All humans, no matter what race, religion or gender should be killed if they got an IQ below 100. It will make the world a better place.
Prove me wrong.
All humans, no matter what race, religion or gender should be killed if they got an IQ below 100. It will make the world a better place.
Prove me wrong.
Who's going to do the grunt work? People with IQ's over 100 that end up with lousy jobs because of X factor just kill themselves. Automation needs to be in place before that can happen. But it's getting closer.
how do you measure and define IQ?
Even people with IQs above 100 can associate with those below, what about all the dumb but loyal housewives that most people would be satisfied with? You're going to kill off a man's fuckhole and kitchenmaid because she can't math good?
>basically, you're wrong because people mind when you kill other people that they may like/love
>if they got an
You're first, dumbfuck.
who else will do the shit jobs for us?
You can be productive member of society with IQ 99
I agree, but some races should be genocided whatever their IQ
Robots will do menial labor. Service jobs will all be done by the sub 150 people, so cashiers will finally be able to make correct change with out a fucking calculator.
1. You need niggers to do menial labour. I will not lower myself to the level of sub-human monkeys.
2. Killing people under IQ 100 raises to IQ to like 120 etc.
>All humans, no matter what race, religion or gender should be killed if they got an IQ below 100. It will make the world a better place.
You do realize this means no more liberals, right?
Lmao since IQ is essentially based on everyone elses performance as well. Wouldnt we just keep on killing people as the "100" would become a higher and higher standard. Untill the last person? Still game though
>all the stupid people are killed
>no worker class left for manual labor jobs
>economy implodes and everyone starves to death
are you sure you shouldn't be gassed too
I mean killing people at IQ 100 will make the new IQ 100 effectively IQ 120. Meaning you need to kill everyone under IQ 120 and so on.
Such shit standards, ofcourse it's a fucking German posting.
Aim higher faggot. 130+ or it's the gulag for you.
You do realize that everytime you kill a person with an IQ below 100, they are instantly replaced by another person with an IQ below 100 due to it being a normalized distribution....
So if you advocate this, you are stuck in an infinite loop of killing everybody except for the two smartest people on the planet...
but thanks for proving that you deserve to die OP by your own logic. Isn't the correct thing for you to kill yourself now? Preferably on livestream?
>Robots will do menial labor.
this proves you are below 100 iq
Great of you to make that sacrefice.
>having such a low IQ you can not interpret context
any drastic social change should not happen at all. This is a transition period between natural humans and genetically modified humans. There is no reason to start culling natural humans to improve natural humans. Zero reason at all. The genetically modified humans will be doing the culling soon enough.
Ofcourse you need to have a timeframe in which the sub standards get executed. After that period we need to asses the results for a generation or 2 and see if the desired results were met.
why do you need cashiers and money in a utopia
oh yeah jews run this utopia
Fuck of Ameriburger your IQ average 90 isn't acceptable here.
As a thought experiment, how does this play out? Presumably there will be selective/eugenic pressure driving intelligence up in subsequent generations, but reversion to the mean is also a documented thing. So in the next generation, only ~25% of children have iqs below the 100 set point of the previous generation instead of ~50% (remembering that the mean iq gets reset to 100 for each peer group)?
There is no timeframe to preform this in. You need to identify the people and them remove the objective of sub-100 IQ.
My IQ is around 130.
Robots can easily do things like agriculture and factory work
Honestly people like me should be the shopkeepers and auto mechanics and craftsmen, i am confident that if given a fairly simple task i would learn to do it to exacting perfection and be able to adapt to understand the meet the needs of people using my services, real thinking should be left to the top 1%.
You would realize this if your IQ was above 110
You're gone for starters.
Are you saying you have to be dumb to do manual labor?
Are you really that pretentious?
Regression to the mean.
then pol would be empty
Just you Bruce.
actually some guy who works at agriculture explained why this was false and not possible at the moment.
this whole automation crap is just jewish scare tactic to lower wages even more.
what has been automated so far? oh right, fucking nothing.
Do you realize that an IQ test is normalized to have a mean of 100?
You don't get it.
It's harder to make a robot plumber then a robot lawyer, financial manager etc.
People with < IQ 110 will ironically still have jobs because making dexterous, safe, smart robots is harder than making smart software.
This is the problem with people who think they are smart. They go get some 4 year degree and assume they are brilliant when in reality they are just average or slightly above average. They see normal every day work as below them and then bitch when service is shit because its given to monkeys with an IQ of 70.
In the old days people below average just died, and all the factory workers, welders, coal minders, etc, were of decently average or slightly above intelligence, and instead of going to universities because (((they))) told them to, they were contributing to society by actually knowing what the fuck they were doing and performing these critical baseline tasks with a degree of skill and capability lacking today.
Nobody cares about bong grammar. We are speaking american here.
we have a sick culture of white collar dipshits.
our parents planted this idea in our minds that manual labor is subhuman when in fact in the 1930's almost all whites worked manual labor.
cannot really argue against that, sicne ive realized, that not really race, nor gender ( ok cut that; women ARE a problem ) ... but reace is usually not a problem if the person is intelligent.
ok, start the ovens.
start with gassing and burning politicians ...
>It's harder to make a robot plumber then a robot lawyer, financial manager etc.
I know, things like plumbers, hvac, etc, will be the last sort of job to be fully automated, because they have to adapt to a human environment. They will be replaced last, ive made this same argument in the past.
Controlled environments though, like factories and fields, can have much less flexible machines. because the conditions do not change, they are things that can be ran on a large scale by a person controlling it and simply updating parameters.
Do we really need to try to solve everything with genocide?
>germans are feeling a little depressed in Europe because we are not liked
>better completely replace all Germans
Seems so. At least this time it is only directed at us though.
Would be better than simply allowing your ancestral lands being overrun with barbarian hordes.
Carlos! I mean Hans!
Yes. The answer is always yes.
No. Forced castration also works.
It's true. It's disgusting how honest regular work somehow got a negative stigma as if pushing papers all day is somehow respectable.
I wouldn't be surprised if the average millennial has never even used a hammer.
I assume you chose 100 because it's the average,so now you've killed half the population. Most of whom have just scraped though the cull. And since the cull didn't increase the amount of smart people the majority of births will be from the just above average which will produce a lot of kids who arent above the line.
Is it an ongoing process? You can't reliably test IQ on kids. You've now created a society where the majority of people won't breed as they will spend loads of time/resources on children that will be killed (even if a super smart and just about smart person breed the chances are pretty high the kid gets it), and the smartest will be too busy breeding to keep a sustainable population to actually get any work done.
in short, you will increase humanities IQ by a bit, but create a system that will eventually lead to species death
>if they got
You don't need your waiter to have an IQ above 100. You don't need your cashier to have an IQ above 100. In fact, unless their IQ is so much below average that it actually impedes basic skills, it's almost better if they're just a little bit dumb.
Also, there are plenty of people with above average IQs that are degenerate or have other reprehensible qualities.
The assembly line?
>Have an IQ
It was nice knowing you op but these are the rules you set for yourself.
>Here lies op, he took one for the team.
No need to kill. Offer them sperm from an intelligent donor. Market the sperm as magic sperm that will create more successful offspring, and be a ticket out of poverty.
Sperm is the perfect gene modification organism. We must start harvesting the sperm of the best and brightest of humanity.
Wrong there a good laugh
one cull every 100 years should do it.
>Forced castration
Don't forget to add forced labour for flavour. Imagine the world we could build.
First thing you'll need is an absolute measure of intelligence, rather than IQ which is relative. And some people are very smart but terrible at test taking. Skull size and brain weight might be a good start, along with an aggregate measure of mental development indicators around age 4. Of course all niggers should die since they are proven as a species to be unsuitable for civilization.
IQ does mater but culture overrides it and shapes it.
Hard to disagree.
Stupidity is really a problem,but i am not sure 100 is enough.
I mean climate change is not a complex metaphor and still...
Why kill them when you can have them as slaves?
>everyone with IQ below 100 is killed
>nobody wants to do menial work
>majority of population is miserable because they are stuck doing jobs the retards of the world once did
>society falls into disrepair
Just wait for genetics to catch up.
>harvest eggs
>embryotic screening
>enjoy your 90th to 98th percentile kid(from your probability distribution)
Even niggers would reach human levels in one generation.
>everyone with IQ below 100 is killed
>those remaining invent machines to do all the menial labour
>no retards who protest for losing their jobs
>all wars between low tier trash humans are over and humanity enters the age of space exploration
>everything went as expected
still a stupid idea
Whats the goal, I assume its to increase humanities average intelligence. but why? Do all smart people think the same, no. Conflict and ideologies will still prevail. We won't all suddenly get along. Anything a human does is achieved by or for exploiting others for personal gain. The same people will be in charge, the only difference will be that the traps and schemes they use will be more complicated.
you think humanity is within one generation of uninterrupted and unlimited funding of technological progression for us to reach the space age?
>being this naive
wew lad
>set arbitrary limit to faggot OPs IQ
still in for this? prove me wrong.