How are you going to celebrate our great independence this year, Sup Forums?
How are you going to celebrate our great independence this year, Sup Forums?
I'm gunna sue Facebook!
Would America be a better country if you were still under British control?
British colony are better right now
>Americans celebrating their gross treachery against the rightful Crown
You filthy fucking rebels will ALL bend the knee to our future King William one day.
Britains capital unironically has a Muslim mayor.
I think we made the right decision.
By realizing america gaining independence is what lead to the downfall of the west because america then became a superpower, exporting all aspects of its shitty "culture" to every other western nation, including shitty feminism and diversity brought to you by (((hollywood). While also forcing every western country to consider israel their greatest ally just because amerigoys are stupid enough to fall for kike tricks.
But hurr durr t. muhammed something something
Do you always get this triggered on the 4th, Nigel?
But they didn't spend 8 years with a African as leader
Set off fireworks. Shoot my guns. Bonfire. Hot dogs, s'mores, beer
Creampie my white wife
God bless America