is it possible to divert white women away from degeneracy or is this basically the way it's gonna be?
Is it possible to divert white women away from degeneracy or is this basically the way it's gonna be?
If we get rid of social media yes
Keep them away from social media, tv, internet and other women.
9 times out of 10 Its their cunt friends that influence them.
This. So in other words, no we can't. We made this mess partially due to advancing in technology way too far and too fast.
Imagine being able to get away with most stuff social-wise just because your hot or have big tits. Unless you can find an alternative or get guys to stop thinking with their dicks I don't see things changing.
no such thing is possible.
Women are not exactly alone on that. Men are as degenerate as they are.
And women's magazines:
Here is Teen Vogue telling girls to be huge sluts and find ways to go against the moral of their parents.
>But sometimes, the issue isn’t just your safety — it’s a difference in values that might be made more extreme by the cultural or religious norms your parents are used to. Those norms often put special pressure on dads to police and control their daughters’ sexuality. Like most men, your dad was probably brought up to believe that there are two kinds of female people — “good girls” and “sluts” — and that it is a father’s job to make sure his daughter is one of the “good girls.”
>But the truth is, you’re probably not going to be able to change their mind with a single conversation. Instead, plan for the long game. As you grow up, pursue your career, have healthy relationships, and discover what makes you happy, you will be demonstrating to your parents that whatever they thought of as “proper” womanhood doesn’t necessarily make sense for you. Over the course of many years and many conversations, you can show them — through the awesome life you will be leading — that women should not be categorized according to their sexuality.
Easy, be a good man and drop bitches like they're on fire the moment they act like this. I hold the door for mothers and modestly-dressed women. If some bitch dresses like a slut, I don't give her even a shred of attention. Don't underestimate social ostracism. When women realize they can't get the best men if they behave like sluts, they're not going to behave like sluts.
Of course this means you have to be the best man you can be too, which is where your work comes in. Exercise, study, don't waste your time on large amounts of degenerate shit such as playing video games or watching series for days on end.
Just a reminder that JAPAN has a welfare state, but using it means being socially dead to everyone around you. So it is possible, though I'd prefer to just abolish the welfare state and taxation altogether.
Cunt friends and Teen Vogue are EXCELLENT tells for who to avoid. If she has bad friends, why would she be a good person? Drop her immediately, be sure to tell them why too.
They actually think they can remove the Madonna/Whore complex from the collective psyche. Typical female thinking, "we can nurture it out of society!!'
>Don't underestimate social ostracism. When women realize they can't get the best men if they behave like sluts, they're not going to behave like sluts.
by that time they're used up sluts. who the fuck wants those? no thanks.
god they are so desperate for attention
You can't educate the old, there's still plenty of young women around. I talk to younger guys all the time in my line of work and they tend to have women trouble due to the culture. I encourage them to drop useless fleshlights and look for modest, nice girls who may not have a 10/10 ass but intelligence and a good personality.
Beauty fades, bad personalities tend to get worse over time.
>If we get rid of social media yes
>get rid of Sup Forums
This user is an idiot.
Let him an hero.
OMG I can kill my entire Country, Nuke the planet, piss on sun, poo on moo(n) for her tits.
You have to start with improving the religious values, and family values and influence them while they are young.
They are born into a culture that idolizes the female form. Everywhere they look billboards, TV ads, magazines, internet ads, they see breasts and ass. They see women represented as sexual objects. They are shown and told they can have anything if they are hot. Not a drop of value is placed on inner beauty. Women are actually taught young that value is placed on innate talent, not skill they worked for. It is their that is the reason women tend to give up on things they must practice. Because as very young girls they were praised for things they were born with. "So pretty, so talented at drawing."
Women are told other women are "courageous" for meeting the same standards as men in college and becoming mathematicians.
Their parents need to take them to Church, and instill in them humility and the desire to admire conservative dress and values, and instill self worth.
Their parents need to frown on over sexualized images and show their daughter, through their firm disapproval, such women are not desirable. That such women should be pitied because they are a empty shell with nothing inside. They will struggle to find true love, have a stable family, or be taken seriously by men. While their girl is a gorgeous pear inside a clam.
Young people flock to what their parents disapprove of, so it must be stressed and given a explanation. You don't see people running to become nudists to defy their parents, because it is a embarrassing basic value no one questions.
We have to completely change the modern world away from what the Jews have done to it.
>, there's still plenty of young women around.
mate, but the time they're 16/17, they've already been on the cock carousal.
t. I know from experience.
One big issue is that many guys share the same values as sluts. "Muh dick" values.
"You are manlier for sleeping with loads of women"
"You need to have a lot of sex to be happy"
"Relationships are about sex"
"Why would you marry someone you never slept with? What if she is bad in bed?"
Not all of them. Usually the ones that have a low IQ + high physical beauty. My wife is maybe 7/10 but she's kind, intelligent and helpful and she's going to make a great mother.
Of course the 9/10 is going to get drowned in male attention and resources will turn out to be an extremely shitty person who will try to cling to physical beauty long past her expiration date. She'll be a miserable old cunt by the time she's 35, probably die alone or divorce the husband she's constantly abusing.
The last thing any man wants is a nagging wife who lost her looks and is now going to ruin his life until he dies. Divorce is financial ruination too, it's better to pick for intelligence and personality.
Here's the thing where things get weird. Millenials are super sluts and were taught to rebel, but how would Gen Z rebel to a bunch of super liberal promiscuous parents?
>or is this basically the way it's gonna be?
Don't worry, only a couple of generations of white women left.
They follow the most dominate culture and trends in society. Punish third and make tradition mainstream. They will step in line.
>Not all of them. Usually the ones that have a low IQ + high physical beauty
nope, I literally know the ones studying hard science. and yes, even them.
you're making this up out of an ideal in your head. the reality is a lot more fucked.
Gen z are already reputed to be highly conservative. We had a prime minister (John major) whose parents were circus performers - he rebelled and ran away to become an accountant...
Can confirm, saw this girl that's in the same science course as me on tinder a few months ago. Felt nothing but absolute disgust.
I think it's too late for family values, what we need to do is make a desire for traditionalism itself a rebellion. I.E. make being a reactionary cool.
>Gen z are already reputed to be highly conservative.
>reputed to be
more like meme'd to be. it's not true, just something people keep memeing about.
meet a woman from some weird free church.
I'm currently seeing one and she's wholesome, never pushes the god narrative on me, is okay with that things slow and is so far the best woman I've met.
Punish thots*
>is it possible to divert white women away from degeneracy or is this basically the way it's gonna be?
Yes its possible
If you stop cultural marxism, everything will eventually go back to normal.
Specially many would think "why would I insert porn at my thing if people can just go to xvideos/etc.... and watch the full thing? Why would they watch my thing with some porn on it, if they can watch the real deal with almost any fetich they want at an internet site for free?"
this just sounds like you were desperate enough and can't see any faults.
>1st world city problems
>muh cultural marxism
this shit predates your buzzword
By recreating Auschwitz in Minecraft. And not doing anything beyond that.
Family values are good because they are good for the kids and because they make the people who hold them happier.
A chaste person who understands the advantage of being chaste will be happier than a promiscuous person.
It's possible a nationwide disaster could disable the internet. There's also economic problems currently brewing that could render the isp monopolies services too expensive for anyone to afford. Seems like jobs are becoming scarce and strangely enough services are getting more expensive.
Either of those things could have an effect on women's ability to broadcast their degeneracy.
Right, and those guys are r-selected. They use women as fleshlights and discard them afterwards. They're the "assholes" women talk about when they get pumped and dumped. They're not good providers on average. They're generally low IQ/deadbeats/addicts/violent/abusive etc etc.
Come on guy, really? If there's one intelligent nigger does that make all of them smart? It's a Bell curve. Fucking a lot of guys is a terrible strategy for K-selected people. Exceptions to the rule don't break the rule. Those r-selected whores are likely going to find a subpar man and lead a subpar life. They're on the right of the Bell curve of how many guys she fucked. What you want to do is look for girls further left of the curve, who have had few to no relations. It's really hard to fuck a lot of guys when you've been in a monogamous relationship for years but it didn't work out for some reason. Always do find out the reason though.
Look at Hillary Clinton for an example of high IQ but r-selected. Yes, she has money but what else does she have in her life but stress and abject misery with a husband who doesn't fuck her and a daughter that isn't his, with most of the planet hating her.
How about you start with yourself ? Because, you realize that women freak out, because men have become inherently weak and weak-minded, right ?
Other than that, back to /r9k/ with you
>? If there's one intelligent nigger does that make all of them smart?
I'm talking about the norm with young (less than 18) girls in scientific areas of study. not exceptions.
Not really, I just got tired of the "I just want to have fun, you only live once" kind of women, of which there are a great deal in this country.
Finding a social conservative woman who isn't an eastern european immigrant here is like searching for a needle in a sea of hay.
After 4 years of dating various women I got tired of überemancipated materialistic vapid women and started searching elsewhere.
Kill kikes and cucks to make an example. Women ONLY listen and respond to violence.
Gen Z will rebel by actually seeking out their biological fathers and forcing responsibility on them.
The model of having parents to rebel against is all but gone.
They're the ones carrying the consequences of their parents retarded decisions. I'm not too worried about them being susceptible to redpilling.
Just replace them with machines, it's about time to cut off that deadweight anyway
t. weebcuck deadweight to society
>uses pirate flag
>pretends to be Chad
Oh look, a real live faggot from r/theredpill.
we're all fucked. time to get over it and make your own life worthwhile. if that means starting a family go ahead. you can whinge at mtgow/the red pill men when you are on your deathbead with your wife in the grave already or by your side. until then shut the fuck up with the idealism and just man up bullshit.
>white knight mindlessly jumps to the ovarian jew's defense on the internet
Why, user? You're not even going to be able to fuck some of them because of your pathetic display here
So because I use a pirate flag, my comment is rendered wrong - apart from obviously being right ?
American """education""", everyone
calling me a white knight just confirms you didn't read shit itt and are here to justify your degenrate and useless life.
>calling me a white knight just confirms you didn't read shit itt
You're right, I didn't. Looking at you attacking the only effective solution to the problems brought forth by women, I don't really have to, do I?
>the only effective solution
only if you're a weebcuck manchild.
Either regulate and fix social media and or make mainstream pop music uncool.
Pop music and pop tv is full of degenerate messages.
>don't waste time
chads don't Sup Forums
fuck your kikeguilt trips
>this shit predates your buzzword
>predates the use of cultural marxism
predates pinup girls.
>only if you're a weebcuck manchild.
I'm neither.
How else do you propose dealing with them, user?
womyn will follow her man
is her nature
>predates pinup girls.
Not the normal use of the word by normal guys like you and me
>When women realize they can't get the best men if they behave like sluts
Because basement dwelling fatsos on Sup Forums are shining beacons of masculinity, right?
>posts degeneracy
>how can we get them to stop
Both men and women are extremely degenerate today.
We need a total shift in the culture to correct it.
Make fornication unpopular again.
>Make fornication unpopular again
t. kissless handholdless virgin
>Taking this kind of selfies
Why are white woman such sluts??
but they copy asians
>says the democrat
How many tyrones did your wife have last night?
>you should be ashamed goy of having principles
>thinking that democrats have no morals
How black and white are you, djin.
And?? They are still degenerate sluts
>not sluts
Shut up CuckBI
can somebody PLEASE sauce me up on this semen slurper
Lel it's the men who can't control them , you're bitching about women on Sup Forums instead of doing something
>using the term 'degeneracy' unironically
Im a chad and i Sup Forums. Times r changing
We have to counter shill in favor of strong nuclear families and forward thinking. Feminism has taught girls in particular that they can have it all and they can have it all right now. Some of /ourgirls/ have been really good and creating redpilled content that puts front and center the fact that if you want to have a family at some point you have to do it young. So amplifying the post wall depressives and the pro young family messages are key. Basically we need a cultural counter balance to Buzzfeed and Huffpo that Breitbart was supposed to be, but failed to be at least on the level of the culture war.
>not knowing the definition to a word and realizing it's appropriate in this situation.
>noun: degeneracy
>the state or property of being degenerate.
>adjective: degenerate
>having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.
We should go back time, to th good old days
>being THIS autistic
why am I still here, Just to suffer?
>knowing a 6th grade level vocabulary word is autistic
>implying getting rid of Sup Forums isn't a great idea
You're a retard. You're doubly retarded if you wouldn't sacrifice this retarded Cantonese calligraphy board in order to take down Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Reddit, and Instagram.
Could you explain your rationale?
White men are just equally as "degenerate".
More white men date/marry out of their race compared to white women.
>take down Sup Forums to nuke the internet
Whatever you say, Baka.
That's enough Mr Tuvok
Anyone else open about their conservative views on sexuality publicly? I find a lot of girls wanna look like a good person in your eyes, if you're a respectable guy, and will act a lot less slutty and degen if you tell them how you feel about it. Seriously, it's like girls are just waiting for a man to tell them they shouldn't be a slut.
Nic e statistics, literally pulled out of your ass
I have a question for my Shareblue friend here.
Why do you think what we call here degeneracy is a good thing? Why is promiscuity something you should defend?
I want to cum inside Tharja.
In fact I spent like 150 bucks on this figure.
Just keep it in Mint Condition, user.