Well Sup Forums? Try and argue against this.
Protip: You can't.
Well Sup Forums? Try and argue against this.
Protip: You can't.
Betcha if I put my dick in ur butt you'd think it's illegal.
first prove that she's right
She is right .
they are criminals for breaking the law and commuting an illegal act.
Muslims aren't human!
>Hitler did nothing wrong
Their presence is illegal.
>Try and argue against this.
I'm a fetus. Don't have right to exit vagina.
True no human being is illegal but a human being can be somewhere they aren't allowed, this makes it trespassing which is illegal.
Deport her
nice platitudes you got there lady. thanks for sharing now ice will get back to its duty of deporting illegal immigrants.
>Homosexuality is degenerate
What about rape babies? In her and other liberals sick world view, the undocumented rapist from Mexico that assaults and impregnates an American female citizen has more rights than the rape child he forced into the world.
Aborting the rape baby wouldn't even be a second thought. Death penalty for the criminal act however would be an abuse of human rights.
By that logic, everyone who breaks the law should be free.
I dont think human being are illegal, that would be ridifulous. I think its illegal for this spic and her 50 cousins to ignore our laws regarding immigration, and to break said laws. Once you break them, youre a criminal.
The dumbest judenschwindel ever.
>right to migrate! who are you to stop my movement, as natural as the birds flying south in the winter?!
Think about why land is privately held in the first place. Think of why you pay rent. Space, territory is your #1 expense every month. It's scarce. It's precious. We are supposed to house these "migrants" so as not to interfere with their human right of migration. So this moral imperative to "let people migrate" is really "Give up your space, goyim. Just give it right the fuck up."
But most goyim don't have the verbal intelligence to analyze what they're reading so Shlomo's lie machine rolls on.
Except those who commit crimes
sell her to arabian oil lord.
she's legal.
If her statement, applied to immigration, is true then murder and rape are no longer illegal as well.