>we should stop muslims from coming to our countries because they are more viole-
Uhmmm no sweetie, it's the white males who are the problem
>we should stop muslims from coming to our countries because they are more viole-
Uhmmm no sweetie, it's the white males who are the problem
>it's the white males who are the problem
Yeah, all six of them.
'disregarding a gigantic swathe of deaths, there are clearly more deaths in the one we didn't discount'.
Come to think of it, do they really fucking think that muslim extremists are left-wing, like they seem to be implying?
>cutoff date is ALWAYS 9/11
They never learn. Also sage.
Why should I mind right wing terrorists? I will be not among the victims so I could not care less and I personally greatly benefit from less Blacks.
Why are white mass shooters such cowards?
That account is run by kikes same with SPLC and ADL
>let's just ignore this one so I can make my point
Blacks grow up in the ghetto under poverty and oppression so they learn to fight
White boys grow up in privilege and sheltered lives and its in the white mans genes to attack only the defenceless like when colonalists took machine guns to africa to mow down our ancestors and enslave them
>1 poster OP
This pic implies muslim terrorists aren't conservative nutjobs themselves
9/11 was an anomaly, any scientist knows not to include anomalies when you are establishing a trend
They knowingly risked their lives and accepted prison. Does not sound cowardly to me.
Also, why should it bother me that Blacks are removed? Nothing of value was lost.
> let's put aside mass murders committed by kikes and try to constantly oppose white and mudslimes
the kikery goes strong on this board
John Christian graas is Dylan roofs real name
sociology is not a science
So Islamic extremists are also right wing?
Assuming this is true, we have a big right wing terrorist problem on our hands.
every terrorist attack is an anomaly, that's why they're terrorist attacks and not regular crime
I saw someone tweet this study and they excluded 9/11 and the Pulse shooting (and many others) in order to get the desired result.
The people, NGOs and universities involved in these kinds of 'studies' should lose all federal funding, tax exempt status and other benefits on the spot.
If Trump needs to do one thing, it's this.
Dying in a terrorist attack is inherently anomalous. Throwing our data to manipulate results if unscientific, you shitskin.
Rember to sage
Found the homo sandnigger
And 500 times more likely to be killed by non-white gang members
White males aren't mass murdering people because of commands in the quran and hadith. That's only muslims.
Are you retarded? Of course islam and islamists are right wing. They certainly aren't left wing, who do almost all the terror attacks in the world. Well, and muslims too.
'Since 9/11' - Cherry picking at its finest. Utter retardation
>Let's just compare two different sized groups with each other and fool the stupid goyim
if white males are the problem then why do niggers want to live in white countries so bad
Ban assault haircuts.
>left wing
>do almost all the terrorist attacks
citation needed asshole
fake news.
this post is accurate. Whites outnumber in arabs in the USA by an overwhelming number. I promise its way more than 7 times the number of whites than arabs. So that means Arabs are overrepresented in murdering people in terrorist attacks. which is our point.
Kinda looks like my brother who immigrated to America.
Brussels / Europe here. Euh, since you seem to be a bit behind the current trends and fashions. I can inform you that we are very up to date here. Maybe you can take a look at how terrorism in the rest of the world is done to spot the trend? Just as you look at Paris for the new fashion trends, Would not be bad to do it for terrorism also. I don't think you even get informed. You heard about the guy who tried to bomb the Brussels central station two weeks ago but since his bomb only caught fire and didn't explode was the only victim?
Under Obama the FBI was required to list all Illegals and dirty mexicans as "White" so as to not offend people Yeah. OP is a huge moron.
>9/11 was an anomaly
No it wasn't. It was completely in keeping with 1,400 years of Islam and the quran.
I can't even think of enough right winger deaths to make up for the last year. Are they not counting pulse? Or Bernardino.
that because America is full of white males but barely has any muslims. in europe which has a bigger muslim population, its the other way around
When was the last "right-wing extremist" terrorist attack?
the Pulse night club because he was just anti-gay and had nothing to do with Islam :^)
Aren't muslim attacks by definition right wing terrorists ?
Islam has 2.7 billion extremists ready to murder everyone on earth that doesn't believe what they want them to believe.
Was it legitimately Mcveigh? Unabomber? If we don't count school shootings, when is the last white terror attack?
White wing extremists have killed more than 2,606 people since 9/11?
>comparing political affiliation with religious beliefs
Maybe that crazy kid that shot up the black church to start a 'race war'?
Hassan qent to a gun free zone you faggot. The US military doesn't have it's troops armed with guns and grenades 24/7
It is the white males countries. Not the shit skins kikes and nigger lovers.
You just want a nigger shit skin pet to pretend to belong in white mans western civilization. Which they do not. A nigger and their race really should be confined to their own mechanations. Just like Mexishits and other shit skins. Yet I will give American niggers a pass. If they can ever act human or be properly put in their nigger place.
P.S. Earn your own food nigger!
>Roof reads about The Saint James Church massacre in S. Africa
>loses the plot
>does what was done to his people
>nigger blames Whitey
nothing predictable about blame whitey/kill whitey narrative at all ape-ocrites
>Comparing people ready to murder you to pacifists.
>implying Adam Lanza did anything
>implying anyone died at Sandy Hook
depend, you have smart white killer who just want revenge for marxism and islamic terror like Breivik and you have autistic in america
aren't most spree shooters democrats?
>White wing extremists have killed more than 2,606 people since 9/11?
niggers killed that many other niggers in 2016 alone, in one city
Every day should be sorry day...
Oh shit. Yeah that counts. Soooo there's what, 3 people? 4?
Pretty baffled by ops numbers.
>ignore 9/11
>ignore pulse night club
Why cant leftys do math or tell the truth?
I remember the night the apartments in London burned down. The news was having a field day about a swastika found spray painted about a block away, saying that the fire MUST have been started by angry white males.
Then they found out the only person starting it was a fridge.
Bait but don't forget all the blacks that shoot up their own neighborhood and end up killing little girls down the block.
That's the thing though, Roof shot up black people and i'm not black.
Muslims target everyone so i'm much more likely to die to one of them than a right wing nutter
Well we all know 12-13% of USA population.
Nigger monolpoly on crime.
Where kikes have a tribal monopoly on the media from Russia to the USA.
Niggers have a GLOBAL monopoly on crime.
>We should care about the lives of foreigners and immigrants
>Only attacks on US citizens matter
rlly mks u thnk
You have to remember that in the states at least terrorist murders (including spree shooters) are a small portion of total murders. More often it is one retard offing someone in his social circle who dissed him.
To be fair, Muslims and Niggers are also the victims of those terrorist acts because the Jews did it.
but y does it know English if it h8s it so much?
ur such a gross 'human being'
All of these things niggers say.
All of these things Mexishits say.
All of these things KIKES say.
This. The only exception to the rule is where we insert the term "violent/violence"
The top tier just disappears their foes, or their inner circle Blue Falcons; quietly. They don;t care about the plebs, as there are 7.5 Billion of us on this rock, the White Goys of European descent have been tasked by the puppet masters to furnish everything for the useless eaters, or be forced into a corner and kill our way out. 1 + 1 = 2
>since the biggest atrocity that took thousands of peoples lives, you're more likely to be killed by majority than by 1% of the population
Opinion discarded.
Let's change that by letting more muslims in, great solution.
Whites are the superior race - which is why we're paranoid of every other race. Because they're dirt and can't compete... so we're scared of them beating us... because we're superior.
So why don't we keep it that way and ban all Muslims?
there's a root to this; and it astonishes me that it still, after 8+ generations of searching with the greatest experiment [the US constitution], it hasn't been found; if it's 'human nature', that would contradict 'white-ppl-nature '
basically. Ivory Tower nigger/shit skin lovers...
Who wants to be a fag and visit the Dali Faggot?
We will be special snow afterwards if we do!
There you go, cuckfuck.
Only as far as their genetic makeup and I won't commit genetic suicide for a niggers sake and or nigger lovers. They all need to fucking DIE!
>Whites are the superior race - which is why we're paranoid of every other race. Because they're dirt and can't compete... so we're scared of them beating us... because we're superior.
The opposite of 'Supremacy' is 'Inferiority'. No one tells the little low IQ Kanglets, Quainglets and shit shins that they are inferior; so, they are placated and allowed to remain children their entire lives, never to be concerned with accountability, responsibility or acting like adults beyond the age of 18. good job! Egypt n' sheeit superiority
fuck off immigrant
Islam is an ideology you moron.
Funnily enough, it's not even true. Niggers make up 13% of the population but commit just as many murders. And that is counting in huge numbers of Spics as "White".
The best part is, they are so obviously falsifying the numbers it's not even funny. They leave out stuff like 9/11, the Pulse Nightclub, the two spergs in san Bernardino because all of them supposedly aren't terror. While they include anything and everything they can find on the whimsiest of reasons. Some half spic shanked two neighbours after they build up a fight for months? WHITE SUPREMACY STRIKES AGAIN!
Should be 60x more likely to be killed by a white male if every demographic was equally as likely to be a terrorist.
>So why don't we keep it that way and ban all Muslims?
at some point, you have to pop the blister. before any of these monkey's get gibs, make them sign a waiver denouncing their religion, or they lose everything and live on the streets.
ooga booga
>since 9/11
Hey guys, if you don't count one of the worst cases of muslim terrorism, then muslim terrorism isn't as bad.
In america perhaps
not the case here,and in the rest of the world either
Literally entirely wrong
50x more likely to be killed by a Muslim
>has to use fake events to push the evil white meme
hahahahahaha oh man thats perfect
my family thinks the same way; they r just rabid dogs in our eyes.. they atk our family and our pets; they dont want our hospitality, they hate us for incomprehensible reasons
(((white ppl committed the same crimes of humanity as every other demographic)))
giving credit where it's due is law
How much more likely are you to be killed by a black man? Just wondering.
>since 9/11
What happened then? Oh, right.
> actually believing 9/11 was planned by the muslims
Literally all liberal statistical arguments can be countered with two words;
>Hey guys, if you don't count one of the worst cases of muslim terrorism, then muslim terrorism isn't as bad.
How's the weather there in Tel Aviv, Rabbi? You shouldn't be so coy when trying to push the narrative. Muslims are only so guilty, but Israel fingerprints are all over 9/11. Unfuck yourselves.
its fun to ask "what percentage of that is of X population/group". if they say something like it was 10%, then its boring; anything over 30% is like :o! (FASCINATING) ...lol
We haven't even started yet. Yes, the traitors will receive special attention.
The most astounding thing is that people still think that right wing attacks outnumber left wing attacks.
can't wait to here the Trump speech where he asks the public 'Would you rather rip the band-aid off quickly or slowly?'