>South Korea
and why?
>South Korea
and why?
Definitely South Korea.
Why? Because South Korean girls are fucking hot. Plan on getting a South Korean gf soon actually
Go to China or South Korea if you want an asian wife.
aren't Chinese (mainland) somewhat degenerative? At least from what I've heard.
Japan because of qt 3.14 grills
Japan is the obvious choice, China is a communist shit hole and South Korea is poised to be invaded by another communist shit hole.
Northern rural Japan because it would remind me of home.
South Korea or Japan
but most likely South Korea, they are much more welcoming compared to the nips, they're easy to be friends with and don't act like psychopaths like Chinks and Nips do
there's a meme going around that they have fake faces, but that's just a minority, at least they don't have fake emotions like 99% of the japs do.
>good food, kawaii
Literally shit. Might die from gutter oil or something.
Plastic, knock-off Japanese.
China. The USA will be majority brown soon and no longer able to protect Japan and South Korea from the Chinese. It will be a bloodbath.
>literal weeabos in this thread
fuck off
>do you want to live under a communist dictatorship or 2 good places?
China's gender ratio is so skewed that they're going to have fucking wars over that in the next 50 years, fuck that.
South Korea
I'm a weeb so first place is obvious. South Korea doesn't sound too bad but I don't know anything about their culture. Chinese are subhumans, and from what I know Taiwan is noticeably more civilised.
the chinese are repulsive
probably hong kong or taiwai. mainlanders are subhuman.
Absolutely disgusting!
Japan and South Korea are both comparable in wealth to North American countries, so Japan.
French country side with a qt young french woman with our 6 white children
>fake eggs
what the fuck is wrong with them? why even bother? they're fucking eggs
whatever it takes to get some money I guess, that shit makes me never want to wish to step foot in China, along with the gutter oil shit
China is an air pollution hot spot, and I don't feel like expending 15 years of life time just live in China.
Japan is interesting, but an absolute clusterfuck in terms of living as a foreigner.
South Korea is a bit more lenient towards foreigners, is a somewhat safe place to live in, so why not?
Jap and Korean are about the same in looks.
But Korean women marry fuck and make babies rather then tweet all day.
So Korea.
Lived in China, it's a fucking circus in which money is god. Went to a Chinese embassy party with kids attending. No joke they spent about one hour seeing which parents kid could do the most difficult maths problem. Then spent another hour seeing who had the most bedrooms and bathrooms.
Lived in Japan Tochigi. It's but there's just something about Japan that gets me down after a while. Can be a really lonely feeling place even if you know people.
Would choose Korea. Seem better with foreigners. China and Japan are also good with foreigners but you are always held at a distance by most. Korean writing system is superior. From my experience Korea seems more approachable. If that failed I'd fuck off to live in Taiwan. Attitudes of the younger generation are different than those of China.
1. Japan - generally outdated for East Asia but the people are much friendlier than in Korea, even if it's superficial as Koreans would say, I still appreciate it. In terms of wimminz I like Nip gals most of all.
2. Korea - fantastic food, best internet, smartest people, etc. etc. but I find the people there are rude and cold. Also, the culture is not quite as rich as Japan's, due to Japan having had more cash over the last 2 hundred years.
3. China - interesting culture and country, developing very quickly, and historically the most impressive of all 3, but right now I think the living standards are probably higher in SK and JP, especially Japan.
If you find a body made out of plastic hot, thenb go ahead, live in your bubble.
Kein Geschmack, Ahmed.
China is degenerate and you might die from breathing their polluted air
South Korea is made of plastic dolls and jews who would not hesitate to circumcise you and your offspring
>Ali nennt mich Ahmed
Wow, was für eine seltsame Welt
korea is pretty good but japan is superior
South Korea probably because I can at least read some of the stuff and real moon runes seem like too much effort.
>Ali nennt mich Ahmed
Ahmed kennt keine Sup Forums memes und nimmt alles viel zu persönlich.
Can't I pick Singapore? From what I could see they have red buses so it'd be like home but with way more oriental poon.
Japan because it's first world and they don't drink piss wine.
As a disgusting weeb, I never want to go to Japan. I've hyped the place up too much in my own head and I'm worried I'll be let down. China is a literal communist dictatorship, so that's obviously a no-go, leaving South Korea as the only viable option.
Du erkennst wohl nicht, dass ich auf deinen Witz, mit einem Witz geantwortet hab
>inb4 ich summerfag gennant werde
>piss wine
Damn, I just googled it and forgot that it was actually wine with fermented shit in it: en.wikipedia.org
Kann's sein, dass ihr beide tatsächlich Deutsch seid? Ich will aber nicht behaupten, daß "Deutsch" sein jetzt unbedingt gut ist. Cuck.
That is a loser Nip trying to shame Gooks. Normally I'd Kek along however this one isn't quite fair. It's not really part of Korean culture.
Hong Kong
>Average IQ of 108
>Freest Market in the world
Ali, Ahmed, vertragt euch jetzt.
Stop living off welfare,Varg!
Was machst DU denn hier, Murat?
Dieser moment wenn du einen Thread schließt, ihn auf den Handy wieder ööfnest und vergisst dass du darin gepostet hast.
Twenty years+ ago maybe. I foresee a large clamp down coming. Most people I know from Hong Kong want Britain back.
and why
It hasn't happened yet. China prefers Free Market control as an experiment.
The pro-democracy camp typically is pro-gibs and the CPC still wants the experiment to continue for the foreseeable future.
If there is an independence movement, it won't happen through democracy which is a good thing.
Unless you are very rich, you'd mostly be miserable in Japan. Worst Korea have more quality in life.
Ali, sag mal, was hälst du von dem NetzDG?
I'm unironically going to live in China. I've lived there many years ago and will return in about a year. I've invested in an English training school which should do well in an untouched market. I've split the investment with two other friends. Its due to open at the end of this month. I had to wade through many applicants from the UK, USA, SA, and Shitposterland for the foreign teacher positions. I tried to get as many white South Africans as I could. I know what they are escaping and my two other friends understood my reasoning for picking them. I had a bad experience when I was a teacher with a black female from the USA, so I made sure we didn't pick any of those. She had a terrible attitude; been there for 7+ years and never learned Chinese, or knew how to eat with chopsticks, and one time she skipped out of paying her portion for a group meal. Anyway, I'm picking China because its a low cost of living and being white there is highly valued by the locals. Most of the people who comment on this board have never been, therefore will never know what its truly like and how wonderful it is. Japan is nice too but too expensive and I could never be able to afford to start my own school there. Korea is like Japan but at China prices. There's always that threat of getting blown up by the crazies to the north.
China is a very large country, and its very easy to travel around. The sheer number of people is what I find the most fascinating; so many people with so many stories to tell or people to experience. Yes, most are bug people, but you'll run into quite a few genuine people there.
>modern China
good one
That will never, ever happen. Most of the shit you hear about NK is propaganda.
even though i fucking hate anime i guess im going for japan since its a good country when it comes to crime/murder/robbery rates, they've got good morals and plus they're pretty cute
you are the immigrant japan is looking for
japan wants to gas everyone above you actually
South Korea so I can be closer to my waifus
Fuck east asia
Kamchatka is where its at.
I think the local wildlife and scenery is great.
There are some aggressive animals like the Kamchatka brown bear or the Russian but if you live outside the cities you can be in paradise.
What about setting up a farm compound in Chile? Whats life like there?
japan master race
>If you could live
Can I please not?
I can confirm this.
Japan because I've been there and it was lovely; China is polluted as fuck and mainlanders are disgusting cunts; all the South Koreans I've seen in London (I live just down the road from London's Korea town) seem fucking miserable.
A Korean girl would be whiter than a Dane, I bet. Hee hee hee.
Anime isn't popular with working professionals or traditionalists.
Anime movies are more popular with general Japanese cultures but rarely do Adults get fixated on an anime TV series.