Really makes you think
Really makes you think
thats thicc
is this from the thicc meme
How overweight are we talking?
For me, 35% body fat is the most I can do with a sober mind. Anything more than that is going to take massive amounts of liquid courage
Overweight =\= obese
Why do normies think people want everything they fap to?
I like to watch action movies too, but I don't like to get shot at.
It's just a visual.
>Le overweight women
She doesn't know what thicc is, right?
spread the same pics with a tiny tiny image of a guy throwing up
p.s my gf is bbw but I said go to a trainer or we won't last a year. she has lost 7 kg and we are only a few months in. will dump if stretch marks tho.
I really don't mind if a woman has somever fat on her body. More curves, more to love!
Granted, I'm not attracted to landwhales; I'm just okay,with some flesh.
Ops pic looks cute, I'd cuddle.
doesnt mean that men secretly find fucking rockabilly landwhales with inverted kneecaps sexually appealing
Judging from the pic, 30% max...
i'm dating a big girl, but she's cute as fuck, like 5'8" and she carries herself well. not to mention into some kinky shit. there's no shame in my game. i'm out here getting pussy on demand while you guys are worried about image.
Those percentages are incorrect..
I'm naturally pretty thin so 30% would be as much as I could go.
Either A: They read that a small percentage of men prefer overweight women and they figured that 3% of men is quite alot, so they're saying 'many' men prefer overweight women
or B: they think "thicc" searches means that if a man likes a woman with an ass, it means he also likes 300lb women equally
either way this is bullshit. And I thought liberals didn't care what men think of them?
>Google lies
No surprise there.
afraid of what?
getting eaten?
for example this women is not overweight
I don't care as long as she's healthy
i don't want my wife to be a diabeitic fuck
The only way Id prefer an overweight woman (not obese) is if shes a good cook and takes care of everything at home.
Give me a fucking break, maybe chubby, but not overweight, overweight is unhealthy by definition, it means OVER a healthy weight.
hnnnngh her thigh from the side so nice
It's because when women say "I'm overweight" they mean "I'm so morbidly obese I'm going to have a heart attack in the next 5 seconds" whereas the men who were interviewed meant "chubby" (not to be confused with what women call "chubby", which is morbidly obese).
>Some fat chick makes a meme
35% is as high as I would like to go.
who /25-30% masterrace/ here?
She can bitch all she wants, it's not gonna make her fuckable
Yeah I can't tell you how many times I've googled "fat polynesian bitches"...
The difference lies in weight distribution, desu
I like me some plump girls.
Too bad they don't like me.
Sorry the thicc brainwashing still isn't working on me
If they keep it reasonably proportionate I think it's kind of hot.
By "many men" they of course mean an underwhelming minority, which is why no actual numbers are provided.
In the context of Google Data, with millions upon millions of men included in the sample, even 0,001% of men are still "many men".
And they are afraid to say it specifically because most everyone else disagrees. Only natural, since fat, unhealthy women are undesirable for most purposes: bad genes are not good for reproduction (if they say they're just big boned) and unhealthy habits and obesity mean terrible stamina and vigor in bed (for purely recreational sexual pleasure).
Sure, personality is important, but a girl can have personality and not be fat, so that isn't a point in their favor either.
>35% is the most I can do with a sober mind
fucking pussy lightweights ITT
keep this mindset because I am railing every whale that washes ashore over here in Florida
something about fatties and curves gives me a steel-cutting erection, those titties and ass never stop growing
I really like the proof provided by the image, just as believable as more than two genders existing
It is slightly true but the woman also needs God tier waist to hip ratio. Most men do appreciate a woman that is thiccer than runway models.
30% is literally perfect and if you disagree with me you're a flaming homosexual
That bitch got like no weight on her face.
Your a cruel fuck, did you at least train with her?
30% is master race, but 35% is the max. Not gonna lie though,
I don't believe this. Fuck fatty bitches
25% is my percent pick
The one on the left is shooped. FAIL
Fug that 25%
Anything over 25% is disgusting and fat
The jew has poisoned your mind to accept some fat bitch with a lack of self control.
The only other reason is to appease your own personal insecurities
would date cuz of giant tits and beautiful face
That is one phenomenal exception you posted there. I could pierce into the earths magma core with ma dick after seeing her
No overweight is not very fat like what she is basically chubby but still attractive
Next is pre obese
Then obese
then Morbidly obese or (amerifat)
20% above is considered overweight
This How can they extract that data?
I think it's more the case that more people are overweight, thus, they date other overweight people.
Fat women don't appeal to me and never will.
Fat chicks smell.
What I jerk it to does not correlate to what I find desireable in a partner.
I'd fuck a horse again if I could, doesn't mean I prefer one. Same for women; I'll fuck fatties cause it makes my dick feel good, but I'm fairly athletic and require someone in the lifestyle.
this guy gets it. plus the thicc girls try a lot harder to keep your attention
No I just look up overweight women to cringe with our friends.
Literally only because her body doesn't store much fat in her face
That data will change with niggers getting their free internet subsides cut off.
Women naturally have higher bf%
There is a limit though. There is a fine line between thicc and disgustingly obese that has no shame
30% is just a cake away from 35-50%
how many men is "many"
where do these men live
what data is showing this
how does the data show this preference
how does the data show the men in the data are afraid to admit they prefer overweight women
Sauce pls
30-35% is the correct fat a woman should have.
You wont last a year. Either she wont stay in shape or she will get in shape and that trainer gonna start fuckin the shit outta her.
No, I don't like overweight.
It means you don't take care of yourself, has no self control, etc etc.
It is not attractive, even if she is nice.
I want a nice girl, with a nice body. I don't care if her ass and breasts are big or small. As long as she has something, is healthy, nice companion and with a OK weight, then she will be a awesome girl.
>many men
This literally means nothing.
They could say:
and it would be just as valid
I don't mind "overweight women" per se.The problem is progression. Progression from Fit->Thicc->Overweight->Fat->Whale.
People that are overweight never stay "overweight", and rarely do they move to the "fit" side of the scale.
I'd even go as far as 40%
reminds me of bodies like Gianna Michaels and Katie Cummings
"Many" = a few chubby chasers
woman in pic is healthy not overweight
Really? Because then OP pic is half right. 30% looks literally perfect.
It also shows men are into banging their moms, daughters, and also trannies.
What you jerk off to and what you fuck aren't necessarily the same things, for good reason.
more like i struck out and have the urge to masturbate to violent fantasies of pinning a fat fuck's legs back and making her squeal like the disgusting pig she is
but without the public shame
Overweight, not obese you disgusting landwhales.
The second their belly is anything more than flat is the second I lose interest
I ain't afraid to admit it.
25% is as high as I'd go sober. 35% drunk.
It's hard not to be attracted to overweight women when ALL OF THEM are overweight. Look at mormon girls and tell me you still like (((thicc)))
My wife is a 25%, my mistress was a 30%
>I'd fuck a horse again if I could
Storytime, Leaf.
lets see that data. I like all kinds of women. From short and petite, to gigantic amazons. Except overweight women.
Is it? I remember there being several pics of her, she was a teen neo nazi IIRC, and she had a deliciious hip/waist ratio in all pics.
For women no it isn't thats for men. A women is supposed to be 18-20%.
30% percentile women
>better mothers (during pregnancy too)
>less ocd issues
>less bitchiness and snobbishness
>survive cold winters easier
>more things to squeeze
post and I behind the square
why do women hate each other so much? and they think you can get along a rule the world in mans stead?
nope. she had a trainer for a while. I just lift alone and try not to eat too much.
So about a dozen guys? How many is "many"?
Pregnancy fetishist?
25 > 30 > 20 > 35 > 15 > 40 > 45 > 10 > 50
25 is perfect
The latter half of the sentence implies you watch too much porn. Her trainer is old and bald and not in increible shape, just runner physique.
And why do I need to last a year? Ive had better looking gfs. I am with this one for the emotional connection mainly but id be happy to be single again. You don't sound like you get laid a lot with that scarcity mentality.