Since Sup Forums is dying where should i migrate to.
Since Sup Forums is dying where should i migrate to
Other urls found in this thread:
You should probably just kill yourself.
/Sup Forums/ subreddit
there's nowhere else, don't you see?
I'm surprised it's taking Soros so long to kill this place
Club Penguin forums.
Good job
This or Habbo is the only answer.
if you don't know where the next level is you don't deserve to go there.
Let me know, fampai. Even the janitors are gayniggers now.
a job
go back to europe white devil
UK like all the other subhumans
*Boner Activated*
Isn't everybody just going to hotwheels-chan? Has that been compromised as well?
The gulag.
Wait what
When the different flags became a thing, I got started on GLP.
It ain't too bad.
>anime poster
You are the one that should fuck off
sauce? sounds interesting
kukistan ya cuck
quit the internet, its an addiction.
>2003: Sup Forums is dying
>2007: Sup Forums is dying
>2011: Sup Forums is dying
>2014: Sup Forums is dying
>2017: Sup Forums suddenly fucking dies
What happened?
people are largely just locking themselves away in small Discords it seems
no you fuck off
Is there other chans that are good? I only know about 8c and it's decent.
2ch but you need to learn moonrunes first and use Jap IPs before posting
>anime posting
>on Sup Forums
how dare he?
7ch. Haven't been there in ages but back then it was basically an oldfag retreat. Also 420chan.
wizchan is pretty comfy if you're a neet
ITT Reddi.tfags leave
Please all of you leave now
Reddit (The_Donald is the most based board) and 9gag
I think they are all dead. Cripplechan may be the only real alternative.
Nothing. The new just wore off for the redditors and they miss their upboats. I am glad to see them go
This is still the best place.
Funny considering you're one of them.
You went from r/[edgycommunistleaningshithere] to /leftyshit/ to Bunkerchan (or straight to here) to here.
I killed your Sup Forums.
All your base are belong to me now.
I sincerely don't understand how this is supposed to be insulting. Are you trying to convince us that whites are not the fairest race? This is universally recognized and understood to be the case. It is not something about which we are insecure.
This is the longest death I've ever witnessed. Sup Forums has been dying since 2004.
People have said Sup Forums is dying for over a decade. Fuck off
Actually that would make a nice tee shirt in the Sup Forums shop. With the words: Sup Forums has been dead since 2004. Printed on it.
white people are genocidal sociopaths with the highest level of inbreeding of all races
Honestly spend less time here. There's a lot of good things to be found, but this is also a hotbed for psyops and there's WAY too much porn posted (unnecessarily stimulates the libido). READ books and hit the gym.
Go back to infinite chan where you belong
Dont sell it to a private business with the funds to manage it.
leave weebfag posting to anime boards, you faggot.
How much did moot make out on that deal?
They are friends, he did not make shit and went to work for google you cock mongling faggot.
Sup Forums barely affords to pay its server bills
you deserve those digits
Mongols, Armenian genocide, Rwandan genocide, Aztec human sacrifice, etc. etc. Savagery is inherent to human nature - hyperfocusing on white people's indulgence in it is just demonstrative of your racial insecurity.
If you don't know the clear alternative then you shouldn't have been browsing 4ch in the first place
Infinity-chan has not let me get past capcha to post for a couple days or so now. It just freezes up after clicking the enter button. Maybe just for me?
Fake news. That's what they told you and the public. Gullible. I wanna know the true story.
Sup Forums died forever ago yet it still stumbles on like some kind of undead zombie that occasionally sprays necrotic farts on people. Sup Forums is starting to enter that stage as well.
The driving force behind Sup Forums is a bunch of loser NEETs with no lives that get off on others misery. You cannot kill that which has no life. Even if the site itself goes down it's not like the users are just going to become normies. We will just spread to another platform like a flesh eating bacteria and turn it into Sup Forums 2.0.
I think it is time for me to become moot 2.0 & create that
t. oldfag (2007) and now highly successful non-NEET that still goes here daily
shit maybe i should put bunk beds in my shed and start charging illegals rent
We can make a home here endchan5doxvprs5.onion
It is the promised land. HAIL KEK
Muh ancestors :-)
Post screenshots
>>implying the onion web is in any way secure
>>not switching to CarrotNet
Oh boy, the cat is out of the bag now isn't it? inb4 summerfags come out asking how to access CarrotNet
If you have to ask you don't belong, hence why only oldfags and technologically literate newfags are on the CarrotNet Chan
What is it?
>CarrotNet Chan
Sounds like a place gingers hang out in
The migration cannot and will not be forced or premature. See: 420chan, 7chan, double chan, etc.
When the day comes, and it will, anons will just wander the depths of the internet like a junkie in a ghetto looking for a fix. Eventually we will all end up in the same online crack house while casuals fuck off back to where they came from.
the successor to TOR
>pic related
>inb4 reddit newfag
the museum of Sup Forums.
Real life