Every time right-wing retards complain about the overspending of democrats I show them this. Based Bill had us on route to being debt free by 2010 before Bush crashed the economy and started two illegal wars.
Why can't Conservatives Balance the Budget?
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If the internet bubble lasted forever the debt probably would have been eliminated, yeah.
You do realize we have even faster internet now right? Internet technology has only advanced but that didn't stop Bush from crashing the economy.
almost all the republicans are neocon faggots who just wage war for the kike military industrial complex.
Economically, Clinton was the worst president in the past 50 years. Impossible to dispute.
>giving Obaba leaf (you)s
you'd better have remembered to sage
Jesus christ you are a fucking idiot.
>inb4 Obamaleaf gives 10000 examples of how Bush did not balance the budget and claims that Trump is doing the same
Clinton was the best President for the economy in American history. The economy thrived under him, maybe FDR was better but Clinton is one of the best.
Are you fucking retarded? The internet bubble refers to in the 90s when everyone and their grand mother was investing into everything internet related until people realized most of that shit couldn't turn a profit and people sold their stock causing the pop.
I'm an idiot? I'm the one that supports politicians that actually create jobs, not ones that give tax breaks to billionaires and crash the economy
Ummm no sweetie. Economics is just a measure of resources, investment is just a means. Having faster internet means a more efficient productive market and more wealth, yet Bush still crashed the economy that Obama took 3 years out of his Presidential term to fix.
Government does not create jobs, demand does. And in fact demand drops when the government takes peoples money (taxes).
>economics is just a measure of resources
Yeah I'm done talking to you
Bush had nothing to do with the economy crashing.
As returns on investment decrease in the late stage of an empire, the upper classes engage in more and more bold forms of extortion from the population, which usually ends in some major rebellion (a la Bolshevik revolution, or nazi revolution - note that both of these were elected democratically by people). 2008 was such an extortion, or the culmination of an extortion which began in the 90s, when the banks worked with the government to create as many mortgage slaves as they could, by allowing banks to loan to people who simply would never pay it back.
The banks knew this, because they are in the business of giving loans. For them to claim they did not know people would be able to pay it back, is like a doctor stabbing somebody in the neck and claiming he did not know they would die.
The government probably did not know or did not think - they seem to run purely on donor money and good intentions.
Jack Bogle thinks we'll never see above 4% growth again. This means you can expect exploitation to increase or a general drift towards asia. China recently allowed limited western investment in their economy. Indonesia getting it's corruption under control would increase the acceleration towards asia.
The lifespan of an empire follows a pretty clear "exponential growth", "peak", "exponential decline" pattern. Usually the decline lasts longer than the growth. So there won't be a "fall", but there won't exactly be growth either.
>Bill had us debt free
And he forced banks to give out loans for houses to niggers who could never pay them back and we know how that turned out.
Except when the government takes money reducing demand they also spend that money via federal spending which increases the demand. Tax and spend liberals are literally the only Presidents who balanced the budget.
Sorry but the Community Reinvestment Act did not cause the recession. Paul Krugman wrote a very good article debunking nutjobs who said that.
Autisim Speaks.
>Implying Republicans in 2017 are conservatives.
Because they don't really want to.
They know trickledown economics is a fairytale that doesn't work.
Their budget plans are set up to deregulate corporations and earn money for them. Thats it. It's not meant to help the working class or balance the budget or do anything besides help their shareholders.
And how would the budget look when America hits 40% white, 30%, 20%? At what point does a deracinated shekelgrabber like OP realize that replacing the productive part of the population with shistskins for short term profit was a really bad long term strategy.
>3 years out of his Presidential term to fix.
Then why did he add 1 trillion dollars to debt ever year of office including the last 5.
"It didn't happen, I know facts say it did and it's been objectively proven countless times, but trust me it didn't happen." Really convinced me. How could I have been so wrong.
Wrong. Bush increased debt so much your debt graph is increasing exponentially.
>Based Bill had us on route to being debt free by 2010
Um sorry to hear you believed that line of bullshit, retard, but here was the reality. There is not time in there when our debt shrunk.
Actually it was Bush who crashed the economy, stop defending this baffoon!
Bullshit math. It only shows obamas first term
Bush crashed the economy with no survivors.
> leaf
you might want to watch this. accurate record of how the only balanced budget of our lifetime happened.
>He thinks its the presidents fault if the economy does good or bad
A high school student could tell you why you're retarded
That's literally what conservatism is about
>bill clinton surplus truthers
Not even the CATO institute a right-wing loon tank doesn't deny that Clinton had a surplus.
>Bush increased debt so much your debt graph is increasing exponentially.
Leaf, our national debt only increased under Clinton, the same as it has under every president for a long time. Again, the reality is that we should be talking about who was in congress, not who was president, because congress makes the laws.
Archive the clickbaiters archive.is
>But bill wrote down a plan on a piece of paper
>It's the same thing as losing weight
>Just write down your new diet and exercise plan
>6 months later you lose 100 pounds
>that 2001 spike
Conservatives are literally economically illiterate
I actually happened under based Bill Clinton
The president is the leader of Washington which is in charge of Federal regulations of the economy, only right-wing loons tell you that the President isn't responsible for the economy since they crash it everytime
>Bush crashed the economy with no survivors.
It wasn't Bush. It was you fucking libtards forcing banks to give home loans to high-risk niggers and spics who promptly defaulted on their loans. That's what cause the recession. It was your refusal to accept racial reality.
>our national debt only increased under Clinton, the same as it has under every president for a long time.
Look at the fucking increments of debt in the graph YOU posted you illiterate sister fucking inbred Bush made your debt graph exponential. It was slowing down, on its way to a bell curve shape and then Bush came along and fucked everything with the (((iraq war)))
No actually, Krugman just explained how that theory is retarded
>mfw it's about to be 20 years since the Clinton balance and there are still budget truthers
Except it was actually working until Bush crashed the economy and decleared two wars.
But it's racist to not give niggers who work at McDonalds for $9 an hour their own home. They need that $400,000 home loan.
>Government does not create jobs
Another example of right wing retard exceptional understanding of economics
Can you read, faggot? Go up to the top of the thread and read the title. We've never had a balanced budget. The debt has only ever risen, even under the GOP senate that did their very best to balance the budget (which your rapist hero then took credit for). Presidents don't make the laws, you fucking idiot.
>not knowing how economics works
FDR was a socialist, and not good economically. His only saving grace was WW2 and they money that came along with production of war material.
Clinton paved the way for the housing market crash you dumbass. He was the reason for it. he also made it possible for black women to stay single, have 100 kids, and get paid for having them.
Liberal government creates shit jobs where it's impossible to get fired.
why did obama ruin america worse than bush and clinton?
>It was you fucking libtards forcing banks to give home loans to high-risk niggers
He inherited the worst economics crisis in the last 80 years
Obama outspent bush 4 times.
>FDR was a socialist, and not good economically. His only saving grace was WW2 and they money that came along with production of war material.
War literally destroys the economy more than any depression ever could, the fact that FDR saved the economy despite ww2 shows his exceptional leadership
>Clinton paved the way for the housing market crash you dumbass. He was the reason for it. he also made it possible for black women to stay single
THat was Bush, idiot
>Krugman just explained
Krugman is a leftist shill.
We do agree that it was a HOUSING LOAN CRISIS, right? We do agree that it was caused by subprime mortgage loans, right? Krugman can suck my dick. Those loans were given to shitskins BY ORDER OF DEMOCRAT LAWMAKERS and they promptly defaulted.
And do you even know what a "balanced budget" is? Seriously, how fucking stupid are you? A balanced budget would mean we didn't increase our debt, wouldn't it.
So if you can show me a year in there where our debt DID NOT INCREASE, I will bow down and kiss your ass.
Otherwise you have to kiss mine.
It wasn't all his fault but he did nothing to try and slow down our drunken spending.
You literally cant read.
Bush took the debt up 5 trillion in 8 years.
That's more of an increase than 40 years of other presidents.
Because they always cut taxes more than they cut spending and increase military spending.
Obama saved America from right-wing shitonomics
NO! The banks had surplus money thanks to Bush giving tax cuts to the rich. So they needed to find somewhere to invest their money even at high risks so they pumped up the housing market via risky loans. Not to mention the debt is not related to the deficit directly but indirectly! Yes he balanced the budget but did not pay off the debt with it.
You mean the non-stop state of war that America has been in for literally decades? Which one of us is the "selective memory idiot"?
Hey faggot, open up a new window, and google "Clinton bombed Baghdad." But I guess you selectively forgot all about that.
>That's more of an increase than 40 years of other presidents.
How much did Obama take it up? Come back and answer me, you pedophile piece of shit.
Yes. That's what we called interest.
That's what happens when the president before you increases the debt more in 8 years than 40 FUCKING YEARS OF PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS.
this prettymuch. Everybody loves getting a tax cut, but nobody wants to cut the budget. So you end up spending the same amount of money and taking in less, which naturally results in more debt.
>war destroys the economy
oh no, its retarded.
Why give government more money? They don't know how to spend it. You give them less and they have to stop spending it on bullshit programs. They will have to cut something.
If your wife is addicted to shopping or gambling and is eating through your life savings rapidly. Do you give her more money? Or do you close all credit cards in her name and close her checking account?
Do you understand the concept of exponential graphs? Do you understand the concept of interest? Are you retarded?
>he thinks war, the one thing that destroys wealth more than any other thing in existance is good for the economy
oh no its retarded
Obama kept us in Aghanistan for his whole fucking term. I don't see the value of it. Sup Forums has infographics on how it was for oil or poppy or rare earth minerals but I don't see it being worth the cost.
The Balanced Budget Act of '97 was written and passed by the Republican Congress.
Republicans controlled Congress for six out of eight years of Clinton's presidency, and he was a complete centrist. He also worked with Republicans to add work requirements for welfare, which was undone through executive order by King Nigger.
Clinton wasn't a progressive, a leftist; Clinton was all about Clinton. Democrats can't keep pointing to his presidency as some kind of testament to their ideology. He was only successful as a president in that he wasn't a leftist Democrat like O-shithole.
>Do you understand the concept of exponential graphs? Do you understand the concept of interest? Are you retarded?
You don't seem to want to answer the question (under either of your two sock accounts).
Answer the fucking question, you faggot: How much did Obama increase our debt?
Bro, clinton was a leftist democrat. He increased taxes on the wealthy, slashed military spending, and supported keynesianism
Holy fuck you're stupid. Now i remember why it's been months since I've visited Sup Forums
Full scale war is great for the economy because you are at 100% employment etc. companies are making money hand over fist because they have orders they can't possibly fill. They have more work then can possibly be done.
>I know fucking nothing about economics and have never read a history book: the post
The war brought America out of the depression for good, you fucking autist. Sure, it destroyed the old European empires, but that only served to further the rise of the USA as a global power. The war created a vast demand, which America's equally vast industrial capacity filled quite nicely. People gained employment, got money, and spent that money.
wow. Obama leaf really is fucking retarded.
>War literally destroys the economy more than any depression ever could,
Nigger, American wartime manufacturing is what ended the depression. We supplied our allies with BILLIONS of dollars worth of equipment, materials, and food. War destroys your economy when factories and farms are bombed to shit. When a nation is isolated from the violence and able to produce millions upon millions of tons of goods it's an adrenaline shot. It is what made the US a global superpower.
The thing FDR did was sell out half of Europe to the communists, but that's a different story.
>He increased taxes on the wealthy, slashed military spending, and supported keynesianism
No, faggot. See this is what we can't ever get you fucking libtards to understand. The LEGISLATIVE BRANCH writes the laws. Clinton didn't do any of that shit. Congress did.
"Bush" didn't really increase our debt. "Clinton" didn't really increase our debt. "Obama" didn't really increase our debt.
Which is why it's hilarious that you talk about how much "Bush increased our debt," but you pretend you didn't see my question when I ask how much Obama increased it.
Fair is fair. If Bush is really to blame for increasing it more than 40 years of prior presidents, then the magic nigger is guilty of increasing it more than every past president we've ever had.
But you don't seem to want to talk about that.
>its about the economy stupid
- Based Bill
Well if we had a proper welfare state like Obama tried to initiate then we wouldn't even need 100% employment since people wouldn't even need jobs. And how is companies making more money a good thing?
You have never taken an economics class or read a history book your entire fucking life. The economy in the early 40s was terrible, less welfare, rationed meat rationed butter, inflation. During the 30s you could literally live off a welfare program, during war you had to work 8 hours a day to stay alive.
Entitlements and pensions.
Both parties are Keynesian. Only a very small minority like Rand Paul are not.
Dude, it was FDRs new deal and ending of the gold standard that got us out of the depression
>If Obama implemented the welfare state we wouldn't even need jobs
>I'm just curious who would work if everyone was on welfare?
And don't say robots because that's just retarded
You sure about that?
You're speaking to an economics major, you idiot. The wartime economy finally got unemployment under control, and rations were in place because of the massive demand for foodstuffs (which is a an excellent situation for the producer). Only a complete autist would believe that an economy where you live of of welfare is better than an economy with near full employment. Do the world a favor and neck yourself.
So what you're saying is that the debt increase under Bush was Bush's fault.
But the debt under Obama was...also Bush's fault.
>the debt doubled because of interest over the course of 8 years.
No. Slowing the rate of spending growth doesn't means hit when the budget is already exorbitantly inflated. But you're right on the point that Republicans never deliver on budget cuts, and on that point, fuck them.
>the same fake graphs for years
it's all so tiresome
Do you understand the concept of interest? Yes or no?
>But there is no need for anyone to work
>Everyone just gets free stuff
>The robots will take care of me I'm positive
>Everyone can live in a $150,000 house and just get free money
You have to remember user. You are arguing with a person who has likely never been employed and isn't likely to ever hold a job for more then a couple months.
He institutes the largest tax increase in American history (called Obamacare) and you're telling me he didn't spend any money.
Put down the crack pipe!
The people who want even more money. A welfare job is literally more useful than a soldier or a war manufacturer who builds stuff that gets destroyed in one week
Frank Underwood begs to differ
Your speaking to an industrialist here. Only a moron would think war is good for the economy, war increases economic demand, forces people to have jobs, and increases production in useless war material. Please tell me you have cancer so i can laugh at you harder. Only an idiot thinks destroying productivity is a good thing
Conservatives love gibs even more than liberals. The difference is the gibs go to the rich and their own pockets.
>Do you understand the concept of interest? Yes or no?
Fuck you faggot. You're trying to tell us America never had to pay interest on its debt until your beloved nigger took office.
You lying little pedophile piece of shit! "Do you understand interest?" Do you understand how to read a chart, you fucking retard? Condescending little cunt.
My dad is runs a law firm i will never have to work but i do anyways
Insurance premiums increased idiot, you paid for it not the government.
>Your speaking to an industrialist here.
Appeal to authority fallacy. Do you understand what a fallacy is?
not mentioning Reagan's "trickle down" bullshit
He raped the American middle class, gave amnesty to illegals and sucked corporation's dicks
Truly the shit of the shit
Obama did basically the same shit, but gave more freebies to blacks
>getting mad at obamaleaf
might as well start yelling at the tv
>A welfare job is more useful then an American soldier or a manufacturer who creates untold amount of jobs and useful products
How is a "welfare job" whatever that is more useful
>only an idiot believes that any healthy economy needs demand for products being produced
fixed that for ya.
>forces people to have jobs
oh right I almost forgot for a moment that you're a complete autist who lives in a magical fairytale land where big daddy government will take care of your every whim.
>production used in useless war material
god damn I wish you had been president instead of FDR, the nazis might have won.
>Insurance premiums increased idiot
Unsubstantiated and not quantified. Do you understand how arguments work?
Point out the conferderates fallacies or gtfo
>might as well start yelling at the tv
The TV has a better chance of learning from my responses than these Canadian fucktards do, actually.