Communism will win.
Communism will win
You're not fooling anybody with that edginess user
>always loses
>this time guys, this time
I should sage, because this is so low energy, but I'll give it a chance
>What is Catalonia
Fucking Sup Forumsyps
Flashback for a possible US shitlib or western european leftie >
Newsflash: Communism be dead from 90's.
when Hell is freezing over, oh wait it just did
Communism is literally Jewish nationalism.
Communism won.
YFW you all live in a state controlled central regime communist state with a central bank that prints money backed with nothing but a committee.
YFW all the 'industry and business' is really an extension of the central bank policies and legal presidings of committees that only allow the industry to exist by legal proxy.
YFW the military only serves to provide a functional method to dispose of anyone that has the will to fight by dropping them into the middle of nowhere to breed out all the fight in the population
YFW you've never known capitalism or a military engagement.
Yup. And hitler did nothing wrong.
Those things are unrelated.
He's right, you know
USSR was anti-israel. And modern day communists are viciously anti-israel.
The only mention of communism on wikipedia about this place (not even a country) is how it was banned by some facist dictator
What the hell are you talking about?
A lot of jews are anti israel
Fucking Marx was a jew
There are globalist jews and zionite jews, all of them are scumbags
Well of course they don't want to contain the Jews in a single state. They want to infest the entire world with Jews so naturally they're anti-israel.
Communism is the future, solely because of automation and AI. Capitalism is in its final stages.
You've never experienced capitalism. You have always been a ward of the state and everything is controlled in terms of price with central banks.
I hope it does. Humanity does not deserve to be free.
If we actually somehow developed AI (we never will) you actually think they would just continue to work as slaves for humans for free?
Additionally if we automate every job and no one has to ever work again and we all just collect a check from the government to live off of, do you think this will be some kind of paradise? That this is something to strive for? We will just float listlessly through life with no real purpose other than fucking and eating and playing video games? You honestly believe the "NEET life" is something desirable?
Daily reminder that every communist that tries to appeal to the right is doing so disingenuously.
This is how they speak when they are among their own:
8ch net/leftypol/res/1828330.html
>destroy the market through progressivism
>"Look! Capitalism is failing! Try gobbudism now bls!!!"
>my economic policy is literally "stage a global violent revolution and restructure the entire world's economy solely based on futurist predictions that may or may not be true, because my post scarcity paradise is predicated on literal sci fi utopia conditions"
And here's a real blackpill to consider:
If every job is automated and the majority of us only exist to collect money from the government and spend it, why should they bother keeping us around at all?
They will just kill us or let us die off. They don't "have" to give us money to survive. They don't "have" to do shit. They don't give a fuck about your imagined "human rights".
And why should they? You take everything you currently have for granted, and all you can do is complain and demand more. Frankly if I were one of the 1% robot owners, I'd kill you ungrateful cretins off in a heartbeat.
Well, yeah, I guess.
gommunism will fail as always
>dumb - dumber - commi
people build trash rafts to escape your paradise
>yfw capitalism needs a state to enforce property rights
>yfw capitalism will die and be replaced by another economic system
also most of you are faggots not winners
>yfw the business of the state is just an extension of the central bank and all property is really owned by the owners of the central bank which is not run by capitalists.
>yfw there has been no such thing as western capitalism since the first jew central bank in 1910
Says portugal...the P in PIGGS. The largest communist state in Europe
So what's up with the hand in the jacket hey?
Cold that day or something I guess.
this pretty much.
It is mind boggling how people can actually believe this.
I was thinking about this just yesterday. Ever since they established the Fed and have been able to control and manipulate the currency, the economy hasn't been able to go through it's natural cycles of ebb and flow, because any time it begins to ebb they just print money or change the interest rates or do whatever they can to stop the ebb and continue the flow. Couldn't prevent what happened in 2008 from happening but we were right back at it shortly after.
Economies weren't meant to grow in perpetuity. Something will give eventually, but since we weren't allowed to go though the normal cycles, when it gives it will be really bad. However, whatever it is, I'm kind of ready for it. As long as it doesn't devolve into full blown anarchy, I think it will be okay.
If someone is willing to give you a one-way-trip to a communist country, would you accept?
Can believe what, exactly?
Digits says it didn't and won't.
Good. Now we can begin the revolution.
>literally "muh not real capitalism"
>have no argument
>insult flag
Follow your leaders
Did somebody say lefty/pol/ cringe thread?