> 56% of population
>including arabs and mexicans
56% of population
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T b h mate we've got 25% muslims in france and who knows how many nogs on top of that, they're shipping immigrants every day and there's a complete media lockdown on discussing this, ethnic stats, anything factual really... but there's nothing stopping you from getting on the bus and seeing you're the only white person, or parsing through primary school lists and noticing less than a third of the names are white.
Been to the US, at least there's enough space to isolate yourself from diversity even as middle-class people.
But France does have very deeply rooted secular values right? I mean you guys did ban that full veil thing right? And I heard something about banning hijab in universities is that right?
Point is France is full of nogs but at least there are a lot of people in France that will fight for secular values and will not shy from criticizing Islam. This is quite unique in western Europe these days and should be appreciated.
arabs , n.africans and turks considered as whites in US
And North Africans
There are almost none of those though. It probably doesn't evern shift the figure by a single point.
Old census. Doesn't include illegals
and spaniards are not
As long as whites run the biggest corporations, the media (even alongside the juice) and the politics, they'll be fine. Problems begin when non-whites assume office or take the lead in the above mentioned.
> fine
No, they won't. Mexico is ruled by white hispanics. So is almost every spic country
And what happens when law makers start becoming muslim, that can happen in a secular democracy, what happens then dumbass?
Also everything about your comment screams Reddit(.)com Off you go, then..
>And what happens when law makers start becoming muslim,
Lets find out. We will be first.
you have less muslims than France
But they have more children. We pay them more to have children and we don't have any.
Arabs and hispanics are pretty much white
The government does not pay germans to have children? what's the actual stance on this?
Fun Fact: America is way bigger than your country and you can go through entire states without seeing a nigger.
Also America isn't a distinct ethnic group
Checks out
>The government does not pay germans to have children?
Of course it does. But Germans don't take advantage of it. user 70 years of guilt don't make you very eager to spread your genes.
Its not crazy to suggest that it is your moral imperative as a German to not reproduce.
>France that will fight for secular values and will not shy from criticizing Islam.
kek you are a naive mother fucker.
But there aren't any european immigrants here
As we blend more qnd more I think soon we will have a distinct American race
this, frenchs are terrible
It's 48% now user.
Wrong, you fucking brain dead uneducated faggot. Kill yourself.
Kill yourself too
>48% now user.
yes in texas and comiefonia