Why aren't you Aryan Sup Forums ?

Why aren't you Aryan Sup Forums ?

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But i am. What now?

I am.

I am.
But also half black.. my last name is legit ancient anglo.. this upsets pol ans can be traced back.

R1b here

I am an aryan of the east (iran)
Hello my fellow blonde hair and blue eyes

And you know celts are aryan to, they came in with the same Indo-European migration

Why would you want to be aryan when you can be dinaric?

Aryans basically fall for a we wuz kangz meme. They've never done jack shit.

Kelts were of R1b stock mostly. They cannot be called Aryan, as this term is used for Northern Yamna R1a people mostly.

You might want to go back to school.

Learnt all I need to mate. Love how this place worships blonde hair and blue eyes when hardly anyone looking like that accomplished anything.

My beef isn't with hating blonde hair, but with the fact that you claim Aryans didn't accomplish anything.

based anglo
true masterrace, too bad your women are ugly though

Give me some famous Aryan scientists

Because I'm a superior Anglo.
Have fun with your shitty non-empire fampai. Your blonde hair means nothing to me.

Do you want the list of: German, Baltic, Scandinavian, English, Slovak, Czech, Ukrainian, Persian, Belarusian, Russian, Polish or maybe Hungarian?

Those people are Aryan.

W WUZ Baltic, Scandinavian, English, Slovak, Czech, Ukrainian, Persian, Belarusian, Russian, Polish or maybe Hungarian AND SHEEET

dude, i am blonde and i have blue eyes, doesn't mean i am aryan
croatia is like 40% aryan too, more than hungary

You claimed there are no "Aryan" achievements, which is absurd.

Except AngloSaxons were l1. Of the same stock as the rest of Germanic people. And English IS a germanic language.

There are no 'Aryan' achievements
Aryan is a made up term from Nazi Germany, you brainwashed cuck

Except it's not.

Aryan is a term for Satem language people, it comes from Iran/Persia(Which literally means Aryan) Darius called himself an Aryan. And he was from the cultural/genetical elite of R1a Indo-Europan Aryans that conquered native population of Iran, just like they did in Europe.

I suggest you to read more, before you sperg out.

> I am Darius the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing all kinds of men, King in this great earth far and wide, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, a Persian, son of a Persian, an Aryan, having Aryan lineage.

Not to mention Hindu civilizations.

so aryans are not necessarily blonde and blue eyed?

No, that's a nazi autism like you said.
Even though they've spread the blonde-hair gene in Europe.

so that legit means that a brown haired and blue eyed hungarian is technically aryan and i am not even though i am blonde and blue eyed?

But the Slavs also settled in Croatia, didn't they?
And the Slavic cultural/linguistic elite forced Dinaric people to speak Slavic.

Some slavs have iranian in them, some ancient iranian peoples like the Scythians got absorbed by them

Yes, East Slavs mostly.

based meme

I am. The Nazis even attested that all of my grandparents were of pure blood. They had this special passport.

But so what? Being Aryan is no political statement. I find much more important what my people achieved, and what shitskins are right now trying to demolish.

>The Nazis even attested that all of my grandparents were of pure blood.
Irrelevant. Nazis were the true enemies of Aryan folk.

>Why aren't you Aryan Sup Forums ?
Because sadly I born in one of the shitholes of the third world

You are a walking contradiction, you are Sup Forums kryptonite

No, but at least I have blue eyes, do you OP?




That dude on the right has poo hairstyle

The term Aryan is older than Germany.

I'm 80/20 Scandinavian/Anglo and therefore not white



Because my mum fucked a nigger spic

Aryans settled in India, so it's not really surprising.
Also, Buddha was most likely one of them as well.

>India 1000 AD
And yet today Indians shit on the streets just like animals.





Dravidians do. They aren't Aryans.


No, blond hair blue eyes is a meme, being aryan is mostly a facial structure thing

Are you a street shitter?
Aryan invasion of India is a historical, genetic and archaeological fact.

I'm extremely and traditionally Anglo in feature and genetics unfortunately.



Aryans are scum, nigs of the white race. Anglos are the culture bearers and nation builders. Praise us.

Anglo-Saxons are Aryan, you moron.

My grandmom is from Spain. Mon from Argentina. Feels non-white. Thats why.


I1 is the patrilineal lineage of aboriginal North Europeans.

R1a is part of Haplogroup P... Central Asia. The Central Asian were brown/ginger haired, brown eyed peoples.

The R1a, R1b horsemen took a lot of the farming and livestock to Northern Europe.

This is how they got oats and such. It was hard to make a living as a hunter-gatherer in Europe.

R1a, R1b central asian were land developers.

Why aren't you whiter than a Brazilian?
>pic related

could be a bit off. By the time R1a and R1b that I and G dudes in Europe were already primitive farmers but they weren't good at growing a ton of food or have horse affinity.

i fucking hate aryans, they look like albino pukes, anglos did it better, fuck aryans

no they're not faggot
stop making anglos the same level as slavs and aryan niggers

Literally no excuse et al

Anglos and Saxons were ethnically Germanic tribes, how much of a retarded inbred nigger can you be?

Because im part of the native portuguese caucasoid ethnic group

aryan =/= white
aryan = detached, no identity, no love for ones own land

Anglo-Saxons carried Germanic l1 to England. And they created English identity,

Later British Isles were raped by another Germanic tribes, Vikings. That also carried R1a and l1 to Britain.
You look like a Lithuanian guy I know.

I am though

t.upper class Brahmin

people really believe all brazilians are brown lmao


>Anglos and Saxons were ethnically Germanic tribes
fuck off retard faggot

Mothers side Grandfather is Irish and Grandmother is Norwegian, My Fathers is Czech, so probably mostly Slavic maybe some Nordic or Germanic blood. Feels pretty good.

>The Anglo-Saxons were a people who have inhabited Great Britain from the 5th century. They comprise people from Germanic tribes who migrated to the island from continental Europe, their descendants, and indigenous British groups who adopted some aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture and language. Historically, the Anglo-Saxon period denotes the period in Britain between about 450 and 1066, after their initial settlement and up until the Norman conquest

British Isles are at least 30-40% Germanic genetically. Linguistically English is a Germanic language.

sauce on athlete girl in bottom left

wrong, the only cucks here are the germans

It's really sad, I don't mind Americans with that creed, but when I see a German or Italian surprised that their diaspora is still alive and pure around here it really makes me sad.

I've been told I look like Pewdiepie.

but they're ANGLOS not aryans

aryans are nigger tier

You don't understand your own history.

British elites were always proud of their germanic Anglo-Saxon heritage.
Germanics are Aryans.

I can only hope you have either an Australian or Leaf flag under that Israeli one.

Well Hung Aryan.


yes these ae the natives there, maybe even browner, but we fucked enough of their women over generations and imported enough portuguese for them to breed with that there's actual white brazilians

That's a native, they were mostly killed off to make room for Euro diaspora, like me.

>British elites were always proud of their germanic Anglo-Saxon heritage.
lmao look at this delusional faggot
no they're not

Because my grandad fucked a Cherokee girl.

I'm Anglo-Saxon (English). So I guess that makes me Aryan.


Actually, the oldest Portuguese diaspora is now most of the "Pardo" (Brown) population.
They mixed with niggers later too, blanding up was NOT a good idea, but the white South now thanks you for the warning you left in the North with that savage population.

Because I'm a tall, autistic mountain dweller.

I was born 50% aryan
I pray to odin every day to give me the will power to ascend into full aryan
So far I've become 64% aryan but one day I will be full aryan

I wish you the best, user.

Take it easy, Portugese-y.

idk about "killed off" my man, genetically maybe, the goal was to civilize the natives and it worked decently until you got independance and went full socialist

Spread your genes.

Any real life pure blood aryan even alive?

if you're more than 50% aryan

you should probably kys
the nigger tier looks and the nigger tier culture is just utterly repulsive

I have blue eyes tho?

Yeah you do have a lot of niggers, the real problem though is all of you are fucking communists for some reason lmao, so you just keep getting poorer and poorer and niggers just keep nigging more and more, it's really depressing to watch quite honestly

Thanks to Christians, Jews and muslim who exploited India.
