Could fascism have worked in the RuSSia?

Could fascism have worked in the RuSSia?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Poland_and_Russia

Of course. Russians are ubermenschen


>self hating
Good job faggot.

Accept it. Embrace it.
Just stop being fucking alcoholics.
And you have the hottest qt on earth.

I don't hate myself tho, just most other Russians.
Not everyone here is an ethnic collectivist

I talked about fascism, Datsik is a stupid skinhead

The only thing that works in russia is vodka with pickles, krokodil and blue whale. Nothing else seems to work over there, not even majority of the general population.

Apparently not everyone passes your rigorous purity tests. Only the most refined specimen are allowed in.

>implying "real" fascists are real
99% of nazis are either retarded skinheads or fat neet """""intellectuals""""" larping on forums/boards like 4chin and stormfront

we will maybe see in the future

of all great powers in the world, Russia has the highest chance to become fascist (still not high though)

>fat "intellectuals"
But Prosvirnin is engaged in useful work

>t. self hating faggot

u say it like all russians look like this pile of shit

russians have tiny brains so no

Yeah, but you still would've had to have a leader as strict as Stalin.


It was called communism


By the way, Stalin was a right-wing politician

Yea I think i would have.
There was an "alternative history" video that showed what could possibly have happened if the Russian Empire became fascist/whites won.
Russia would have dominated Europe.

I wish the whites won.
If they did I would be living in the empire most likely and hopefully have the freedoms that I don't have here.

Communism was the most harsh system the was, If I had to choose between that and NatSoc, I would choose NatSoc, no gulags

>no gulags
what do you think concentration camps were?

I would like that too. But objectively Revolution of 1917 was necessary is necessary

>oy vey

I don't think it was necessary.
I'd take anything but (((Communism)))

>concentration camps have swimming pools
>they have their own currency for which the inmates can earn
>they have their own stores and economy
>inmates look after inmates, largely

It's amazing to think of, my ancestors probably wouldn't have ended up here.
>No famines of 21 or 30's
>people can own means of production, amateur scientists flourish
>tens of millions aren't purged
>no repression of religion and Russian culture by their greatest allies

It hurts to think about.

>It's amazing to think of, my ancestors probably wouldn't have ended up here.
Yours? Where did they go?

I think Russia would have still gone great and reached and probably have gone past the height of (((USSR))) and there wouldn't be the mess which it is today.

I'd be happy with a monarch, a constitutional monarch would be even better.


And yes.

I can vouch for this as an user with Russian gf

Worked well before latvian ''strelki'' killed tzar.

All of them from Lithuania, then part of the empire(but you probably already knew that). They went to upstate NY and stayed there. Lithuania was better off as a Russia than an EU client state.

Didn't Patriarch Cyrill endorse the Romanov's under Maria? She hands out awards and things. A long way to go-but it could happen.

Yes. And it would have made Russia much better than USSR did.,_Poland_and_Russia


Janka JANKA WEEEW hol up
I seem to understand you don't understand how lat/russ relationships work
We say shit things about them (That they are subhuman rapist killers and destroyers of economy) and they say (Irelevant shithole that will soon become new russia)
That is how we do you can't just say something good about russians.We aren'' frends ok?

He was to pure for this cruel world

If I'm not mistaken, wasn't there a group in Russia during the early 1900's called the "Black one-Hundreds" that were essentially hard nationalists who wished to keep the monarchy intact.

You know very well why they did so. And if you don't, go learn some fucking history instead of sluching in front of a computer.

Becouse lenin offered them land.

It's the Kremlin vatniks who are the problem, not Russians themselves.

I only know a bit on the history.
I don't know where to find non kiked info and possibly redpilled.
Aside from the books by alexander.

I heard something about that.
Also there was some billionaire who offered to make the romanov who is still alive a king in "new Russia empire" or something on private islands or something.


And what happened before that? Hint: it has something to do with the Czar's orders.

Most of russians dont even smoke rn. Only poors are alcoholics. Our ""alcoholism"" is just stereotype.

Am I the only one who thinks russians look inbred?

>turned russia into shithole, that was unable to win over japan

Yes, you are. But I've heard Croats have Goddess-tier women, so maybe it's standards.

Beautiful pic.

I don't think that private venture worked out-but it was worth the try. I don't know why they just don't set up massive camp in the far east.

TFW You'll never experience this.

TFW You'll never experience this

Пьoтp, what you have to seriously consider is that we (Eastern Europeans and Ruskis) have very different standards for alcoholism than Westerners.

He is a Pole, retard, it's a polish surname

Well Russians like being peasants so no.

You see, the Russian mentality is to be a peasant. Shitty little block apartment in a high rise living with 3,000 other people and barely enough food to eat while the cold makes you want to kill yourself. Russians love that shit.

>This is what homosexual liberals actually believe

>third largest empire in history
They WUZ and they WUZ BE AGAIN!

I think russians will convert into latin alphabet and become different.

Yeah but gulags had innocent people in them.

Like who?

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

It's called "muzhik". They still refer to each other by this name occasionally.
The Reds fucked them up really bad. Purged most of their folk culture, this is all they have left.

>Reactionary writers are innocent

dindu nuffin.

Christians and anyone else who didn't submit, and their families too.

Only Christians who were persecuted were the priests who collaborated with the White Armies.

Tell that to my church and my family.
Both were persecuted and they're different denominations too.

Then they were probably involved in counter-revolutionary activities.

My ancestors were that's for sure.
But my church definitely wasn't.
The members of my church are all about non violence afaik.

>not following the state and worshiping the state as "god"
is considered counter revolutionary to the kiked leaders

>But my church definitely wasn't.
I doubt it.

I don't.
The older members of my church were children when they ran away with their parents.

Good goy

Well the last Tsar really answered that question

yeah its still forced labour camps no matter how good they make it

If not for the war, there would be no need for surplus war materials, and they would have upheld the Haavara agreement.

Very good goy.

What the point?
Russia is are mere shadow of past herself.
It would be better if we just die off at this point.

>It would be better if we just die off at this point.

We believe in you Russia.

we will take this shithole of are planet with us.


I'd rather have a Tsar than stalin.
Sure beats a kiked government.

And at least the leader is the same ethnicity.

Of course, russians are submissive to authoritarian regimes, similiar to germans. They went from monarchy to communist dictatorship to capitalist dictatorship; russians don't know what liberalism is like. Considering Stalin was acting like a fascist on some issues they basically were okay with it.

The Jews did this. Seriously.

Oh, go fuck yourself you whiny wimp

I already know that. Thanks anyway.

What's with the UN Flag?

Right in the feels.


By the way, What is your attitude to Baron von Ungern?


If it happened instead of the creation of the USSR, no. There would have been too many ethnic groups competing for power.

>losing against japs

literally we wuz Khan.

