How does Sup Forums feel about the UN? I'm skeptical of how much good it does for mankind, but I also tend to believe that global government of some kind has to be inevitable, either that or a complete destruction and reconstruction of what we call government.
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The U.N needs to be destroyed.
Defund. We have plenty of other international meet & greets.
It's the only way towards peace and prosperity.
Just because UN put effort to solve problems in some countries doesn't mean they should solve every global conflict.
We should kick the UN out of america and turn the UN building in new york into low income housing
Hear, hear. Or at least give the building to Jared Kushner.
It only fulfilled it's purpose twice, during the Korean War and Desert Storm. Otherwise it didn't do anything until it got into the business of fucking over sovereignty with Agendas 21 and 2030. It was an impotent world body and now it is a dystopia tool of the global elite.
nobody knows what their end game is, they have revealed a lot but not everything.
what happens once free trade is fully established worldwide? i have no idea
How do you not know what their endgame is? The UN is literally League of Nations 2.0.
i can hazard a guess but it never usually turns out how you think it will.
probably split the world into different regions specialized in production for maximum efficiency, worldwide education standards, sustainable living, population management etc.
God agrees
Yeah pretty much. It's not like UN Agenda 21 or 2030 or whatever it is now is a secret. But as UK flag, you should understand how it is an extension of the British Empire and related to round table groups and the rest.
Pic related is a great book, and you can even skip over at least 1/3 of it because it's just documentary evidence, like lists of names it's only important to publish so somebody else can [cite] it.
Does anyone think it could be reformed or does it need to be done away with?
Well the sensible idea would be to let it descend into irrelevancy and have other institutions take its place. Same sort of formula for the Bohemian Grove, Trilateral Group, CFR, Bilderberg, and others where the oldskool participants are dying off anyway and newer institutions are cropping up anyway.
NATO might be a better example of something more worth an attempt at reform.
But the sad fact is that it will be much like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders and cling on just at the opportunity to ride off into the sunset, and thereby create a need to have it forcibly and publicly destroyed.
i know its foundations started with the british but i'm not sure there how relevant the UK is in actual policymaking. as far as i can tell the UK is important because of 1. intelligence services 2. London - a financial power centre
It's a nuclear power as well, but your 1 and 2 are not to be underestimated. By being in a "special relationship" with the the world's unipolar superpower (the US) as well as entangled with the EU, and having at the very least a dominating cultural influence, the UK stands to wield quite a lot of power if it should chose to do so.
I would rate Brexit as one of the most major power plays in recent history. The question is what, if anything, the UK decides to do with it. Really, you can either take the lead or pack it in and go along for the ride.
EU is throwing a tantrum over it for sure, but nobody even knows what they want now. they're really secretive about it, you never hear much from the leaders because they're literal suits. we'll see what happens, how far britain will be kept in
The Resident Coordinator system is being reformed as we speak. It's not a perfect mechanism but there is nothing else like it, and it helps resolve the issues of unilateral action.
If we're going to start addressing cross-border issues like climate change, you're going to need multilateralism.
I thought it was telling when Corbyn wrapped up his speech the other day with a quick
It really ought to be brought back into the light as a point of public discussion. At this rate it's all round table stuff again, and that has been shown to rarely achieve its publicly stated goals over the long haul.
when lots of money and power is involved, how can people be expected to do the right thing, and what exactly is the right thing?
>How does Sup Forums feel about the UN?
It is an unavoidable fact that all the countries on Earth will become more and more integrated as technology and transportation improves even further so it would be a stupid idea to be against "globalism". You should focus instead on making sure that it's at least beneficial if it is unavoidable and to stop trying to avoid the unavoidable
i don't know but i always feel like with these UN/EU type institutions, they have a 'ends justifies means' attitude. people want some control over their own lives - and they always seem to want to make decisions for us. it's not a pleasant way to live for some
t. literally the entire transhumanist argument
It's kinda obvious they are a satanic cabal attempting to control the world.
>dat flat earth map
>gadsden flag
>proponent of one world government
yep, op is a shill
A satanic cabal of evil: