Muslims are evi-

Muslims are evi-.

>Muslims are evi-.

If theres nothing wrong with muslims, why won't israel and saudi-arabia take them in?


>1 somalien does a normal thing
yeah what about the 80,000 others who are absolute cunts ?

He's probably taking it from her not helping her.

thats a sikh, moron

he's actually stealing from her

That's a Sikh.

someone post that smuggie that says ''Not all X are like that'' and the other dude says ''That changes everything, back to the drawing board!''.

>proceeds to post someone from a group that was specifically created to combat Muslims

They sure are.

Water is also wet.

That's a fucking Muslim you retard.

Anyway, this is a glorious piece of propaganda; why was a camera there anyway, this photograph is quite obviously staged.

story behind this>?

God damn scumbags. I will take so much pleasure in removing this filth from Mother Europa.

>That's a fucking Muslim you retard.
This meme needs to die

The act that we have to be surprised that an event like this occurs supports the whole Muslim = evil idea. Kindness should be part and parcel of any good community.

>Can you please hold these bo... I mean bags when I go to bathroom, infide... madam?

Group of shitskins kicking a pregnant white women down a flight of stairs in a subway station

Obviously you've never heard of, nor seen, a Taqiyah?

Sikhs wear a Dastar (a Turban) not a Taqiyah.

>muzzy on muzzy violence

i'm not mad.

warning, edgy oc irl lmao

Lib Logic: GUYS LOOK, 1% of MUSLIMS ARE GREAT GUYS!!! (Let's import the other 99% too, cause EGALITARIANISM). BTFO

>Hand over the groceries and you won't get hurt infidel.

Go to any local charity or volunteer centre and try spot a non-white then get back to me.

jesus fucking christ, pregnant too?
my blood is fucking boiling at this point

Jews are the only ones where there are no good ones.

He just wants to fuck her dog

>Muslims are evi-.

You forgot lowercase L at the end.
Let me help you.

Muslims are evil.

There, buddy.

Muslim women are alright it's a shame their men are such utter Untermensch

fucking shill propaganda

>pretending Muslims don't read the violent, xenophobic, and pedophilic teachings of Muhammad and the Quran
>ignoring the massive problem of Muslim terrorists

checked and keked


superultrarare exceptions dont change the general rule, OP u lil analy raped faggot

( also he only did it for political purposes anyway. google taqiyya )


However one common thing about african/arabs in autobus, they never leave the place to old people.
Absolutly disgusting behavior.

>1 post by this ID

we have been flooded by this paid shitposting, stop replying to these garbage threads

>keep left

it shoud say keep right

Hold up. Someone found an outlier. Guess we better rethink all this shit.


But man you are so wrong

Never a indonesian blow himself in europe
Never a caucasian muslim went in a truck rampage

Always middle-easterns

he just hopes that he will get laid later

Hello Greek citizen,

This is a friendly reminder to pay denbts. On behalf of the EU Surveillance Authority, I would like to personally encourage and empower you to shoulder the financial irresponsibility of your nation.

> so organic


>some nigga helped an old lady
I guess we will just ignore the 25 gorillion terrorist attacks since 750 AD

Oh dear, that's her pension check gone.


#notallmuslims faggot

go suck a mudslime cock


all you can do is scream, leaf

coming to a place near you

Nice try Rashid. You dumb cunts are so predictable.

Mudslimes are garbage.

Filthy shits

Literally no one on Sup Forums says Muslims are evil, simply that their presence in the West is more harmful than beneficial.

According to Sup Forums only Jews are capable of being evil, humans are all inherently good, merely misguided by Jewish tricks.

Why is he standing on that poor woman's dog

>Sikhs wear a Dastar (a Turban) not a Taqiyah.

What did he mean by this ?

They need to be better integrated. More tax-funded counseling and therapy for refugees now!

>EU Flag
Its another german Muslim

What really happened
>pic related

Taqiyah is the cap muslim men wear. Taqiya is the act of concealing their religion.

Probably a nigger convert raised in the UK layered with 1 tiny little shred of human dignity from being born here. I bet he'd still see the unbelievers killed.

fucking rekt dude

jews and muslims both have evil ideologies. of course im going to blame every one on the acts of a single person. thats why they all need to go.

Called it before I saw it. As far as Sup Forums is concerned there is only one category of crime (and only one category of criminal) on Earth and that is "being Jewish" everything else is a-okay.

The world is a shit-hole now and it would be the exact same shit-hole if Sup Forums got it's way.

You must be new here, there's no such thing as "evil ideology" there's merely "Jewish people" and everything/everyone else.

Every ideology, thing, and person would be perfect and divine if only Jewish people didn't exist.

>telling lies

american jewings 101

He should be kissing her arse for building a Nation where he can run and escape the shit hole his people created.

This happened in Germanistan about a year ago i think.
I think there was no real back story, they just randomly kicked the women.

evidently evil.


They arent its whats the neo cons want all to believe to unite all idiots so they can wage war against Iran and grab the last oil reserves that are not under there control.

Where did that beer bottle on the stairs right after the kick come from?

this was in the newspapers. they arent even muslims. this guy is from romania. so easy to manipulate poltards

What a staged shot

i hate women so this is just funny to me

>>A single staged incident from CAIR

Meanwhile, back in reality...

Rare sighting, usually they would be stoning the granny for not wearing a burka.

>Muslims are evin robbing the elderly

source plz?
prob a gyppo

>Pictured: Sharia law enforcer inspects kafir's bags for contraband, circa 2017

It is the least he can do to repay her for raping her granddaughter.

>>"See, look at this! They are good people! REE!!".

If the opposite weren't true, you would not be posting.

/inductive reasoning

That's quite a coincidence that camera was there

>"get the camera Haji. Time for some taqiyya"