or for the Spanish oppressive superstate to continue fucking with the free spirited people of Free Catalonia?
Is Sup Forums for Catalan independence
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What ethnicity is that?
take a guess
>Sup Forums
>one person
not this time manolo, not this time
Clearly no. I'd say she is gypsy but not 100%.
None of my business. Wouldn't it be nice if more people would let other people/cultures sort out their own stuff?
>eu flag
>am i for the independence of a """"""nation"""""" that is entirely made up of spaniards?
fuck outta here with things no one gives a shit about
what i'm for is the independence of western sahara, the liberation of palestine & the split of somaliland.
Keep dreaming Ivan
She does not look Spanish lol
What's the point of your post?
Why is catalan such an ugly language? Why even bother to speak it?
Nobody is really independent nowadays, with or without the EU.
I could debate this for hours but I don't want to atract the retarded castillan jacobins so I'll pass
still buttblasted about eritrea I see
no it's not that's a mulata
I support every separatists movement. The smaller the state the more influence an individual citizen has.
who cares? the country is fucking broke and in 15 years, it'll all be Europeistan. your fucking population got jewed with stupid distractions while they imported migrant roaches by the millions.
it's not and we speak it cause that's our language just as you speak english cause you were part of the british empire
is she gypsie?
>American education
>doesn't even know where Catalonia is
ok, Tyrone, move along
Obviously Sup Forums is for any and all devolution of powers. That's what Brexit was about.
Indeed, but it is still not relevant to my original post.
The point of proposed catalonian 'independence' is, from what I know, to preserve distinct culture, language and such - while the ultimate goal of EU is to erase all local cultures in favor of greater european one - thus, any separatist movements would be detrimental to the cause. That's why I find the OP funny.
>Support the independence of Catalonia
>European flag
Schlomo, How are you?
She is Catalonian, her name is Mariella Al-Badi. You are just a racist Spaniard.
We will going to have one thing in common though, ameribro: we both will talk spanish
Calling Catalans "Spaniards" is like calling Mexicans "Japanese".
Smaller nations = easier for the EU to control and bully.
Inb4 que pone en tu Dni
Inb4 Basques and catalonians living in my country.
Inb4 having to soportar a Arthur Mas eternally
i am all for that qt3.14 marrying me
Pol has opposed Scottish independence.
Except that Spain won't let them join the EU. Meaning them leaving cucked ass Spain would be identical to Brexit and to oppose them leaving is high-grade Jew fuel. But you lazy Spanish did love the jews anyways so no surprise there.
>don't speak spanish
>hate spaniards
>culture is far from being spanish
In what way are they Spaniards?
>muh breaking up century long unions because it doesn't make me happy anymore
You and Scotland both need to shut the fuck up
False. Scotland would not have been able to join the EU. Therefore Sup Forums supported it. Revisionist cuck
Because the SNP are whiny cucks who want to sell Scotland to the globalists just to piss off the English.
Ethically yes.
Yet considering the current geopolitical situation, I cannot support it at this time and feel obligated to side with the Spanish kingdom.
>control and bully.
BS. The EU made breakups of larger countries possible. Finally there are nations who can break free from oppressive centralist asstards.
Wanting to be smaller states that can make their own decisions is bad? How much do you hate your own country there? Kys
Catalan indepence is literaly the jewish dream
Remember who is behind of Catalonia indepedence.
There are more independence movements.
Veneto, the Basque country, Wallonia, Flanders, Ireland, South Tyrol etc.
Opposite. Try harder there Schultz
>Catalan indepence is literaly the jewish dream
Basically this.
>But you lazy Spanish did love the jews
>Spanish did love the jews
>Love the jews
We fucking killed or expelled the jews out of Iberia 400 years ago.
the reason catalonia has inmigrants in the first place is because catalans are already a minority here
half the nation is andalusian and they vote lefty every election
How many shill bucks did you just earn?
>Wanting to break up century long established countries for no reason that can't be given to them from within their already existing country
Take off that cross, kike.
It's funny because you didn't. That's a shill myth that they used before
Cataluña is Spain, and it'll always be.
"Palestine" is Israel's rightful clay. Deal with it.
Take that flag off shariablue
Kick those Andalusians out! They are not your race, but a completelt different race!
See how there's never any reason given for these type of posts?
These are pure shitposts but they trigger the fuck out of me
The same retarded alerta digital moron that one day say catalans are muslims the next day he says that they are jews
These people have lost every fucking colony out of pure autism and they continue to this day doing the same thing.
In Cuba and the Philipines the spanish speaking leaders only wanted more autonomy but spain killed them and then they went for full independentism with the help of USA
They could still be spanish just like portugal if not for castillan autism but here we are.
Pure coincidence
Neither is true in any sense whatsoever. Learn some history before you post fedora
Many of those are inconsequential to one country continuing to exist, though. If Scotland left, the UK would no longer be able to exist. If Catalonia left "Spain" would no longer meet its own historical defenition of being Spain.
we are spaniards, just not castillans
we are in hispania and we had no problem being part of the spanish kingdom, the real one
The majority of them literally would lead to the breakup of nations. You can't even keep your shilling straight nigger
Oy Vey!
Free spirited Jordi the tax dodger
>catalonia is spain but the catalan is not a spanish language and it should be out of schools
this is why spanish right wing will always lose in spain
just look at vox, instead of saying things about islam all they care is catalonia
>They could still be spanish just like portugal
>Spanish oppressive superstate
If that means that Spain is powerfull again and with some balls like it did in the past.
Yes, fuck you.
>That's a shill myth that they used before
>I dont know what the insiquisition was.
Jews were/ are called marranos in Spain which means literally "pigs". Yes, We expelled and killed the jews who lived here and the mussies as well. Pic related is one town in Castille that was literally called "killer of the jews" . The name was changed by our fucking government.
Sup Forums has changed so much that they would defend this anyway. We just need a based women general full of beta orbiters saying how based Lauren Southern is to know that this board has gone full reddit.
nudes. her. postem.
Aren't they left wing in Catalonia?
>A Spanish Scotland
Eww. Fuck Catalonia, Franco did nothing wrong.
False. The kikes made it up and renamed towns so they could have an excuse to steal land. You pretend to hate kikes but you sure as fuck don't know what happens when they get together.
Notice how the Israeli flag is even bigger, they know who are their masters.
union de armas
We speak Spanish and Catalan fagboy. And Catalonia is full of hyper lefties
Yeah they made that plot so that 500 years later they could claim shekels. This ammount of retardation.
Haha, have your daughter ready to get fucked by Muhammad.
>Aren't they left wing in Catalonia?
it's a separated issue despite what the castillan morons will tell you
The thing is that commies favour independetism when they are not in power in spain.
We speak spanish you dunce
There are both right and left wing Indy parties there.
As for the Spanish Scotland bit, start whining when you are actually paying taxes that you get no benefit from. Oh wait, you don't because you're on benefits. Cuck.
It looks semitic, so I would say pure Qatarlan
we speak castillan and catalan moron and we don't have more lefties than madrid
>Implying they can kick the same dudes who colonized the americas out.
They have experience at genociding. That is why the eternal c*stillian like them so much.
No, Catalonia is full of communist faggots and should be burned to the fucking ground. They don't even have a real language, just a fucked up gutter dialect of something more civilized. They are the Quebec of Spain.
>South Tyrol
>Flanders and Wallonia
Obviously breaks up Belguim but who gives a fuck?
Hurts the notion of a United Italy but doesn't destroy it
Both a whole Ireland and UK can obviously coexist and have before.
What's your fetish with decentralization, Jew? Are you just so high on nationalism you'll throw away a thousand years of Christian efforts to grow countries for some small localities that want to pay less taxes?
kek kys, Cataluña es española
Excuse my semantics you pedantic cunt. I put it in burger terms. Fuck off. And yes we fucking do. At least in Barcelona I see faggy shit everywhere.
Yeah, you do seem pretty fucking retarded. Claiming your country was ever relevant, let alone anti-Semitic, is hilarious. Spain literally has always been the cuck nation. The last big thing they had was fucking Trajan. You siding with kikes merely proves your shill level
we'll deus-vult eritrea soon enough
And yet Sup Forums constantly mistakes Ethiopians as being "black".
Same way the niggers you lot post as being ethiopian are ethiopian. i.e: conquered people, minority = whatever nation they belong to.
not my fault that i'm now playing ball because as i've just recently found out, americans aren't white, they're native americans. italians are now black as well, because muh immigration
tl:dr piss off
deal with it.
you might as well join the ranks of mexicans, josé.
Free Catalonia
Only when the castillan right wing became antiregionalistic and jacovin we saw a support of left wing politics in catalonia
Leftism is not a goal but a mean, a defence mechanism
But it's a double sword as we see with inmigration
It's really not hard to undestrand, it's the same in every part of the world.
I know what it feels like as I'm English - we pay for the other countries in the UK's gibs and get no thanks for it
she's not fuck you
if you don't have at least 3 catalan surnames you are not catalan
doesn't mean you can't be a catalan citizen but you will never be catalan
stop larping
>They are the Quebec of Spain.
More like the Commiefornia of Spain.
Pic related, the mayor of Barcelona, no kidding.
>What's your fetish with decentralization, Jew? Are you just so high on nationalism you'll throw away a thousand years of Christian efforts to grow countries for some small localities that want to pay less taxes
I want a Europe of nation states. I hate centralism because it is wrong.
Why do you oppose to give nations their own states???
>mfw balearic
>mfw cataluña tries to meme us into being part of their shitshow
>mfw we'd have a better shot at becoming independent than them if we wanted to
Stay away from our islands
just like madrid, london, parism, new york... you fucking moron this is not a catalan born issue
Is Catalonia basically Scotland?