Can we all agree on this?

Can we all agree on this?

all non- geo flags are europeans or leafs trying to hide their true identity

I would say it's accurate

They are all larping faggots

To a certain extent, yeah, but some more than others.

I use the Confederate flag. Because I live in Dixie.


>Great tier
>Lolbertarian snek
Fuck off.


>UK on the same tier as Sweden

But why?

No, the correct rankings are
>Everything else

>no American flag there

The fuck

Kill yourself moorblood. UK posters are the best posters on this shit website.

The KANGZ flag is used pretty much exclusively as a joke, it deserves its own joke tier.

You'll find out why in 2 days

We can't. We really can't.

Also this.

These extra flags were a mistake. Like more than half the board doesn't even use them.

Except when they take the defenders of the rapefugees path, which happens a lot more than it should


The people you call today "liberals" are anything but Libertarians. They stand for bigger gov and free healthcare and education, they are socialists, not liberals

Care to explain hermano?

>doesn't read the very first, top one
You're making yourself look retarded again, desu

>deus larp good tier
>geolocation god tier
If anything hiding your flag makes you unable to fling shit based on nationality and actually have to argue.

That's mostly just Brits fishing for easy (you)s. Brit/pol/ is objectively the best general on this board.

I don't want to use a custom flag...

any non-geo flag is shit tier


Adding these new flags was a big mistake mods


Anyone using the larp flags (All the nu-flags are larp flags) belongs in the reddit tier.

We need a Slav flag ASAP
I could give a fuck about the w*stern world anymore

Nay. The life of rum and the sea is the only life that matters, laddies.

I use EU for ironically retarded shitposts

I use the Gadsen since Im a part of the uncucked 13 original colonies.

What does gadsden stand for?

Ancap lolberg flags are some of the worst posters

Geolocation doesn't apply to me?

Are you retarded? Did you even read what I said?

Why does everyone act like Canada is more cucked than USA?
USA literately had an open borders literal nigger president

I'm fine with this



>Ironically retarded

4th of July aka UK's butthurt day

>inb4 hurr durr muh gibraltar

Flaggots are flaggots, no tiers involved.

Can you really blame people from stereotypical countries (Canada, Sweden,India etc) to actually want real political discussion instead of being spammed "POO IN LOO" "A FUCKING LEAF"


Freedom from tyranny

fuck off kikel



But what do Canucks and Swedes have to offer the discussion? They're actively voting for their own extermination.



Also this.




What about that spanish communist fuck

you forgot poos hiding their identity

since the option to change your flag to a meme flag you literally see ZERO poo flags

I agree canada should not even been there.
Its too low.

You Americans deserve this place.

No, their government are actively destroying their countries at a fast rate.

No shit

ow, my fee fees

Deported more people than any other president

The Pablo Iglesias wannabe? Totally forgot about him.
Same as Obongoleaf and the dutch juche.

He is retarded. After all he is an american so what can we honestly even expect from him?

Often associated with libertarianism now, it dates back to the America revolution and was used by some US troops during the war for independence

Yes, but they keep electing the same fucks who are actively destroying their countries.

>tfw recognized

Fuck off and pay your debts on your own then. Oh, wait! You can't afford that!
Stay buttmad formerly independant nation. ;^)

>actually mentioning Obamaleaf
How fucking salty are you, nignogs?

i object.

Yeah, I wouldn't be proud to be so retarded everyone remembers you.
PS: 7.5 more years boi :^)

Call me paranoid, but it's most likely that people like Soros with their voting machines are actively cheating elections with voter frauds , and the only reason it failed in the USA is because of your electoral system

>tfw leaf
>tfw I sometimes post with the gadsden because I'm a libertard too

Yes. Nothing to argue with there

>spaniards are allowed to post in here
>in fact i can too

I suppose that's possible. I wouldn't know, though, since the code on those voting machines is written in Yiddish++

*changed the definition of "deported" to turned back at the border

>new flags
Get a load of redditor

I'm not a dirty liberal you fucking retard.

this is as close as I'll ever get to flying the most aesthetic flag ever

Kek, they changed from Yiddish#?

>tfw never won a single argument against Obamaleaf
>tfw it's just the one argument
>tfw make memes calling him names to make myself feel better
>tfw forever a Sup Forumstard

>Confederate flag
>Not in LARPing faggots tier

Actual Confederates from 1861-5 would cry if they saw the braindead retards of today claiming "muh heritage". Most Dixiefags I've met (lived in Virginia and Georgia) have never even studied the Civil War, they just watch documentaries, read Wikipedia pages, and repeat whatever their local Confederate history museum says.

They haven't even added the most aesthetic flag yet though..
>pic related

new flags when


obama leaf take off the commie flag

Like the little boys and teens you rape, we don't need your consent.

Why the fuck are brits fishing for (you)s, that's such a negroid thing to do...


No JIDF nor Judaism

>nb4 Judaism already in the list, it's the middle one in Theologies

Self aware joo.

Anyone who doesn't filter all non-geo flags should kill themselves.
Anyone who is either too ashamed of their country to identify with it, or too cucked to stand up for it, isn't someone with an opinion worth listening to.

More like been here for too long and heard it all Joo

Nation of Fishermen. Also,
>implying nigs can fish

Get a load of the Jew over here. Why don't you tell us something really jewcy? Is it true that Planned Parenthood is nothing but a billion dollar fetal organ industry?