It's over for you Drumpftards

It's over for you Drumpftards

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Are these the same type of hashtags that stop Muslim terrorists? They work really well.

what is the 25th amendment supposed to be?

Does the left even understand how the process of amending the constitution works?

When a president is deemed mentally unfit

which Drumpf is. Prepare for President Pence.


The 25th amendment establishes that if the President's brain gets fucked up to where he cant do his job at all then the vice president will replace him. Liberals are suggesting that because Trump posts mean things on twitter he is clearly mentally ill to the extent he can not do his job. It's the biggest stretch I've ever seen, but without Russia they need something to run on in 2018.

>Neocon in power


Has anyone considered that the people calling for the 25th are probably mentally ill themselves?

This is "Faithless Electors" all over again

> here's how Trump can still be impeached..

Why are americans so delusional and whining babies? Trump is here for stay for 4 years and possibly for 4 more years.
Dems are truly retarded, this is going to be Berlusconi 2.0 with less obstruction

How are liberals proposing to amend the Constitution when it's the Republicans that are only like 2 states away from a Constitutional amendment?

because the american education meme is real. i've been dealing with delusional fucks my whole life. the only difference now is that i am starting to enjoy it.

>a hashtag is poplar, largely by bots.
>bots have zero control over the government.
>impeachment happens from the elected officials, not Twitter bots.

OP is a massive faggot.

Why is he mentally unfit? Besides the fact that he's really good at getting pearl clutchers to faint?

muh twitter shitposts
This is just a publicity stunt for Democrats in deep blue districts. Those people will always praise them for attacking Trump, even if it makes no sense.

1. His insult game has diminished from the primaries

2. He's a paper tiger who no one takes seriously

3. No major legislative accomplishments

4. Immature narcissist who gets triggered by every little slight

Trump is one hundred percent following the “Talk shit, get hit.” mantra. He can’t let things go and neither the MSM can. This feud isn’t going to end any time soon.

I can't wait to drag liberals out in the streets for treason.

They can't seriously think this will work out for them can they?

You’re just like the leftists going against berlusconi.
They all failed because they wasted every single chance by talking about berlusconi instead of promoting their ideas and their political agendas. As result the people thought they were massive crybabies and had a very difficult time with winning elections.
Keep this in mind, dem.

yeah, it's pretty great.

>1. His insult game has diminished from the primaries

The newspapers spend 3-4 days of 24hr coverage, covering his insults and tweets, I think the man is fucking on point.

>2. He's a paper tiger who no one takes seriously

Tell that to the dust that to the smoldering crater left by our fucking MOABs.

>3. No major legislative accomplishments

Literally just had a victory in the supreme court, paving the way to ban as many dangerous peopl as possible.

>4. Immature narcissist who gets triggered by every little slight

CNN literally has 93% of it's coverage to making shit up about Trump. Trump replies, you libtards literally shit yourself frothing at the mouth.

So a group of far left commies get to determine if the elected president is mentally fit. Leftism is the mental disease.


It's over for the Russian narrative, and shills know it. Eventually CNN will be claiming Trump colluded with a hostile alien race to win the white house. Democrats are now throwing rocks at a massive stone wall. Idk if the Dems and their constant effort to stump the Trump have ever been more irrelevant and more pathetic.

I like how only the hashtags that benefit twatter's liberal userbase are the ones that "trend".

Makes you think.

Op you're a fag.


Good luck with that, its obvious youre fucking retarded. only 7 and a half more years of trump and then you can be mad about the next republican president, the left is dead.

>unironically prefering Mike
"The cure for gays are some AAs" Pence over the shitposter
Are the liberals even more deranged than usual?

msm is used to quivering hollyjew celebs apologizing and licking their boots clean

Correct the Record faggots are sure in here thick today....Must got the first of the month money to pay these fucks.

>Tell that to the dust that to the smoldering crater left by our fucking MOABs

Lmao go read the recent reports. Every republican in Congress says Trump doesn't understand Healthcare and isn't afraid of him

I love how this shit goes nowhere. Its one failed attempt after the other and theyre supremely desperate




Should just send in the military and arrest all of the faggots. They're not reporting news, they're a propaganda arm and need to be dismantled.

Your tears have just begun to flow.

>And herr is the 45th president, Bernie Sandals


>they think they have power
omg so adorable

Perfect summary, user

That really is a stretch holy shit, and they think Pence will be any better for them?

You hear that Trump, ya big meanie? Trending. TRENDING!

>anonymous sources who are familiar with McCain's sister's uncle's great grandnephew's gardener's thinking

oh le quirky reply

Post more Shanditits, Comrade Spotty.

>Tell that to the dust that to the smoldering crater left by our fucking MOABs.
Thanks for the laugh! 10/10 bait


Trump is done at this point. Even doctors are saying that he's no mentally well.


The reporting wasn't anonymous. Theyou talked to actual lawmakers. Even Lindsey Graham was laughing at Trump.

>No really this time it's really over. The last seven hundred times were false alarms, but this time it really is over.

yes twitter trends are important because they have 48 million bots.


The word is going round DC that he's completely fucked in private, zoning out and weird. That's why he's always with a family minder. Medical timeout incoming.


Frig off furfag.

SJW Liberals believe this

wow i love cnn now also fuck drumpf and fuck white people. Hello obama leaf

>Libs want a practical Theocrat as president
Deus Vult and all, but why?

Says the guy where dogjobs are legal.

lol don't get your hopes up, he's still the best man for the job.

Remember democrats like the one at the 12 min mark do visit and post on Sup Forums

t. Louise Mensch

He's so thin skinned. It's gucking hillarious.
MAGA lulz!

anyone almost want pence to be the pres just to watch him fucking obliterate faggots and trannies and liberals and watch them running in the streets screaming "WEVE MADE A TERRIBLE MISTAKE!!! TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!"

>Try to impeach the president because he's shitposting too hard
Please try it. I love winning.

#notmypresident also trended, and nothing came from it

He kinda stumps himself because he always says retarded shit and is easily triggered. Nothing to do with CNN really.

Wolfy-nail is better anyways furfag!
If only he wasn't a cuck.

>It's over for you Drumpftards
>Not understanding how 25th amendment works.

Straya bringing the best bantz, as per usual

This just means more votes for Trump. People will only fall for your boy who cried wolf story so many times before they tell you to go fuck yourself.

>the insurgent left thinks that if they impeach the president on shaky grounds it will be good for them and not the start of the second civil war



I wonder if he's related to Andrea.

Remember the inauguration size thing? That's when the laughes really started.
MAGA lulz

They probably don't know what it is. They're just virtue signalling and signing twitter petitions.

This nigga over here playing the "POL LARP" bingo lol you almost fill it in yet bro?

Yup after that CNN gigapixel picture came out and debunked the whole narrative the media went DEAD silent on it... they never learn.

But he is really thin skinned. Easily triggered. The press have a hay day playing him like a fiddle. MAGA lulz

>Anonymous sources informed us other anonymous sources don't like him and everyone is distancing himself from him anonymously.

>Pence may or may not have called him a big doo doo head it is alleged with persons familiar with both of their thinking.

Media propaganda everyone.

>who gets triggered by every little slight
Turn on the TV and tell me who is triggered and losing their shit over a fake fight on a fake WWE set memed into clobbering a fake cable network?

Better watch out OP, it's starting to trend.

how retarded must they be to want Pence over Trump??


>guys in the know reveal publicly that Trump is totally mentally fucked, armed alt-right wackos nationwide embrace said guys with love and much thanks, wew republic is saved

somewhat unlikely scenario eh

>here's how Bernie can still win

>But he is really thin skinned.
Most successful people are.
They don't handle "no" very well.
Surrounded by lackeys and yes men sucking up.

So the man is thin skinned. So is every liberal on the internet.

That's why they're pushing to do away with the Goldwater rule, as though it's just common sense to let "unbiased" professionals whom have repeatedly namecalled Trump as well as labeling him a narcissist, a sociopath, psychotic, mentally retarded, be allowed to officially label him such remotely, based on tweets and tv appearances.
Watch as they also go after Barron by claiming he has special needs Trump was to arrogant to meet for treating him normal.


I remember some Sup Forumsacks saying right after the elections, that Pence was a failsafe for Trump not to get impeached, because given the case, America would be stuck with an even scarier president. Pence embodies everything the left is against: he's a creationist, climate change denier, anti-abortion, etc. but it seems The Eternal Dem is stupid enough to try and push their luck. Hell, some of them unironically think that, once Trump impeached, they will call to general elections and Hillary will win by a landslide. Yes, they are THIS delusional.

>The Eternal Dem is stupid enough to try and push their luck. Hell, some of them unironically think that, once Trump impeached, they will call to general elections and Hillary will win by a landslide. Yes, they are THIS delusional.
They should receive a patent for stupidity. They have earned it's design and implementation.

Do you really want a President Pence? I don't think the far left has really done their homework and thought this out. They are so blinded by their own stupidity and hate that they don't realize how bad it could get with a full Republican majority behind an establishment President. They really are fucking stupid.

I voted Trump but actually I would like to see Pence in office. His personality would never get him elected but his ideology is right where it needs to be. As long as he didn't go wimpy rino on us.

Literally shaking !