So is insulting Trump pretty much all this guy does anymore...

So is insulting Trump pretty much all this guy does anymore? I stopped watching Colbert after the move from Comedy Central, but it seems like every day there's a clip of him badmouthing the President at the top of YouTube's trending list.

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OP is Putin's cockholster.

>So is insulting Trump pretty much all this guy does anymore?
literally the only late-night (((comedian))) who doesn't do this is Jimmy Fallon, why are you singling out Colbert?

Colbert bends the knee for Clinton foundation lobbyists. See Wikileaks podesta emails.

He's literally a sellout

>l e a f

Even Conan?

>badmouthing the president

the president is a fuckwad idiot.
the jokes write themselves.

The funny part now, is that CNN and Colbert will be the most sad people in the planet if Trump isn't re-elected.

Their ratings and money will fall through the floor.

Every time I've ever flipped to his channel it's all stale Trump jokes. Really sad desu I used to like the Colbert Repor



I suggest you stop watching tv alltogether


Colbert thinks its funny to say that Trump makes homosexual acts of love with Putin because deep down Stephen believes that being homosexual is something to be derided, something that makes a person less.

You see a lot of that from these dinosaur liberal acts. Maher saying nigger, etc. Maybe its time for the new generation.

Fucking youtube trending is just trumphate and fidget spinner videos.

Colbert is podestas cock-holster

Why are people under the mislead guess that this guy has integrity?

>tfw you will never be a cockholster for colbert

Trevor Noah is the same way. It's really annoying.
They have literally nothing else to talk about. It's not even funny. At least John Oliver can be funny and talks about other shit.

>So is insulting Trump pretty much all this guy does anymore?
I would so love to see this piece of shit get set on fire. I'm not inciting. I would just enjoy hearing him screaming. Afterwards we could have the Late Show with Steamin' Coalburnt.

Political comedy is so boring.

Colbert has nothing to else.


>Durr Russia
>Hurr it wasn't disproven by CNN or anything

You're just a regular cocksocker, huh?

Samantha Bee's even worse. She's just so petty.
user, chill. Go for a jog or something.

not so fast Donald

Comedy Central has such a low bar for political commentary, I bet any douchebag could nail a multi-season show just for applying with a letter that said "Fuck Trump" over and over. There was that one hipster looking faggot that got a show talking about the alt-right too.

Real talk, should we be concerned about Chelsea Clinton? Not even the left wants her, but the Clintons have their ways.
You mean that Moshe Kasher faggot? I was going to give his show a chance but the very first episode talked about "white privilege" so I ignored it. I'm not even white and I know it's bullshit.

Yeah that homo.
Conedy Central's ratings must plummet after 10 oclock. I would watch if the shit was actually funny but it's so damn cringey and pathetic that I just tune out. At least CC has the sense to exile these dorks to late night viewing.

Colbert lost for the first time in the ratings. He'll double up on Trump shit to try to get back.

Should i start watching this cunt? I'm so endlessly bored by everything


Did past presidents ever get this treatment? I remember Letterman used to do "Great Moments in Presidential Speeches" and air Bush fuckups occasionally, but they were just silly thirty second clips. Never full-on BUSH IS A MURDERER! IMPEACH BUSH! propoganda.
t. Non-American TV viewer.

You do know all he did was insult Bush every night too, right?

Or were you too fucking retarded to realize his compliments were actually insults back then as well?

Read a book or something. Mein Kampf has a lot of surprising paralells with the current year if you want something overtly Sup Forums related

He dropped his act of playing a conservative strawman and now plays a liberal strawman, he's the greatest performer of our era.