Who maintains the roads in your anarcho-capitalist fantasy?

Who maintains the roads in your anarcho-capitalist fantasy?

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The free market

Who maintains the roads now? Certainly not the government.

Ummm, well someone is, sweetie

there are no roads, people can use trails for land transport but rely heavily on rivers and canals for cargo and passenger transport, and it's the encouraged and dominant method of transport in general. planes go to remote

Yeah? Who?

roads are for fucking babies to be honest, you fucking manchildren don't know what a compass is do you?

Whoever the one with the biggest weapons forces to maintain them.

im not an AnCap but im guessing that roads would either be community owned or privately owned toll roads.

community owned for things like residential areas and toll roads for things like highways. doesnt seem the farfetched to me but its easier to just strawman AnCaps desu so i usually just do that.

>having toll roads everywhere

i guess i there was never a government to build those roads we would just ended up with trails that our vehicule made. and as new would have emerged new road structure would have naturally appeared with no specific human intervention.

we build modern roads to fit the cars we made to fit the road we made. we went full circle in central decision making and ended up with costly roads and super adapted cars and bus for these roads.

The tolls would be a lot cheaper.

>not flying an attack helicopter wherever you go

not everywhere. it would only be practical to use them for thoroughfares. thanks for the strawman and adhom though :^)

The feudal lords, or the king

Because let's be honest: you ancaps really just want monarchy by different means

>cucking yourself with roads

The people who use them?


Corporations who don't want to lose out because no fucker can get anywhere

People travel by tank like vehicules, Tractors or dune buggies.

your mother.

I'm very disappointed this wasn't the first answer.


Why would I pay for roads now and not before?

The private owners of the cities and freeways.. Got any non-retarded questions?

Need the sauce on that

McMagnet™ roads and industrial McZoombas™ to maintain them. Produced at cheap wages by the enslaved 90% from the MegaCloningFacility.

In my fantasy we don't need roads.

This is the real answer btw.

The point of Libertarianism is that you find the BEST solution not the best implementation of a pre defined solution that simply benefits the corporate-state economy.

You would have drop ships collecting people from rural hubs of giant patches of their private land to sonic boom them to urban hubs hundreds of miles away.

The turth is we ancaps hate traffic and being stuck with a lot of other cars because there is a defined path we are restricted to follow.

No roads=you can drive anywhere, so the cars get geographically distributed in a much better way because everyone just goes straight forward to their destinies.

Dumbass, have you heard of taxes?

>Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

Literally no one would support this though

Give link u fucking nigger.

In their ideal world every single fucking road is a private toll road.

communist slaves.

corporations since they are the ones that actually need them to transport shit.

If doesn't matter, we were always paying for road construction and maintenance through taxes. You must be very dense to not know this.

nigger slaves

What if you're not affiliated with the corporation?

i do

I know you haven't left your house in a year, but roads are perfectly fine. Your ancuck fantasies will have to wait.

Paved roads seem like a complete waste. They pollute like crazy, they are congested, and they kill tens of thousands of people a year.

It seems like the better alternative would be to set up high-speed rail. A private company is already building one in my city, and it would be more feasible without competition from socialized roads where drivers can shift the cost to other people.

The companies that own them.

Concrete doesn't pollute, you moron

I detoured all local rivers and streams for my private water park
Good luck

You propose to do some work for McCenary corps against the WhooperSec of the "King corporations" and therefore get road access to the McRoads.

Asphalt does.

My road will cost $1,000 to pass and I own so much property it will take you 6 hours to detour.

tell us!

Good luck finding enough people to stay organized to pave 1 mile of road. People have higher priorities to spend their money on.

Commonwealth nigga. Do you fucking know what a turnpike is? Besides, most of us drive trucks or use helicopters to get around. Roads are sort of pleb tier.

The cars, trucks, etc. driving on them and sitting burning gas in traffic jams do.

Illinois here

we're a great example of what happens when the gubmint stops paying gibs to asphalt companies

turns out the tragedy of the commons isn't just a meme

Good luck with that.

I would imagine it would evolve into something factored into the benefits of home owner's association, or perhaps door to door type salesmen,

>hey dude if all your neighbors sign up on this road we'll give you as set of tires
>just pay yearly dues
>x # years
>hey it's time to do it again

>but i want to sell the house
>it's cool factor it into price

Shut up antifa. You guys can't even get organized enough to defend yourselves.

>fuck the police
>lets bash the fash
>fash bashes antifa
>help, police
>rape whistle

You would be amazed how organized people can get when you fucking pay them to pave roads.

>a group of administrators would be selected via a fair process and would be given a stipend collected from the community for the express purpose of maintaining the road

And fucking everywhere. The only way that mess of detours could be avoided is if one company had a monopoly so you only had to pass through a few of just theirs, but AnCaps always say that the free market would prevent monopolies. Most people are fine with a government providing basic services and shit

Foot freaks place in internment camp, forced to do manual labor until they die.
>foot freaks don't deserve NAP

well most people are stupid

We're going to Mississippi?

>not appreciating every part of a woman

read a completely free book, you doublenigger


>roads all shit
>company forms to unshit up the roads
>alternatively trucking companies unshit the roads because it's in their best interest to do so


Roads are hardly a good investment for a company.


Yeah the trucking companies will just drive on broken asphalt and dirt. they'll love that.

How do they profit?

>What is a toll road?

Roads are pretty shit as it is now so why would private companies be so bad?

>company needs to transport goods from point A to point B
>company needs a way for employees to go from home to work and back
>company needs a way for customers to go from shopping place to shopping place
>companies who make cars need roads so people can use their product
>etc. etc.

I can go all day. Use your brain next time

So every road is now a toll road or it just turns to shit? Think these things through laddy

>Because let's be honest: you ancaps really just want monarchy by different means
Pretty much correct for me.

Who pays though

Security and maintenance protocols that run on block chain.

they pay, you triple nigger. Read the book, unless you actively enjoy looking retarded in which case, I've already finished laughing at you

Utard here, can confirm. roads are shit/10


Because their business model literally vanishes if there are no roads
same with big box stores, fast food joints, and numerous other businesss we could come up with.
They all have to have roads to make money.
They'd all end up hiring contractors or creating a road building subdivision.

The roads are already shit and you pay not only tolls but additional taxes for the agency to collect these tolls. Roads aren't magiced out for free, they need money, just we prefer that you have some choice in what road you want to use instead of having your money stolen for it.

>implying everyone will be okay with paying for mcroads

What the fuck did they mean by this, Sup Forums?

In libertarian anarchist paradise, what would stop corporations from becoming essentially governments themselves? I feel like no matter what, some sort of entity will inevitably come to fill that void.



But if someone buys the road in front of your house and you have to pay, how is that different from taxes?

In your tea.

It's 2017 and people are unironically posting about muh roads

I said the companies pay not the people you dunce

Which corp?
The biggest corps today weren't the biggest in years past and won't be in years to come.
A corporation requires customers, if the government ceased to be a customer many major corporations would fold, leaving a stack of midsized corps to thrive on their remaining assets.

>wanting to get cucked by roads

One is voluntary the other isn't. If I don't like the government's road services, I can't boycott then I'd go to jail, the private companies roads I could and If I could get enough people then they'd either renegotiate a new contract or go under. Besides these types of financial transactions would be a lot more complicated than you're making it out to be

Non white feet are pig disgusting.
Fuck off Pajeet.

Sorry I don't post landwhale burger feet

>calls me a cuck
>submits to a hierarchy that demands labor and obedience.

The people who invest in them? Ever heard of toll roads, nigga?

Who funds jail in an ancap country?

we get it its just like socialism in that it will never work because current human nature.

>Nigger soles

Confirmed rougher than the gravel road that car is parked on.

>the cletus opinion