Why are so many boys becoming girls (male) ?

why are so many boys becoming girls (male) ?

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archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

To live life on easy mode.

Thats a mexican camwhore.

Rev 20:7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison

Rev 20:8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore.

Because retards on both the right and the left wing are welcoming them with open arms.

>haha you don't get it, she's a woman in a man's body! stop being a bigot!
>haha you don't get it, she's #BASED! the left wing are the REAL trans-sexists!

A mentally ill transvestite can get a kushy job at buzzfeed or huffpo easily

White men need to work for their money

These "men" are just cowards who checked out when life challenged them

shut the fuck up faggot


lol most of them are ugly as fuck though

also the hormones will eventually destroy and age their body.

trap lover faggot detected

ah yes it's worth it to be harassed, assaulted, etc. just to work at buzzfeed

this. being a guy is a drag most of the time.

Really made me think

They're not. You can't become a girl, it's biologically impossible. And it's a sign of the coming death of western culture. Men have no place in the world, so it's simple adaptation. Things are only going to get worse from here, buckle down.

I'm harassed everyday for being a white male. It's harassment from gay guys.

It's a two way street, jackass. Just admit you're too weak and get the fuck out of the way before you drop the ball too

Bullying used to keep the freaks on the right path. Most of these fags would be normal if the got punched as someone said "Don't be a fucking pussy."

The jude.
Next stupid fucking question oh and tranny there will kill him self soon.

Estrogen in the water/plastic bottles and other Sup Forums Illuminati memes aside, the most rational explanation is that LGBTWTFBBQ movement has been legitimized since 10 years and it's much much more acceptable today to be transgender.

Therefore, more trannies jump on the HRT pills.

too much privilege as a boy

Thats what my uncles and cousins did and now I am a red meat eating man who can shoot irons at 200.

I was trying to have a genuine conversation with my girlfriend about this today without showing my power level.

I was trying to argue that young men have had a lot of agency taken away from them in today's society, there's simply too many of us, not enough jobs, not great prospects, etc.

It's a way to feel like you have some control, use identity as a weapon to get what you want, feel special, etc. It's all bullshit, but I feel like it's sort of spurred on a little by how hopeless these times are. On one side you've got MGTOW and on the other you've got these fuckers.

It's a terrifying trend. I said to my girlfriend it's just come out of nowhere and spread like wild fire, but she doesn't believe me.

She's studying for a Masters and is slowly getting red-pilled by how retarded all of the deconstructionist lectures about sweet fuck all are.

We need post modernism to end. It's destroyed men.

Because they cannot get women ?

>why are so many boys becoming girls
pretending to become girls, you cannot become a girl unless you are born as a girl. These people believe being a girl is easier road to travel on, but they don't see what's coming around curve.

They're fags who like hot guys. Hot guys almost always like girls, so they become girls to get what they want in life. Pretty simple.
The fat ugly non passable trannies are more than just gay dudes though, those people have deeper mental illnesses.

I'm sure thats so hard for you lmao. I'm not even trans i'm a straight white guy and i've never been harassed for being a white male, where do you live? I probably live in one of the more liberal areas of the country btw

Hey we had this thread every day for the last 2 weeks

Because they want somebody to stir up their burgers in anus, since that plastic shit is hard to shat out.

Strictly speaking if some men become traps it means there is less competition for women. Traps generally don't breed. So it's hardly a problem to get worked about. The only people triggered by traps are feminists who hate the new competition coming from them.

>tfw you will never be slugboi

They wouldn't be compitition for women. They would be gay men.
Now as girls they are able to compete with women for your attention.

yeah but
does it have a penis?

Yep, hes actually half mexican half Jewish beleive it or not

>Traps generally don't breed.
White genocide...

Yep. Being a trap is redpilled. It's a bluepill to let biology & social constructs determine your gender.

Estrogen and parenting, weak parents make weak children.

also is eating test or taking a bundle of male hormones gonna make you better or just more of a fucking ape.

Same except I engage politically. I worked in democratic politics and guys hitting on me was damn near constant even after I told them. They just chose to ignore me.

Before that I worked in finance and my boss' boss came onto me at a work event

and don't get me started on the velvet mafia barring me from industry and setting up rootkits on my os


Got that cunt banned from Chaturbate and Twitch because he still owes me a fucking steam game.

Being an Ape is good

Women don't care about money as long as you're not filthy poor. You need to look aesthetic and act masculine.

Aka get that roid jaw already

>and don't get me started on the velvet mafia barring me from industry and setting up rootkits on my os

please go on

Yea thats what I thought too.
I hate Jews and spics so I'd live to have slugboi as a sex slavs for me to hate fuck hard


This is what scares me about camming. People say I'm cute and pass and could make a lot of money, but crazy obsessive chasers scare me to death.

some days you could play video games and talk about hitler, other days you could tie it up with belts and threaten to drown it in the bathtub if it doesn't suck your dick right now

basically my ideal relationship

i would fuck her brains out


Yea man I'd love to have a boy-girlfriend , but only if it's hot

Or is the media highlighting and spotlighting them to make it appear as a popular trend?

Mantech (formerly hbgary) developed rootkits that stay hidden on your computer then send compressed files of your metadata to its hq in Virginia.

After noticing some of my work was being replicated I scanned my computer and found a kit but I didnt know how it got on there until Wikileaks showed me a councilwoman in my state was using my personal email to access my phone and computer.

Antifa is comprised of individuals like this

Nothing you look at or do digitally is private.

Hamilton was outlined on my computer years ago as a google doc. I'm glad I didn't pursue it because I'm not gay but linn Manuel is a total faggot

Men are more prone to mental issues than women. I guess that's the trade-off for being superior at everything else

3D traps are gross.
2D is the only acceptable medium.

that sounds totally reasonable and absolutely true


It is evolution in action.

Single mothers are acceptable now. Ditto single women.

Women can choose the fathers if their children now, then they ditch the fathers and get it all paid for. The women don't want mediocre genes, so they all go for the Chads.

So women have a lot of sexual privilege now.

Beta dudes see that privilege everyday. Some become angry, bitter men and do the MGTOW shit. Some stay in a state of delayed adolescence and forego family.

Some watch too much porn, and wind up thinking how great it would be as a woman with seemingly endless sexual options. This gets them thinking "I could totally be a better girl than real women", because men are naturally competitive. This in turn becomes a fetish, and they fall in love with their " female" self.

Then they wind up thinking about all that sex women get, so that appeals to them, too.

Combine all this with the "empowered woman" shit, and all the nasty shit like pesticides and additives and hormones in our foods, it's no wonder the tranny epidemic isn't bigger.

These beta men always wind up with cis, straight beta men, or cis, straight beta women.

You rarely see alpha men or women become trannies.

Bruce Jenner is an exception, but he was basically emasculated in that Kardashian clan.

If boys and young men were not emasculated, if feminism was kicked to the curb, if everyone ate pure, clean food, none of this tranny shit would exist.

The tranny epidemic is Mother Nature trying to fix the order of things.

I've known the cunt way before he started camming. Grudge goes way back.
I WILL get my steam game.

Thanks for or the benefit of the doubt. Usually people think I'm making it up- I used to work for Bloomberg and they've flagged my ip so I get a lot of bots sardonically trying to discredit me

I think it for the drama, being gay just isn't enough anymore. Trans get more attention these days. Can't wait till they normalise trans and see what the next new gender trend us... fuck people are dumb cunts


She only says that to deflect hate from the audience about her gender.

Do me a favor and bless me with story time, user.

You clearly send out signals that you are up for it, even if you are playing hard to get. How many of these guys did you sleep with in the end you little slut? :^)


>why is this okay?
>why are faggots allowed to harass ppl with impunity?




I highly doubt it's all that many more than we had in the past but now due to social media everyone is out there going:Meeeeeeeeeee!!! Look at meeeeeeeeeeee!!

Where as back in the day if you did not live in say NY or SF and happened to be some sort of gay/trans/lez/helicopter you were just totally fucked about being able to tell anyone about it. Mention it? Get your ass kicked.. Tell anyone? Get your ass kicked

now? You can live in middle no where USA and get online about any random strange BS and find others to be part of your little echo chamber that it's totally normal, no mater how fucked up it might really be.

>Make women the elite priviliged class
>Surprised when men want to be women

> frequent shitty chatango anime chatroom for years
>slugboi was also in said chat, pretending to be a girl, for years
>becomes a mod of chatroom
>chatroom sorta starts dying because of tranny dictatorship
>is found out to be a male, lulz were had
>Tranny wasnt actually that bad looking, convince to go camwhoring
>remind tranny that he still owes me a steam game from way back once he has some cashflow
>Removed from steamfriends
Been witchhunting the tranny since.

I have a lot of pictures and webm's of that cunt from before his camwhoring days i could share if you want.


We are waiting......

>(((so many)))
Sources or GTFO.

>not wanting to strengthen your nation and people.

not really
more and more people are just getting vocal about it
it's annoying

Social Engineering,Entertainment Industry(It's filled with them) & trying to "Fill the Role" for Weaker Males who cannot get Women.

Archives: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Women are such shit at being women that men are becoming women to show them how to do it the right way.

post em plox.

Any info you post here can be used to witchhunt him/her. Sup Forums is always ready to raid.

Who cares they kill themselfs anyway.

Absolutely true

because western boys make the best girls :3

You know what they say about boys that protest too much babe :^)

Face it, you love the attention don't you?

He's pretty attractive, looking at his nipples and legs is nice
Quite honestly I thank society for being homophobic or else I'd end up wasting my time with a boy like this

literally mkultra population control, create effeminate men through media, fuck up their biology through diet which leads to fucked up thought patterns and before you know it you have a mental case who has effectively removed themselves from the breeding pool believing the entire time that it was their (((choice)))

Nobody fucks transfreaks, they are no competition.
Also feminsts encourage transexuality.

Thank the gender fluid worldwide agenda.


I hate how newfags take the bait every time and dont post cute boys.

but society is built by Dads not Cha- uh?... Chelseas

Without men supporting families, society will go nowhere.

You're asking to decrease the pool of people who support society

Because when you're a white hetero cis male, everything you do lives or dies on your merits. Your career, your life aspirations, your accomplishments, and your friendships. If you fail, nobody is going to come up with any excuses for you. If you succeed, nobody is going to feel like you overcame adversity. Everything in your life will have to be earned.

But if you become trans, then you can blame everything on 'transphobia', and now you have your victim card.

Postmodernism is the end, brother.

That makes sense, you confuse people who are disgusted by you and despise you with hitting on you.
What goes perfectly along with your mental illness.

Easiest way to get victimhood status and thus privileged status. It's a fad. Dropped once it becomes practically inconvenient (IE be hirable).

attention, and the free ride that is being female is attractive, no doubt

I'm getting intimate with a trap, does that make me gay? If so, then if I slept with a lesbian would that make me gay for having slept with a homosexual?

>why are so many boys becoming girls (male) ?

pretty much what this guy said:
and also so they can cuck their old self

Traps are the cornerstone of communism

and it's destroyed women too, it's destroying our society

no traps are not gay

i already identify as an Apache attack helicopter. Keep pushing me and I'll launch an offensive on your oil fields


At being degenerate camwhores maybe.

Thank you, doesn't feel gay

It is only gay if you bottom friendo ;)

won't happen.

Fucking underage boys who want to become girls is okay, stop being bigoted Sup Forums. You're on the wrong side of history, now excuse me while Emma excretes her boyjuice all over my body.

It's pretty gay

>Feminist linguistics

In our society, we are no longer allowed to say Fireman. We must say Firefighter instead, because Fireman may discourage a young girl from growing up and joining the fire dept. We can no longer say Policeman. We must say Police Officer, because Policeman will discourage a young girl from growing up and join the Police Dept. We can no long say Mailman. We must say Postal Worker because etc. You get the idea.

But on the other hand, feminism has no probelm labling everything evil in the world the result of an invisible patriarchy (men). While every good in the world is feminism (women). Not only is the prime example of feminist hypocrisy, but it also has a determental effect on young men being force fed this narrative.

There is something else we need to look at.
In our society, female life is seen as inherent more valuable than male life. And male life is seen as expendable, i.e.
>the ship is sinking
>get to the life boats
>women and children first

The reason so many men are wanting to be women is two-fold. One they believe that all men are bad and all women are good, so if they want to be good they need to become a woman. Second, by becoming pretending to be a woman, they are rebelling against the idea of female life being more valuable than male life and there on expendability. They are saying, "Look at me. I am just as valuable".

Why? I seem them as female, minus the penis, so therefore it must be straight. She is much more emotionally stable and redpilled than other girls. She is actually interested in National Socialism

Because life is easier. You get to identify as a victim, which is social currency.