Can we all agree ?

Can we all agree, that a cullung of leftists ( = the psychopathic, criminal, murderous, mentally retarded scum of mankind ) is inevitable, if we dont want them to completely destroy the world and create cilvil war and even greater wars on the whole planet ?

Just wonderung about your oppinions on this ...

Even if I were to agree with you, killing is wrong to me on a fundamental level because I believe in Jesus.
That being said, I have no wishes to die either, so if I would be attacked and that would be the only way to stop it, I would kill the attacker and accept the judgement that God would give to me from it.

I think, God made you to live.

le anti-sjw trend xD xD xD

Fucking off yourself you disgusting newfags.

Fuck off Sven

YOu just outet yourself as the true nufag.

BTW: Why arent u working to create tax money to pay for your nu-swedes in Swedistan right now, Sven ? You are hindering the progress in 'your' country by posting your false-flag posts here, instead of working for your socialist SJW utopia.


>le anti-sjw trend xD xD xD
Yea you know what fuck SJWs because they pull that fucking.
Im sorry I like my asshole non stretched by niggers.
Now go suck some ackmed cock and kill your self.
Fucking race traitor.

Do it pussy. Go shoot a leftist.

>thinks free markets exist



>thinks the state exists

your mind reading machine is broken, sir.


Focus on the BIS and jewish bankers. Everything else is a dangling carrot.


shows their mental and emotional issues very well. hyper liberals cannot talk criticism, everything is emotional to them

What am I missing here?

to them being a victim means more power
The more of a victim you are, the more you are entitled to from society.

almost everything actually

Wow, since you added multiple ex dees after it I totally think it's lame now and you don't need to come up with any arguments, Muhammad al-Malmö