What dou you Goys think about Christmas Island?
Christmas Island
Is everyday Christmas there?
Are there any hot uncut guys on Christmas Island? Mmmmmmm
ho ho ho
No serious replies? I am a bit sad.
it's not relevant enough to anything to give a shit
how's that?
Nice vpn faggot. Saged
Is it where santa live ?
Tell him I am good boy
Post elf
I think you're mine now.
Do you celebrate Easter there?
Interesting that most of the island is a national park. Do you go trekking often?
(don't expect much from pol, most people are under 15)
Fake and gay
yeah walking is a big pasttime here all the family comes along
kys mohammed
you ask about some island most of us have never heard of, how about you tell us of Christmas Island, Mr. Claus?
How many people live on the island?
Any good sites to see pictures of the forests?
american education lol
Do they still have krabs over there? I remember reading a National geographic magazine from 1987 that had millions of red crabs everywhere, the roads were basically painted red by dead crabs
Hit the nail on the head
One thing we learned is we love taking shit over.
Who owns your island?
If not, what are effective strategies for defeating the crabs? You don't want to suffer decades of embarrassment like the Australians.
The real question.
Part of Australia
no lol
>What dou you Goys think about Christmas Island?
What the fuck is Christmas Island?
>nazi flag
>not knowing about anything
checks out
Seen any refugees lately? Chuck a rock at one for me
Xmas Island new meme.
Have you ever left the island?
post feet pls
Australia's prison camp island for refugees
Not a joke btw
i neeed to see his feet because i might know him
james is that you?
babies first proxy
babies second proxy
Then what's the fucking point?
chung pao is that you?
>christmas island rare in 2017
ill fucking show you rare
Are you a nigger?
>Christmas Island
65% Chinese
20% Malay
10% European
5% Indian and Eurasian
get bent fuckstick, i do this for ((((fun))))
Passover Island when?
The congo isn't rare either, newproxyfag.
Great people. I love when you post during Christmas, it's always super comfy.
they should only post during christmas
nobody cares ref fag
So what even goes on here?
I already have both of these. Post something better.
ok traffic light, you should follow your own rules and stop
refugee holding facility and marine biologists hot spot for 3 weeks or so cause of the crab migration they have
Are you a Chink?
Solomon Islands are better
You just started this thread to show off your rare flag.
I still took it.
that's fucked
>Christmas Island and Congo
Boring. Fucking kill yourself. Brag when you get USMOI or French Southern Territories, then we'll talk, kid.
Does any proxyfags have a Uganda?
Hows rape island treating you cuck?
>Tfw at least im not a 1 flag cuck.
Also here are my extra flags
...or not.
nah sorry cuck.
Where is Israel you fucking nigger
When we get the promise land, we will force them to change their name
Should be called Yule islands desu
right between japan and romania, in the oven
fuck off cuck.
warning op is a crab do not trust him
How many chromosomes did you use to make this list?
Nigger ants from Africa invaded Christmas Island and fucked up the once happy and peaceful crab population.
Fucking bullshit.
Fucking PsyOP
*smug anime face for you*
i dont have any, so zero
Ants are assholes.
Serious talk though where you get your flags i had to get mine with a script. Where you go for like the jersey flag or like ops pic for Christmas islands?
yo mama's cunt
follow the steps