What your honest opinion of Obama's presidency?
> Do you think he did a good job?
> Do you think he's a good person?
> How does he compared with other presidents?
What your honest opinion of Obama's presidency?
> Do you think he did a good job?
> Do you think he's a good person?
> How does he compared with other presidents?
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He's the greatest US president of the 21st century.
Iranians love him!
He paid Iran to humiliate us just like a professional dominatrix :^):^)
He's the greatest US president of 2009-2016
Sadly, I believe you are correct. I really hope that will change.
Ranks: So far in the 21st century.
1. Barack Obama
2. Bill Clinton
3. George W. Bush
4. Donald Trump
well now we can carry firearms in National Forests
that's about all he did to benefit americans
my ac is out. gets awfully hot in these rhinos.
b+ that's the best i can do.
Somehow its Obama's fault some dumb ass sailors got captured?
He did better than Trump... and there was less of a sense that he was profiting from his Presidency.
Pretty sure Trump is cashing in big time on the deaths of Syrian babies and what not.
nah more like
1. Barack Obama
2. Bill Clinton
3. George W. Bush
-literally every other future president in the 21st century
X. Dolan Dump
C at best.
The second bumbling fool that paved the way for the trifecta of trump. A George W. Bush in blackface if you will.
im pretty sure he ordered people to spy on me specifically
I forget Bill Clinton served for 20 days in the 21st century.
Pretty average.
> Do you think he did a good job?
According to my value system (classical liberal, anti-interventionist on foreign policy), no. But according to the value system of the majority of Americans, yes.
> Do you think he's a good person?
No idea. His public persona is an act. His policies killed people (foreigners), but not more than the average US president.
> How does he compared with other presidents?
Slightly above-average.
Stop being retarded.
This is absolutely true and no amount of memeing will change it. Here's Obama's legacy:
-He'll be known first and foremost for being black
-For stopping the Great Recession. A 21st Century Roosevelt.
-Starting America's ascend to single-payer healthcare
-Gay Rights
-America's respect in the world
-Stock Market all time highs
-America's proper start into the 21st century
-Occupy Wall st.
-Race relations
-Hyper party polarization which started under Reagan but reached peak with Obama and elected Trump.
Pros outweigh the Cons in the history books for Obama however.
he marked the official point at which US became a nigger/shitskin country. he got fuck all done. he was the equivalent of a lame duck president since day one and his entire presidency revolved around blaming bush and republicans like the typical nigger that he is.
Why is Sup Forums still talking about this nigger?
Obama ruined any future niggers have in politics by pushing a trash leftist agenda full of faggotry and kike policies and that is about the best thing anyone can say about him or his presidency.
I think Obama is a good guy with shit ideas. He was spoon fed bull shit by his coal burning mother and nigger king daddy. If he was not a socialist shit bag he would have had the ability to bring the country together. But he is a shit bag and he ruined the country. I think he did it in the best intonation though, the rich do not realize that they are actually dumb.
Get over yourself.
No, no, and he was bad. He was great at PR, but that only works closer to your administration. His admin will just fade into complete obscurity, especially if Trump pushes a full repeal of Obamacare.
This post is complete garbage just like Obama was. 100 years from now, every history book will teach that he was a globalist puppet that started a race war and tried to tear apart America
Nice quads btw
Tripled defecit
Destroyed race relations
Ended 40 hr work week
Extorted middle americans to subsidize healthcare to "people" like boogie2988
>No, he fucked the midwest even more than Bush
>I really don't know, since he was aways reading teleprompters and never spoke from his heart
>He is not remarkable, only for the failures at the midwest (just like Bush)
>-He'll be known first and foremost for being black
Assuming this is something to be proud of for some reason. Who cares what color he was you racist.
>-For stopping the Great Recession. A 21st Century Roosevelt.
Stopping it? Its still happening. He deferred it to be sure and insured the recovery would be worse than the crash.
>-Starting America's ascend to single-payer healthcare
Implying this is somehow good
>-Gay Rights
"Thats right Christians, MARRY THESE PEOPLE AND BAKE THEIR CAKES! I dont care if you;re against it personally, private choice and freedom of association dont matter if it hurts your feelings. But dont pay any mind to Mehmet, its just his culture to throw fags off of roof tops/
>-America's respect in the world
Spied on the entire world. No one liked that. China carpet incident. Syria Red Line, Russia sabre rattling, etc
>-Stock Market all time highs
Despite Trump receiving high marks as well, it is not solely the president's doing that the stock market does well. He may play a part but definitely not his doing.
>-America's proper start into the 21st century
"Proper start" aka "My opinion is that he was good therefore this constitutes a proper start and everyone will see it this way because my personal view is just a self evident fact"
He did what any president I would have expected to do. Bailed out people, stayed in the Middle East for too long....however he supported a push on gun control and there is the NSA incident that he continued from the bush era... he was truly just a good politician. A good president though?...eh, he was meh. Kept the country afloat by bailing out dumbasses and didn't progress our nation beyond trying to go green or we'd gays. We are still on the shitty king of the hill position and defending countries that don't need us or want us.
Personally, I think he is a nice person. His daughters seem spoiled, but him personally, looks like a nice guy I could have a beer with.
Compared to others? Bill was trash and started up the housing bubble while doing jack shit elsewhere. Bush was not that good. Trump is doing okay so far.
Again, just meh. He didn't do anything I would consider grand or worthy of being a great president...but he didn't fuck up (beyond propagate a failing welfare system we've been trying since lbj...I doubt he could do much about that. Everyone's sucking off the govt tit).....meh
>Delusional Christfag think great recession is still ongoing.
Considering the possible alternatives Obama was alright.
so is that a confirmation buddy?
Who is this and why are you asking about his "presidency"? Never seen him before and I'm pretty versed in US history.
do you know why he did it? I feel like I'm entitled to damages or something.
He knows you called him a "N word".
this. thank god he's gone
P.S. 20 trilion
Literally the worst president
so thats why fled he country
Literally the worst president in us history. Someone bring up crime statistics on when he was announced and when he was inaugurated. Groids in my neighborhood chimped out and robbed a gas station. Worldstar also became popular so theres clearly a connection
All U.S presidents are bad including Trump, but I don't think Obama is any worse than any of the others. If anything he had some good ideas which were all shot down by the Republicans, he only had a short two years where he could do what he liked and that was spent mostly fixing the mess from previous presidents
One of the best, but still a neoliberal. Good policies hamstrung by a racist obstructionist congress.
Didn't prosecute anyone for the systemic and proven bank mortgage / ratings / derivatives fraud
Gave trillions to big banks and virtually nothing to home owners
Supported failed QE monetary policies, which delayed & exarcebated real problem
Gave only slap on wrist to banks for rate fixing, currency fixing, cartel money laundering, frontrunning, fraud, etc.
Gave money from bank fines illegally to crony political groups
Expanded Guantanamo instead closing it
Was caught running guns to Mexican cartels
Armed, funded and trained head chopping, cannibal jihadis (Al-Q/ISIS) through ME proxies
Would have invaded Syria, if not for overwhelming internal opposition
Bombed 7 countries, including disastrous Libyan war crimes
The associated conflicts have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people
Obamacare was a giveaway to medical industrial complex and an exercise in delaying proper reform of the current corrupt healthcare system
Stole money from Freddy/Fannie illegally to fund Obamacare
Doubled the debt
Did absolutely nothing to help the plight of black people
Let Citigroup pick his entire cabinet
Accelerated lobbyist DC revolving door
Lied about recovery - economy still in shambles
Supported TPP, the job killing, subversive fake trade deal
Supported subversive fake climate hoax deal
Approved the funding and organization of the coup of a democratically elected leader in Ukraine
Record number of military generals and officers resigned/purged under him
Approved use of domestic false flag and other psychological operations against Americans
Expanded surveillance and police state
Largest ever crackdown on journalists and whistleblowers
Purposefully didn't enforce existing immigration laws
Spent $65,000 of taxpayer money flying hotdogs to a party
He reminds me of a nigger not a cool black guy like i thought he would be.
> Good Job?
He blew it in Libya and Turkey. Please revoke his Nobel prize. These huge failures are why Europe is getting raped right now.
Domesticly, I would call him just bad, SJWs and BLM are the result of the long march of marxism through the schools can't really blame him for that. But he could have pushed harder against it. He also blew up the deficit and ACA sucks.
> Good Person?
He seemed like a wimpy beta nice guy to me. Not an asshole.
>Compared to other POTUS?
Better than Dubya, worse than Bill and Bush Sr.
he enshrined identity politics for good
is that good or bad? it probably had to happen
he was the biggest mistake our country ever made, unfortunately
a nigger as the leader of a majority white nation, fucking bad idea
NOBLAME set a record for the most seats ever lost. NOBLAME set a record for getting the least done of any modern President. He signed less legislation than one-term Jimmy Carter. He oversaw the worst economy in modern history with less than 3% growth for his entire 8 years, this is the worst record in history, all the way back to Washington.
Less than mediocre. He made the point that black people can be as shit leaders as anyone else.
His only accomplishment is taking Dukes of Hazzard off the air.
>Do you think he did a good job?
>Do you think he's a good person?
yes, that or he's just a good actor
>How does he compared with other presidents?
not the worst, but not high on the list either
Worst president ever. He founded ISIS and ruined America.
>I would call him just bad, SJWs and BLM are the result of the long march of marxism through the schools can't really blame him for that. But he could have pushed harder against it.
He really stepped in it with his whole Trayvon "Could have been his son", not like "Well lets see how this plays out"
And before that it was the black dude who got a visit by the police in Massachusetts. Remember? The beer summit? Oh lawdy another racist white cop.
Obama was the pinnacle of color based, group based leftist pandering.
>He seemed like a wimpy beta nice guy to me. Not an asshole.
He was a straight up asshole, huffing his own farts. After Netanyahu made him look like a bitch at a press conference when Little Black Sambo said to the effect "come on now, just sit down the with the Palestinians and work something out", and Nety responded with "They shoot RPGs at our school busses", Obama reportedly threw a profanity based temper tantrum that the Izzy prez made him look like a cunt.
>Better than Dubya, worse than Bill and Bush Sr.
Obama was a straight up diversity hire. He didn't do anything, which meant his handlers could stack the deck with any leftist asshole they knew could effect change. Obama was literally a nigger figurehead on the bow of ship. The dude couldn't even given a speech off the cuff without turning into a stumbling mess.
Dylann Roof
Disgustingly mediocre. Obamacare and getting bin Laden (the wheels were moving on this long before he took office) were his achievements (and Obamacare will be gone soon).
He basically kept the Titanic away from the iceberg as much as possible.
But that's not what he campaigned on. He campaigned on "hope and change", but he basically governed as a play-it-safe corporate democrat.
You were just trying to bait obamaleaf weren't you?
>implying ISIS wasn't founded when Dubya went into Iraq
Better than fucking Bush Jr, for sure.
It wasn't. They were Baathist party members.
ISIS was locked up, but then Little Nigger let the leader out in 2009 and blew them off as the Varsity Team.
He could sure drone a wedding party though. I'll give Nigger President that, he had his own personal kill list. Bet it gave his little 3 chubby quite a hard on.
A year and 20 days
Unless you're not counting 2000 as part of the 21st century for some reason
Much like Trump he was better than the other candidates. He was a shitty president but much better than what Mcain or Romney would have been.
2000 is in the 20th century ... there was no year 0.
I didn't vote for him either time, but I did kind of hope he would do a good job and make America a better place the first time. He didn't. By the end of his second term I was ready to go up there and kick his black ass out onto the curb myself, but Donald got to do it instead. Obama really and truly sucked as a president. He was way out of his league, and instead of uniting his people he encouraged antisocial behavior that weakened our society and probably made life as bad as it's been in half a century for the blacks. I laugh every day when I see trump undo something obama did, it cracks me up to see his legacy get erased so easily.
I made this last night
Dubya and Obama will be remembered as Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan are today
>asking a rhetorical question like that on Sup Forums
Oh my sweet summer child, the time to lurk is nigh
the damage has been done
Those sailors were faggots. I worked with a few MSRON boat crews while in the Marines and I know for a FACT of some shit like that went down we would have been MOWING down Iranian faggots like a sythe on a wheat field.
I supported him but:
>didn't do anything for health care (promised to federalize medical database and other high tech improvements for instance)
>fucked over health insurance, my costs tripled, shocking out of pocket and deductible, dropped, father the same
>destroyed race relations by encouraging blm and other similar lefty cancer movements
>did nothing for chicago which is now imploding
>he did take out osama which amounted to rubber stamping military plan after receiving paki tipoff
>lazy and kind of status quo in general, you can see the tremendous amount of effort Trump puts forth in contrast
>did nothing to change bush's nsa spying practices such as fiber optic taps
2/10 pretty close to the worst president we've ever had
Last Black president ever.
Did absolutely nothing of value for black people except push race relations back 60 years.
The smell will never be able to be removed from the Whitehouse
Way to gloss over the NSA spying scandal, Iran deal, and his disastrous foreign policy. "Drones" doesn't exactly cover it.
Firmly meh
I should also add:
Illegally spied on political opponents
Droned many civilians, including citizens
Murdered CIA asset Osama Bin Laden just to look tough for re-election
Mother was a CIA agent
He's a globalist stooge puppet.
bush 2.0 black edition with added decay of social issues
I think he's a nigger mate.
Worse than Clinton worse than Bush
Thank you guys for all the input.
The only thing I approved of was the "Asian Pivot" in 2010. It was necessary to keep the chinks at bay.
>What your honest opinion of Obama's presidency?
>> Do you think he did a good job?
>> Do you think he's a good person?
I'm sure he thinks of himself as one. He certainly thought of himself as the smartest person in the room. He's an ideologue that thinks white people create societies that are inherently evil. He routinely blamed his predecessor for everything that was going wrong during his terms... for 8 years no less. He seemingly never took responsibility for his fuck ups. He was more corrupt than how Richard Nixon is portrayed in history: Obama admin. actually used the IRS to go after citizen opponents as well as apparently used the FBI and NSA to sabotage politician opponents. Everything he did during his presidency was to make white people have less political and social power, domestically and on the world stage. To Obama everything wrong was always someone else's fault and because he was so immersed in identity politics, it was always white people's fault. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" would be a good way to summarize his 2 terms.
>> How does he compared with other presidents?
Because of his disdain for the majority of people in the USA currently and historically, he could safely be described as the most anti-American president this country has ever had.
Because of him racial relations are the worst they have been in decades and the left has become more and more insane so no he was overall pretty bad.
anti-American nigger fucking communist who attempted to destroy America for his globalist masters.
Nothing more than a 2016 version of a house nigger for his white massas.
Fuck this anti-American piece of sub human shit.
I hope Trump arrests and hangs this nigger traitor.
I'm sure he is, or was a good person, tough to determine. Politics makes good people turn nasty out of necessity, blackmail as a form of insurance.
He was a competent senator at the very least who knew enough about professional engagements and was fit for diplomacy based off his demeanor.
As president? Very average. His hallmark will forever be that he was the first nonwhite commander in chief, the prospect that won him the election, aside from what few merits he had.
2 greatest of all time in 1 pic. You decide which one is #1. I say Obama
Projection much?
You sound butthurt obama did a good job and that Trump sucks a bag of dicks.
Admit it. The black guy did a decent job.
>and historically, he could safely be described as the most anti-American president this country has ever had.
You sound like a cuck.
god i love my freshest chart
>Immediatly bumping your own posts
Sasuga Obamashitter. We can't have a thread without you (((Correcting the Record))).
This is the only (you) that will come from me. The rest (you) have to give yourself.
>good portion of criticisms are just calling him a nigger
Considering what he walked into, and the obstructionist bullshit he had to deal with in second term, he did pretty good
Definitely a number of fair criticisms such as NSA spying and attacks on whistleblowers
>reminder that Trump is more of a nigger than Obama
>loves KFC and well done steak
>fake gold everything
>suits two sizes too big
>doesn't understand or pay taxes
>barely speaks english
>5 kids by 3 different women
He does not deserve any accolades, but he was better than Bush. Considering that he went back on the majority of his promises or delivered them in a really shitty way he is mediocre at best. Than you can look at BLM and our foreign policy the ranking gets worse.
It must really eat away at you that in the past 3 months Trump has dismantled almost every. single. bit. of the Obama legacy. Obama did such a poor job as a leader, it is likely he will be the LAST black man to ever be president. He was elected out of white guilt and given a free ride in the MSM out of white guilt. He is just another example of how affirmative action puts incompetent people into positions in which they can not function.