Or are we half breed gipsies?
What does Sup Forums think about these average Spaniards. Are they whites?
Gypsy, can confirm, I am one and look like that.
Maybe not Andalusians (entirely) but most Iberians are perfectly white.
We even have this idea of Spanish history being a black hole until Conquistadors, and making Mexican bastards, thanks to our idea of Spain being a look at Mexicans, when Spain has the richest misic and artistic history I've seen of all medieval cultures.
Your women are crazy
The average Spaniards is Andalusian.
Full-blood Spaniards are whiter than the bastard mixed hybrids that swarm north over the border, even if they have Moorish taint.
Spaniards are almost nigger-tier when it comes to 'muh dick', and are master race-mixers.
All of their colonies became shitholes because instead of killing off the native mud people they just started fucking the women.
British kill the American natives and you country is still a mixed shithole m8
Is not their fault. Is New World fault.
You're white enough. You're European.
All Europeans are Caucasoid.
>Argentina Hitler Hider
>Calls the most successful country on earth a shithole
Spain, Portugal and Italy are north African countries.
>instead of killing off the native mud people they just started fucking the women.
can't blame em desu
You mean Arabs.
I would rather prefer """""""half-white""""" spaniard over pale skinned slavic faggot
After a 3 months journey I would.
Las Islas Malvinas aren't yours and you're still not white.
No, he mean Gypsy.
Spain have almost 1 million gypsy being the country that most gypsy immigrant have
I do blame them, they should have been slaughtered.
What a dumb comment
What's that red thing around their faces? It turns me on way too much.
white but you got to stop taking in those mestizos from mestizo countries!!! BUILD A WALL. Nothing makes my blood boil more than a MESTIZO thinking hes entitled to living in Spain. KILL THE FILTH
reveal your flag you filthy mestizo shitskin fat fuck
Non-white caucasoids, somewhat in-between the white kind of caucasoid and the hooknose kind
They already have the Melilla fence.
Watching Spanish police rekt Muslims in youtube is pretty funny
Peru master race.
Not white, which is why it's so funny when people like this guy chimp out
maybe Cortes was on to something
spaniards are europeans who built one of the largest empires known in the history of humankind
> not white
ok niggers.
maybe he was wondering why people would migrate from Romania to Spain without staying in Germoney or Switzerland or literally anywhere else
Does he count?
Spaniards are whiter than Italians and Greeks.
Nah, you're more like (((them))).
I'm Texan of Mexican descent, and I'm a SHITTON whiter than the average Spaniard apparently.
What the fuck happened?
T.south american in Spain
Gypsies are lowest of the lowest trash, uneducated and filthy but even they have enough self respect to look for a job rather than gibs.
>american education.
fuck you make my country look like shit.
spaniards are obviously white. no one who has been there would say otherwise
Probably he is a butthurt south american
Can confirm this.
If spaniards are white, then why the fuck am i a hairy greasy shitskin with blading patterns
>inb4 le indian genes
I don't have any indian ancestors that my grandfather recalled, he even had a genalogy map for him and his family all the way back to 1800
who's cutest> ? Estonia looks nice.
Shit the portuguese guy is spot on. Half the blokes I know look like him
MORROCANS...... After all the Arab semen your womyn took inside during the Califate
I can confirm Portugal is Africa but Spain is not. Pic related.
Europe ends in the Pirennees. We dont have any camels but it is what it is.
The Finn is surprisingly accurate.
>What the fuck happened?
probably French lineage or less likely, Italian desu senpai.
show your flag coward
War paint or some injun shit idk
>not muslim rape babies
Actual pic of portuguese children attending a lesson in we wuz conkistadorzzzzz
>British kill the American natives
What? No that's complete bullshit, for one, why there's still natives alive today?
The reason why there's morew indians in Mexico or Bolivia is because in those areas existed actual kingdoms, they had larger populations, hence a larger Indian population.
North America has a lower population because their indias were literally tribalistic, they didn't develop urban areas which allowe their populations to grow, they still lived in huts.
>tfw 8% spanish.
Had DNA tested.
lmao spain should have genocided that shithole desu senpai.
would wife Hungary or Romania!
Portugal is based. Underrated empire.
yes Spaniards are white so are Greeks or southern Italians
Sure there will be some with some Moorish blood in them, but that can be the case with the pastiest blonde haired blue eyed viking
Whites hail from different tribes, they are not exclusive to northern Europe.
That's actually where the phrase ' diversity is our strength' came from, originally meaning different European cultures working together. Not the shit it means now
>white American is whiter and far more masculine than any Europeans
Feels good to be a """mongrel"""
Why couldn't Castile kill all those fucking arab rapebabies in Andalusia? They have spread throughout the Peninsula.
The one's solely of Euro blood are; if it's some Pedro indian-mutt, then hell no.
Limpieza del sangre hermano!
>taking Sup Forums seriously
You guys are pretty cool.
Spaniards are niggers. They got colonized by towelheads and their existence poses a threat to all the neighboring countries. It needs to be nuked
fuck off, you're the mexico of Europe
Yeah sure, show your real flag prettyboi
So that's where Olgierd von Everec comes from.
desu, if Italy is not white. I dont want to be white.
tfw basque-navarre uberlord
spains pretty white compared to nost countries also we dont take moors like uk. and our women are tier 1 aesthetically. im way too assed to post pictures cuz phone
t. own a big vineyard and i travel literally all over the world, ive seen many bitches been with many bitches spain is top3
ps england is like bottom 3
They are European. They are white.
Can confirm. Galician girls are the salt of the earth. Pale skin, tall with slender bodies. Top mamacita wifing material.
can you even verify that with proof
in 3 days come to Pamplona. It's San Fermin. There's your proof.
silly burguer, wants to jack to iberian golden pussi
I look like a cross between Polish and German.
DNA test said 39% Eastern European and look a lot like Polish. 16% German. So basically 55% German since Poland use to be Germany.
What about Andorra?
I always look forward for some american, english or other foreigner to get trampled to death or at least seriously injured in the runnings, when it happens I know it's going to be a good year
>Your women are crazy
Yes! Spaniard women are completely neurotic. Hmmm now that I think about it our women are neurotic too...
Well they surely argue a lot.... hmmm ours do too...
Ours are more white!
Portugal and Spain are.
>Spaniards are almost nigger-tier when it comes to 'muh dick', and are master race-mixers.
>All of their colonies became shitholes because instead of killing off the native mud people they just started fucking the women.
I can give testimony that Spaniards are horny and fuck anything that moves and resembles a woman.
I think they too enjoy eating as much as they do fucking, strangely the number of fat Spaniards is relatively low.
>They already have the Melilla fence.
>Watching Spanish police rekt Muslims in youtube is pretty funny
it would be even funnier if they were shooting them.
HOL' UP so you sayin we wuz pharaos n' shieet?
Of course not.
That was easy.
>Spaniards are horny and fuck
Can confirm, I typed this one-handed if you catch my drift
All the wars in Europe killed the real men. It's why they're so cucked now.
> (You)
>>Spaniards are horny and fuck
>Can confirm, I typed this one-handed if you catch my drift
No sempai you're masturbating and that's totally degenerate.
We are still white, but many have arabic ancestry from the Islamic invasions..We are spanish.
Lmao spic detected.
I think you mean to say you are pale, not white.
is this cultural appropriation