Wow, he's kind of a cutie!
Who did he kill this time?
Is he our new Brendan Frazier
Live long enough to see yourself turn into the jew.
spoopy stuff.
he is still on the run. but probably plotting his next mass shooting
Is he homeless now or what?
(((they))) broke him
What a fucking stud.
Hey sam you look like shit
How does he keep getting away with it.
He just wants to grow his beard for a year or two famalam, he's experimenting with facial hair.
It's just a phase
Charls is the true god
He converted to islam
Kind of sad how it all turned out. Nick and Charls have moved on to better thing, Sammy boy here's still living in his own filth, making phone vids for his monthly Patreon gibs.
u look like shit, sam
What is Charls actually doing?
I know he's streaming but is that it?
He's also doing the other videos on Bombstrap but I find it weird how he doesn't have a normal job or career
Hes show got cancelled for .. shiling reasons
Jesus will this man ever be caught? How does he keep getting away with it!? Someone needs to stop this monster this MUST END
I love how this man just gets away with it.
Streaming until he has a psychotic break.
wew lad
uh uh-uhu uhuhuhu
uh uh-uhu uhuhuhu
uh uh-uhu uhuhuhu
uh uh-uhu uhuhuhu
uh uh-uhu uhuhuhu
uh uh-uhu uhuhuhu
You can Sam but you can't Hyde.
not even close tube96o is his instagram you can see whagt hes up to there
>tfw exact same pube beard
Nick is the true god , that's why you don't see him.
I hope they apprehend him so he can get a nice shave in prison.
let it grow for like..10 years you will be fine
Kinda embarrassing seeing this now, considering how much his "career" went down the shitter completely. Not exactly much he can gloat about these days, is there?
It's a sad time when such a naturally gifted comedian struggles to get by.
Is there anything more loathsome than those adultswim "comedians" who probably grew up idolising the counter-culture comics like Bruce, Carlin, Pryor and Hicks, using their positions to SHUT IT DOWN?
Literally sickens me tbhfam.
he's stealing my fucking look!
His book did pretty well, I'd wager he garnered a good pile of shekels from it