Can we all agree he turned out to be a pretty terrible president
Now that the dust has settled
Umm how?
No we can't
Im enjoying that travel ban desu senpai. Just only wish more countries were added
Speak for yourself faggit
donal chump is muh god emperor
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Does anyone have a list or infographic regarding the Trump curse?
yeah and american cities are shitholes
T. Torontonian
And he was still the better option than the ones that were given.
That should say something about the state of your States.
>And he was still the better option than the ones that were given.
No both were equally shit
Funny my Democratic precinct leader told me that only the Rich Elite supported Trump. Who is correct?
So lazy, worthless people who don't know how to do anything for themselves all voted for Hillary.
Faggots crying for mommy. Pathetic.
There would be 3rd war already if he didn't win, stfu faggot.
now paste the one about not letting him get his hands on the nuclear codes
>"desu senpai"
>kekistan flag
shut the fuck up
>gets beheaded and hit by truck
The travel ban is nice to see but thanks to (((Kushner))), he seems to becoming another neo con
And? You do know in democracies everyone gets a vote. You cockmongler.
>inb4 muh popular vote
Thats not how the system is set up sweetie.
Trump is great the courts and media are ruining this country
>city people
>not retarded
Don't forget to change your blinker fluid.
all the newfags replying to this not realizing it's pasta, holy shit
Dude hasn't been in for a year yet. He'll go down as one of the best American presidents.
Whys the crypt keeper behind him?
>turned out
Um, Sweetie...
Daddy has only been in office for 23 weeks, okay sweetie?
he hasn't been president long enough to pass judgement, sweetie.
>A man who's top selling point is that he literally zero experience doing anything even close to the job he's applying for
>He's also a loud obnoxious asshole
>Country somehow thinks these are advantages for a position that requires patience, commitment, highly specialized knowledge, tact, and a level head.
>Shocked, simply shocked, that he doesn't know what he's doing, is making a slew of rookie mistakes in a context where we can't afford any of this shit, and would rather spend his time talking shit on social media and golfing than, say, doing his goddamn job.
>h-he's still new
He's a fuck up and an embarrassment. No amount of time in office will change that.
well 99% of the world already agrees on that so yea
Hes not the president you need he is the president you deserve
1 post by this ID
1. I think Trump is an asshole.
2. I didn't vote for him any step of the way.
But, if you filter through all the bullshit on the news and social media...
He is actually doing better then I expected.
it wasn't about his presidency. it was about taking away from hillary and the left. beyond that I don't give a fuck. he could cause ww3 for all I care. so long as I got to spite the left and take something away from them.
burgerrr educatioon
Maybe, but Mattis and McMaster have been cleaning up both the military and our national security.
And Hillary would have been worse, especially in those two areas.
can't disagree with you
Saying "can we all agree" about anything is retarded.
That's nice honey
I thought all those replies were sarcastic. That phrase was literally from only a few months ago
This place is sad
Trump is running his own psyop against