Redpill me on atheism? Is is Sup Forums approved?
Redpill me on atheism? Is is Sup Forums approved?
No, pol views atheism as a communist attribute. Which is stupid but that's the way it is.
If atheists are right, obama deserved his nobel piece prize
Agnosticism is the redpill for those who refuse to be religious. Atheists need to be gassed.
Hah, no. Atheism is the essence of ideological toxicity.
Atheists are responsible for the degeneracy that has inflicted so many once proud Christian nations in the last hundred years, and therefore are literally responsible for the death of the white race.
Atheists will be the first to go on the day of diet.
Sup Forums is full of crypto-kikes who follow a semetic religion
Atheism outright rejects the possibility of any divinity which is just as reaching as believing in a Jewish tribal god
Christianity shouldn't be Sup Forums approved except for christian identity RaHoWa types
That picture is incorrect, I can tell you that.
Agnosticism isn't a middle-man/mutually-exclusive and imbeciles like you need to get that through your intellectually-dishonest skulls.
No, because Sup Forums is a bunch of dumb niggers who could believe in everything.
Sup Forums is a christian board
For starters, the image is not quite right. It's not the rejection of belief necessarily. Some atheists do in fact reject the idea of god, which is to say they take a strong stance against the existence of god.
But atheism as a category is more broad, more broadly it means the absence of belief.
There's a subtle but important difference there which you'll have to understand to be red pilled on atheism.
No. Only trolls are trying to divide by shoving it into every thread they can.
Fun fact: 99.9% of pol have never read the Bible.
Antitheism and Atheism are two well established different things
Atheism is great. It's the rejection of religious dogma.
Retards then dogmatically follow other ideologies like feminism, communism etc. They give atheists a bad name.
Basically, avoid dogma.
As a guy who believes in God, I find this picture REALLY funny. I can't be the only one. It's staring ya right in the face.
I'm an Atheist, always will be unless I meet Jesus. Been rightwing longer than most here have known what politics is.
IMO its wise for an Atheist to realize that being an Atheist in no way gives you any kind of superiority to anyone else, not in-of-itself and that Religion - amongst other things - is effectively used as guard against degeneracy, and therefor very important for keeping society sustainable and by giving up on Religion, you're opening yourself up to nihilism and degeneracy and if you don't have effective methods to deal w/ them not only are you not superior to the common religious and/or believing man, you're inferior.
I feel like that puts an Atheist in line w/ pol better, but even if it doesn't, who gives a fuck? Gonna get a bunch of anons pick what you get to think?
Yes, Abrahamic cult are Jeiwsh cults.
Christianity is a tool to control goy, made by jews, for morons with a jewish icon
>le reformation never happened face
>being atheist when you can literally see God's face in the sky
Fun fact: catholics are going to hell thanks to pope
This is why no one takes you jewish cultists seriously
Muuh space daddy will punish u !
No he will not.
And you wasted years talking to the toothfairy in your head.
But didn't Russia went to shit when they rejected the Orthodox Church and the Romanovs?
A decade ago virtually all of Sup Forums was atheist. Then atheism became leredditmeme and so Sup Forums slowly shifted into fundy christian territory, because we're a collection of contrarian children that fap to anime.
There's your goddamn redpill.
i cba to read the words but this has to be a fucking joke right
Russian always was shit.
every thread like this is the same
>Christianity across the board supports diversity, and the importation of Islam, Merkel's party is literally the Christian party
>but it's atheism's fault because ????
You guys need to pull your heads out of your asses and realize that all semitic religions are tools of the jew
Are you by chance a pagan? If so do you think you could recommend any WN pagan books?
I'm curious about their worldview
I am not, sorry can't help you there
Atheism is popular with autistic people and pseudo-intellectuals. The most autistic fat gay retard i ever knew was an atheist because a priest raped him as a child.
You CAN be an agnostic and an atheist at the same time.
Same with agnostic and Christianity.
Agnostic christian says " I dont know if God exists but I believe in him.
Agnostic atheist says "I dont know if God exists but I dont believe in him.
Why should I waste my time with any baseless religion bs when I could learn about applied sciences get a job as an engineer, doctor, scientist etc; better ways to spend your time than on religion.
Church tortured galilao, father of modern physics (whom newton took most of his concepts, galilao was missing the time variable)
pre-torture statements
"I do not feel obliged to believe that same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect had intended for us to forgo their use."
"In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual."
"They know that it is human nature to take up causes whereby a man may oppress his neighbor, no matter how unjustly. ... Hence they have had no trouble in finding men who would preach the damnability and heresy of the new doctrine from the very pulpit..."
"I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin not with the Scriptures, but with experiments, and demonstrations."
"To command the professors of astronomy to confute their own observations is to enjoin an impossibility, for it is to command them not to see what they do see, and not to understand what they do understand, and to find what they do not discover."
"It vexes me when they would constrain science by the authority of the Scriptures, and yet do not consider themselves bound to answer reason and experiment."
"It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved."
post torture statements
"Having been admonished by this Holy Office [the Inquisition] entirely to abandon the false opinion that the Sun was the center of the universe and immovable, and that the Earth was not the center of the same and that it moved... I abjure with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, I curse and detest the said errors and heresies, and generally all and every error and sect contrary to the Holy Catholic Church."
Ty based leaf. Your insight has been of worth.
Be an athiest in the lab, but be a Christian in your community
No. This traditionalist, nationalist, anti-semitic board insists that you have to worship a anti-traditionalist, open-border jew. Rejecting said jew, or even not worshipping him, means that you somehow are a tool of the jews.
That's not the correct definition of Atheism, it's simply made popular by cowardly Atheists who are unable to defend their own worldview
The correct definition can be found in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
"‘Atheism’ means the negation of theism, the denial of the existence of God."
In other words, an Atheist is someone who states that "There is no God", which is a claim to knowledge, which therefore requires proof or evidence. Theists also have this burden of proof.
Agnostics on the other hand, do not have a burden of proof.
So, I'm just an atheist because I think no religion can give me a half-decent explanation for why we are here, where we came from and where we go. I have never really had any big issues with any sort of religion, as long as they try to not shove it down my throat.
So, I don't need to worship any sort of deity, I have more than enough actual problems in my live going. Why would I spend time on an issue that is not really provable nor solvable when I have more pressing matters to attend to? This is why I am now studying in order to find a better paying job. Live my life and then I may ask some of the more rethoric questions.
Does that make me a bad guy /pol?
>wish more people would worship you.
>hear child pray to you.
>send a priest to priest rape him
>child turns into a fat gay retard.
What did God mean by this?
>"There is no God", which is a claim to knowledge, which therefore requires proof or evidence
The lack of evidence is evidence in itself.
I wonder when the Islamic takeover of Europe is complete whether the Muslims will thank their greatest ally, the atheists, before slitting their throats.
No it's not, that's a very fundamental error you made there
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
I would say there are a lot of atheists on Sup Forums and Sup Forums, but it'll be difficult to notice as christian values/traditional values have been adopted by many Sup Forumssters.
>still stuck with cuckstianity
hinduism is the future
we are living in the age of kali yuga
hitler was an avatar of vishnu
and many more redpills are awaiting you
I'm an Atheist who beleives in the cultural values that western christianity has afforded us.
I don't believe there's an actual magic man in the sky who makes shit happen, but i believe that there's a collective mental ideal people have that's worth aiming for, and that is (so far) best described by Christianity.
It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to look at the most successful countries on earth / the ones that EVERYONE ELSE wants to migrate to, and then take a look at the general religious majority/foundation of those places, do a simple bit of math and come out with a very easy conclusion that Christian Western Enlightenment nations are the best nations on the face of the planet, and dabbling in the rank turds that other nations/ideologies have to offer is time and time and time and time again nothing but a terrible idea.
Christian Westernism doesn't need to meld with other ideologies (such as the disgusting barbaric cult of Islam), it's done a fantastic job evolving and getting better all by itself, and producing amazing, happy, prosperous societies as a result.
Leaves one groundless. Society cannot function without accepted dogmas, it's about choosing the best ones.
>implying we won't convert to cut off the heads of the people that invited them in, who are primarily Christians
>love thy brothers
yes, atheism is Sup Forums approved
The only unironically christian of my age is the autistic
>"Atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist"
>"Atheists only believe in deities whose existence have been scientifically proven."
So far, that's zero.
Russel teapot
>Lowest support for Christianity in decades, if not centuries
>increasing support for open borders, degeneracy, anti-tradition
Pick both
Jesus Christ you people are retarded. Without metaphysical presuppositions to ground reality in, people become aimless, rootless, and egocentric, resulting in all the degeneracy and decay you see today. Atheism is a part of the problem friendo, not the solution. Wake up.
>Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
That's exactly what it is.
There's no evidence of unicorns so I can confidently say they don't exist (despite that they might even be genetically possible).
Not to mention I could also twist this around and say "Existence of evidence is not evidence of existence".
Is that what Savitri Devi teaches? I've had a couple of her books on backlog
just looking at the roots of old architectures, such as the gothic-style shows what sort of good things christianity has brought to europe. I agree with you, brother.
So if there is no evidence of a certain planet very far away, then that planet does not actually exist
Got it
Sigh... I'm done here
You don't see Christian niggers or middle easterners do that stuff, user. Since the common denominator doesn't cause this behavior you need to look at the variables.
Jesus was not for open borders, even now the most strongly religious countries are the ones with the most closed borders.
Jesus also wasn't anti-tradition, he was anti-corrupt Jewish tradition. He was literally the anti-Jew, subverting and making a mockery of their traditions because they had strayed so far from God (which they still have). He was also goading them into crucifying him, that way he could pay the debt owed for all their sins. He showed everyone the error of their ways, then atoned for their errors.
Le Jew meme. Jews hate Christ more than anything, more than Islam and the Nazis. He's boiling alive in a pot of shit and semen forever in the Talmud. If you don't understand that that is just torture porn for a bunch of ass-blasted kikes to jerk off to, you're beyond helping
I approve of atheism but disagree with many atheists. I don't support the retards who sperg out the moment anything religious is mentioned because it goes against their version of atheism.
It's just means there's currently no reason to believe that specific planet is out there.
We do however know planets exist.
Unlike gods and unicorns.
Atheism is the result of the dumbing down of the populace to the point that they are incapable of understanding Rationalism and have to rely on the baby back bitch version called Empiricism--which is in and of itself a religious belief, since it relies on axioms that cannot be questioned without destroying it, like "why should I believe my senses when we know they can be deceived?"
If you return to pure rationalism you will find that there are plenty of legitimate arguments for the existence of a "God," if that's what you want to call it. Brainlets limit themselves to the lowest common denominator of understanding, which is why they are miserable and why our society is collapsing.
I read the bible as a child. Became an atheist thanks to it.
If you want to be a Christian, don't read the bible.
>Jesus was not for open borders
The kingdom of god he shills for accepts everyone.
>He was literally the anti-Jew
You're right. The jews are ethnocentric, he wasn't. That's why the jews will continue to exist into the unforseeable future while people stupid enough to embrace Jesus will become a brown mess.
I'd rather not have this happen.
yes, if there's no evidence of something existing the only logical conclusion is that it does not exist, at the least until the contrary is proven. The ones whom, for some reason, believe that this never-seen planet exists, will have the job of gathering evidence and proving it.
Laughable. Lrn2Rationalism. Do you think Euclid discovered his geometric theorems by physically subdividing strings eternally?
No. Truth can either be derived by reason alone or not at all. Physical evidence is reliant upon inputs the veracity of which you cannot rely.
If there's no evidence of said planet then it MOST LIKELY does not exist.
Let me show you how it works.
Suppose there's a planet orbiting a star 100ly away which is about the size of earth which gives you superpowers if you believe it exists.
>there's a planet orbiting a star 100 light years away
Okay I don't know if it exists but that sounds probable.
>which is about the size of earth
That's kind of specific for a planet we have never seen before.
I'm getting incredulous.
>which gives you superpowers if you believe it exists
Nah I don't think this planet is real.
Seems like you're still a child.
This. A lot of idiots think they are smart because they don't believe in a deity and then go on and start believing any bullshit ideology that comes in.
If you give a chimpanzee an iPhone it's not going to order itself a pizza and listen to Nietzche on audiobook whilst it waits.
>"why should I believe my senses when we know they can be deceived?"
What other alternative is there?
I remember a time when most of Sup Forums were Atheists but then SJW and White Nights ruined Atheism.
I'm still Atheist, but I'm willing to convert to Kekism because I'll be damned if everything is just a coincidence at this point.
>plenty of legitimate arguments for the existence of a "God,"
Ok, give one, user.
And in case you manage to convince us, where's your Nobel price for making the discovery of the millennium?
Yes, that was my point. It's not Christianity doing these things but Europeans.
Atheism is as dumb as religious extremism; just replace violence with smug.
The outright rejection of ancient myths and creation stories is among the most foolish decisions an individual could make.
Nearly half of all LGBT adults are atheist, compared to 4% of the general population. Those who are religious also attend services less often and attach less importance to their faith than other people.
It's both.
Does smith forge the sword or the hammer?
Idk.... it lead to this: www jewsnews
Make your own mind user.
>The outright rejection of ancient myths and creation stories is among the most foolish decisions an individual could make.
Well I am an atheist. But I'm against LGBT, muslims etc etc...
>It's both.
Looking at how Europeans were building neat stuff without Christianity, that just seems like appropriating something from the superior people because it's the only way for you to provide something that's not shit. Which is pretty dishonest, but I guess to be expected from spiritual semites.
this. atheists are too subversive and in general are pussies.
>gnostic atheist
So, these fellaz believe there's proof for something that doesn't exist?
No user, feminism lead to that.
Spiritual texts, like the bible, are effectively a mapping of the human psyche; a plethora of metaphor that explains the journey of the species into self consciousness; and the origin of the metaphors, or the stories, are ancient far beyond the popular religious texts of today.
Atheism is a shallow conclusion for shallow minds which can't comprehend "God" beyond a bearded ghost in space.
>The outright rejection of ancient myths and creation stories is among the most foolish decisions an individual could make.
lol wat?
I would agree with that.
They tend to question and critique ideas.
They're usually not prepared to blindly sacrifice themselves for supernatural causes.
>i lost an argument so ur subversive
If you believe the creation stories, like the one found in the bible, is at odds with scientific fact, such as evolution, then you've horribly misunderstood the text.
They were, yes, and Science is the primary entity of success here, more than Christianity if you want to analyse raw technological prosperity.
And yet, places like China, Japan and Russia still fall behind.
>a mapping of the human psyche
Namely, schizophrenia.
>Atheism is a shallow conclusion for shallow minds which can't comprehend "God"
A) I can't explain that, therefore GOD!
B) I can't explain that, therefore I'll keep looking for logical explanations.
Which one looks more shallow to you, user?
We don't need to believe in something that doesn't have evidence of it's existence.
Also, shallow minds unable to comprehend something?? Yeah, that sounds like creationists, flat-earthers and other retards stemming from religious beliefs.
You can take moral values from the Bible, but believing that the entity it describes exists, is just pointless.
If you take the bible literally, then yes, it's at odds.
If you don't take it literally, then what is the point?
Tell that to the creatards.
Funnier fact: many catholics don't even like this pope.
>And yet, places like China, Japan and Russia still fall behind.
Come on, user.