>1.30 fertility rate
>Median age : 40
>8.1 birth rate (#202/226 countries)
>Alcohol is one of the first cause for death
>filthy slavs
But "muh based poland" for not taking in refugees? kek.
>1.30 fertility rate
>Median age : 40
>8.1 birth rate (#202/226 countries)
>Alcohol is one of the first cause for death
>filthy slavs
But "muh based poland" for not taking in refugees? kek.
At least we are not ashamed of our flag like you are Jürgen
Hello achmet, do you like your welfare in cuckistan?
Let me guess, a Turk?
Of course it's shit compared to other EU countries. But at least they have some decency and self respect left. Your women are raped, men are a beaten, fucking children are molested. And what do you do, Hans?
That's right. Nothing
i want to live in poland, where should i move?
Being poor is the ultimate redpill.
Based Eastern Europe willingly keeps itself impoverished to avoid degenerate modernity.
Yes, stay away and never come here.
Try Spierdalajniemamiejsca
your pic is not even from poland
No meme answer?
You are swiss so you are probably rich (for our standards anyway) so you could afford moving into Kraków. It is tourist atraction so it's one of most "foreigners friendly" cities (just stick to some good neibhorhood). And cultural shock would be prolly bit lower there.
You would have to learn polish or at least show people that you are trying to do so, saying few words in polish would go a long way.
At least we don't have any cambodian niggers
>for not taking in refugees?
yes Kalergi, go suck some mullato dick
the only good pole is cleaning my toliet.
Ashamed of your flag, Merkelcuck?
OP post their Islamic terrorism stats.
>1.30 fertility rate
Why do they need that if the people who are left keep breeders from coming in?
This is bait but in 5-10 years Poland will have better infrastructure than germany and a lot less retarded brown people.
you forgot your meme flag cuck
>EU flag
Ugh, why do they let subhumans post here?
Show your flag, faggot.
what meme flag? polish people can go suck a dick faggot.
What about the Poles who served in the RAF in WWII?
> 8.1 birth rate
Faggot OP, 0/10 grasp of reality.
Poland has one of the highest birthrates in Europe when you subtract all the non-humans.
How is this hard to understand?
what about them?
poland is a bunch of poor drunks, doesn't mean they don't get credit for telling EU and rapefugees to fuck off
plot twist: muslims or other refugees don't want to live in poland.
Rather poor than dhimmi.
>War rapes your country
>you actually want MORE war
modern day EU thinking
1.29 isn't a high birth rate
Yea we are poorer than rest of Europe
But we arent as materialistic as you guys.
Sure you guys have a ton of money to drown yourself in dumb useless crap. We live pretty frugal here man. Not a slave to money like you losers.
>Poland has one of the highest birthrates in Europe when you subtract all the non-humans.
Forget it Kraut they are not taking any of the refugees.
Pic rel is not even Poland faggot.
Blessed are those living in moderate poverty, for they can lead a normal life without straying into the path of materialistic autism.
>Can't even admire a country for standing up to globalist on any little subject without leftist cucks zooming in to quash the mighty Sup Forums rebellion from autists in a dark corner of the internet.
Really makes you drink.
nice picture of ankara
Whites in Europe average around 1 - 1,3 birthrate per white/white couple.
Some countries, like the cuckshed that used to be Germany, has a highly inflated birthrate due to shitskins, and decendants of shitskins, who for some reason or another are added to the fudged up birthrates of a country.
1,3 fertility rate is above below the norm, and they are 99% ethnic poles.
And they'll be rich soon cos billions of unemployable afroarabs will economically collapse everywhere else. They'll still be drunks tho.
Low effort bait, but I wouldn't expect any better from a retard.
>1.30 fertility rate
1.6 as of 2016. 2017 is better.
>8.1 birth rate (#202/226 countries)
9.6 as of 2016.
>Alcohol is on of the first cause for death
It's 29th cause of death.
Precisely the opposite.
You know it is so, kraut.
France is even worse.
How will that make Poland rich? It depends on Germany and its gibs. It has no natural resources or enough population for a production-based economy. It's trade routes go through hostile countries.
Stop hiding behind custom flags, Hans.
also this, google reverse image earch confirms
> rich swiss
> wants to move to Poland
Are you an idiot?
Poland GDP PPP per capita: $27,811
Turkey: $24,244
richness is relative
There aren't many ways for a country to make money and get an economy running, especially a small country that cannot be self-sustaining.
He's baiting. Every single stat that he gave was wrong (including birth rates).
*migration including other white europeans
at least get your statistics right.
I was there last week and it was great. Not as modern infrastructure and tedious bureaucracy but other than that pretty much everything is the same or better. Western europe is greatly overrated. Sure, it's nice to have the citizenship for education, healthcare, neetbux and whatnot but to actually live here, meh.
>Your women are raped, men are a beaten, fucking children are molested.
You should stop reading Fake News for a start.
That's what you should do.
We will keep leading the Free World.
off the cliff.
Follow your leader merkel and never reproduce
>We will keep leading the
Why are germans so fucking obsessed with being a shephard? Why you always want others to listen to you and if they don't you punish them? You don't want a free world, you want a world which follows your orders because you think you can decide things in other countries better than these countries can decide themself. This is what is wrong with Germany.
>Why are germans so fucking obsessed with being a shephard? Why you always want others to listen to you and if they don't you punish them?
because we arent poland
> You don't want a free world, you want a world which follows your orders because you think you can decide things in other countries better than these countries can decide themself. This is what is wrong with Germany.
am deutschen wesen soll die welt genesen
.30 fertility rate
>>Median age : 40
.1 birth rate (#202/226 countries)
Nothing that cant be fixed in one generation.
Dont trust the jew, you dont need an ever increasing population till you become as overpopulated as japan to survive as a nation.
in what fucking way?
Worse apples on Earth are made in Poland.
>mad that you're full of muds and they still refuse
>your birth rate is higher because the roaches make up the majority of it
>better alcohol than bombs
EU a shit
>Because we arent poland
True Poland didnt ruin the continent for the third time in last 100 yrs.
pole here
to all the westerners asking "can i move to poland"
the answer is a definite FUCK OFF
first the smart white americans will come as tourists
then the smart white americans will notice polish culture and it will appear in us media, think french cuisine, german cars, brazilian carnival, ...
thus poland will be known to the average american, including hordes of nonwhites
then they will start coming to poland, too
then the avg pole will be exposed to american degeneracy (think 60yo trannies etc)
then polish leftists will want the same shit for poland
so sorry white intelligent americans, i kind of like americans not being able to find poland on the map
let's keep it that way mkay?
if you really must come do it secretly and delete all your ties back to the us, esp social media
this. same goes for all other eastern european counties. dont let westies move to us.
The germans are reduced to 1/3 of their population. This is worse than the black plague. And to all the fuckers who believe numbers doesent matter: Fuck you delutional cunts
>POORER THAN TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
germany has runied europe three times in 100 years.At least we americans just fuck up the rest of the world while things stay pretty much the same at home. We don't shit where we eat.
We export chaos, you import it. If that's not fucking retarded I don't know what is.
While our country is still not as fucked up as Germany, if you don't consider the Immigration Act of 1965 as importing chaos then you are delusional.
Americans don't bother learning geography, so you're in the clear.
are you kidding me? half of polish girls are working in red right district amsterdam.
63% white.
You can be poor and still not want to take in rapefugees
100% cucked
That's not a polish number plate in that picture.
>filthy slavs
I pick filthy slavs over clean femboy cuck eurofaggots any day. You're not a man, never was and never will be. You will be fucked by Ahmed while filthy slavs are laughing their ass off how you squandered everything your ancestors build for you in one generation.
w-will you let me in polandbros?
i just realized, the colors in your flag references your people having green eyes/reddish hair, does it not? like the swedish flag which is blue/yellow while their people are mostly blonde with blue eyes
>cleanest toilets and plumbing in all of Europe
Poles are scum.
>refuses to jail Muslim child rapists for 10 years
No, Brits are scum
>this flag
Why am i not even surprised?
fuck off
I can't even get dorm room or afford rent in uni city anymore because we're flooded with Ukrainians. Fix your own shitholes.
To jeden i ten sam zjeb od tych samych nitek przez ostatnie kilka miesięcy. Najprawdopodobniej zwykły prowokator bo niestety Polacy błyskawicznie łapią w internecie ból dupy o byle gówno. Jakby się jeszcze wraz z nim odpierdolili ci zakompleksieni Polacy co to tworzą nitki o Polsce byle tylko złapać zagraniczną ślinę w zęby i amerykańce od "MOI PRZODKOWIE" to bym był w siódmym niebie.