
>tfw one glance at them tells you they're Brits
Yet i cannot describe exactly what it is that makes them stand out
>side we spend money in your second tier economy countries
I completely agree.
But devastation and mortal sin tier ways of the flesh are just wrong.
Looking at the majority of tourists that come over:
Best tourists:
Normal tourists:
Various places in the Med
Just shag them, what are you complaining about?
Is that real and not from some porn site?
Thats how people walk around? Honest question.
Low cost airlines were a mistake. It's enabled degenerates/chavs to visit Europe. You're typically seeing bottom of the barrel scum on holiday.
I'm a middle class bong and I act like a drunken mess on the continent.
What Euros need to understand is that we have a huge superior complex. We act like trash in Europe because we think little of Europe. You're just a bunch of countries we've BTFO many times. This particularly applies to Spain.
It is a problem, 100%.
>not embracing Britain's oldest love
you don't get invited to anything because you're autistic, not because you don't drink
No,this is actual picture.
We don't walk around like this,British trash does.
>I thought they were all going to Spain
If the British tourists yiu meet are scum it means you live in a poor country.
If you have no opinion, or a good one, you're from a rich country.
How easy is it to fuck a drunk 7/10 chav whore?
difference between ukrops and russkies?
No you're completely right - it goes way too far. That being said I'm headed to croatia at the end of August and almost definitely will commit enough sins to consign myself to damnation. I'll see you there...
> 7/10
Knowing you are exciting the EU, can you plz not come anymore?
The hard bit is maintaining wood
>7/10 chav
What did he mean by this?
Sorry bro - we will still be exporting our 16 year old chavs to sunny beach
For some strange reason us brits thinks it's socially acceptable to walk around like this while on holiday, even if it's doing something like food shopping. I always hated this part of holidays, seeing 50+ year old men buying loafs of bread and the Sun newspaper in nothing but their swimming briefs
Same. I think there is a fundamental difference between cunts that get violent and rowdy when drunk and people like us who just stumble around and pass out quietly.
I used to work as a recepcionist in a hotel in Spain when I was studying. In 3 years I saw 2 british chavs killing themselves trying to jump from the roof into the pool.
Dont know why british tourists love the worst spanish places and beaches so much tbqh
Here in Scotland finding a 7/10 at all is difficult lol
The only reason these "women" go to these shithole Mediterranean countries is to fuck dagos and other foreigners.
Ukrops as if in bongs or ukranians?
Bongs act like absolute niggers.
Ukranians are a bit better than russians because they usually travel with families and they don't cause a lot of shit. Russians come in travel groups so they can act like bongs sometimes, but they are not unbearable.
>There are Brits in this thread insulting alcohol
Degeneracy. We built an empire thanks to drunken sailors.
Brits are used to be completely drunk after 6pm also in UK, but if you don't behave up there you risk to be wrapped up an spend the night at the police station.
They are much more tolerant abroad just because they already knows that you are a bunch of pussies fooling around.
BOAC (pre-BA) pilots were infamous for this, trashing hotel rooms in drunken stupor during layovers. Amazing they could still fly the next day being so hung over.
I'm in Berlin and every weekend literally thousands of your cheap sluts get drunk here, never tried my luck though. They are a bit disgusting I have to admit.
UK club sluts on holiday. British women are pure trash.
The worst Spanish place is still better than any British resort. Also you have sun.
If you bring whorish British girls we can meet and kick it off.
I may be against heresy but my groin wants what it wants.
We own half the world (that's right, still do, we just keep that shit secret).
We can do whatever the fuck we like.
We own it all.
The difference between a nigger and a king is the king has the legitimacy to act that way.
We ARE kangs.
We lost our empire, national purpose, pride, and capital city, all within a generation.
It is any wonder that a people that have lost their soul behave like soulness niggers when alcohol takes away their inhibitions?
>literal muslim colony
>They act like literal niggers.
Better the nigger you know than the nigger you don't,