>Steve Bannon is causing a stir inside the administration by pushing an idea that's anathema to most Republicans: raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans to pay for steep middle and working-class tax cuts. (Some officials who've heard Bannon's idea think it's crazy, but the President's chief strategist believes it's a potent populist idea.)
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Brilliant move if he can pull it off.
Why not just focus on cutting spending across the board so we can cut taxes for every class and not turn into a socialist shithole?
its not hard to pull off.
Tax bills needs 60+votes, so some dems need to sign on, and will... they want tax reform too
Use high taxes on 1% as bargaining chip(something that already helps you) to get something you want in return.
If they pull this off, it's the end of the Democratic party period. Democrats will either have to side with the administration on this or be labeled as elitist thralls of the wealthy. This is big.
Wtf I hate taxing the rich now
checked, bannon is a legend for taxing the (((rich))) if true
because we've had 60 years of pretending the gap between the upper and middle class isn't widening further and further
nobody up there has ever actually "felt" a single tax hike
>thinking this will ever happen
Let's just hope they don't make birth control "free"
Why not both.jpg
I'm not for raising taxes on the rich. They're taxed too heavily now. Doing so would accelerate the benefits to the middle class and this ensure a 2020 win
We're doing that too. Its more efficient to do both though. Plus lower income spend more than higher income. Higher income save money which is good for them but in general bad for the economy at large so if you let the lower income spend more of their money it pumps more energy into the economy.
Isn't this a democrat policy that trump supporters are all against?
Why are republicans so fucking stupid?
This. Literally 9D chess.
How will ObamaLeaf try and counter this?
Save the middle class and you save America
Birth control has way more uses than just birth control. Women who have extremely hard period cycles need it to function. Without it they can actually lose the ability to have kids at all because of how hard periods can be if you have a hormonal imbalance. Just like how viagra is primarily used as blood pressure medication.
but how will Jamal afford his weed?
If true, the Democratic party will be reduced to a SJW lobbyist group
They'll fall in line
It really would be the final nail in the old conservative/liberal divide, right-wing populism's clearly been coming for some time now but it still has Paul Ryan and the like to deal with.
except Trump is bending over for Republicans on policy / legislation.
He barely listens to his advisors anymore.
>free birth control
>not the best politically feasible (i.e not eugenics or forced sterilization) way to suppress underclass births
Yeah but the Democrats want Trump to fail on everything, even if that means passing something they agree with.
and bannon is gone in 3 2 1
I suppose I could see it that was but as it stands the top 10% already pays 75-80% of the taxes and raising them wouldn't put much of a dent into curbing our annual deficit.
I think we really need to put a greater emphasis on cutting spending hard while encouraging the rich fucks to invest more of their money into the economy through a lower corporate tax rate.
Kushner and his ilk have already tried to push out Bannon. He knows Jewish tricks
>mfw libs try to oppose this liberal idea
Do it. Buffet and Soros would shit themselves to end up paying higher taxes for doing literally nothing to stimulate the economy instead of playing a poker game where you need a billion dollars to enter.
I don't even know what Kushner's deal is anymore. One party says Kushner is the mastermind behind all these Never Trumpers getting into the White House. The other hand says McMaster and Cohn are the evil ones here and Kushner is being used as a scapegoat.
>10% already pays 75-80% of the taxe
> raising them wouldn't put much of a dent into curbing our annual deficit.
You cannot have these two statements be true.
I mean i agree with that too. Whats strangling the economy is the damn 40% tax bracket for small businesses. Thats fucking insane. I hope trump follows through with lowering it to 15%. If he does only that he will have my support perminantly.
you are mentally retarded
They're largely aligned against Bannon. McMaster has interests in upholding the military-industrial complex with useless foreign wars for the benefit of Saudi Arabia and Israel. Kushner is just the go-between for Israel. Both stand something to lose with someone as conscious as Bannon
Sean Hannity? I didn't know you posted here!
Also does this.
Libtards will say that the poor/middleclass still need to pay taxes to have a stake in government
No, if Kushner helps Trump get kicked out of office then he's out as well. What he's doing is pushing Israeli interests and whispering neocon kikery into Trump's ears, which is almost as bad.
Oy vey goy, that's antisemetic! What about our libertarian principles, you better not raise our taxes goyim
Future politics is multicultural neoliberals vs right-wing hippies, we're just getting started here.
Meh, make it small and I don't mind. As a political ploy it's invaluable.
I really do like Bannon, tbqh.
Nat Soc.
I mean given that our annual deficit is hovering around a trillion dollars, you're going to need a pretty fucking big tax hike that's going to have to stay in place for some time and make some real cuts (which the dems won't budge on because gibs).
Same, so far I've been impressed with his push for cutting regulations and taxes for smaller businesses and it's possible he could offset the Fed's "coincidental" decision to suddenly hike interest rates under him and trying to tank the economy.
or he could cut spending
>natsoc flag
>calling others retarded
I mean. Thats the fish's problem. Adapt or die.
Cut taxes for the "rich", but go after the globalists and their evil loopholes.
Bannon is fucking brilliant. It would completely flank the Democrats and they would be fucking devastated.
Bannon's being increasingly sidelined by the Trump administration anyway. If this was Nazi Germany Bannon would be Ernst Rohm.
Nah, Dems will just make up some bullshit about the tax hikes not going far enough and demand Trump add in reparations to blacks, women and LGBT's directly funded by a specific tax white males in every tax bracket.
And when the Republicans refuse to go along with their retarded shit the MSM will blame republicans for killing the bill by not allowing the moderate concession of reparations or whatever
I support this. Who financed Trump, lots of small donors. All the very rich were for Hillary. Time to show them the buck stops with the President,
It's widening because thats what people do. The cream rises to the top. Ever hear of Pareto's principle?
God I hope like hell this comes to pass, watching reddits collective mind explode would be orgasmic.
Bannon is a fucking idiot
>let's do what failed shithole socialist nations do!
I'd be fine with this, fuck Zuckerberg, Bezos and all those other cocksuckers.
Multinationals have no sympathy from me on this.
You know, regardless of if a tax hike goes through I think Bannon is easily the best advisor in the cabinet and I hope to god that snake Kushner doesn't kick him out, seriously fuck that douchebag.
> save money which is good for them but in general bad for the economy
pls go Keynes
The 1% are disproportionately jew scam artists using their money to manipulate America. Fuck yeah Bannon has the right idea. How long until the corporatist left brands taxing the rich as anti-semitic? Maybe we should push the idea among the left so it backdoor highlights the fact that jews control the wealth.
Our GDP is $15 trillion.
The governments in the US collect about $4.1 trillion in a year income and payroll taxes.
a 30% increase in taxes in those who pay 80-90% of the money would balance the budget and not hurt those people at all in that they would still be able to afford their lifestyles.
Rich fucks just invest in (((stocks))) and gamble on dumb startups like Juicero
We need quite a few more congressmen.
I wish Trump would start supporting his own guys now.
wtf I hate taxing the rich now
I think the only cream is dribbling off your chin
If the top 10% already pay 75%-80% then we should make them pay 100% and just abolish taxes on the lower 90%. I'm not suggesting a very high tax rate either, it's just what's the point of taxing the poor if they only provide 2% of the total revenues?
Bannon truly is /ourguy/. He knows that neither communism not capitalism is the way forward.
Oh fucking darn, now they'll only make 750K a year instead of a million.
This makes such a difference in their quality of life.
How will they ever feel appreciated or successful now?
>implying that it doesn't affect humans
>implying the increased usage of birth control didn't create the flood of transgender people we see today
Apply the evidence in fish further.
The women who pee in water parks, lakes, rivers, outdoors in general don't contaminate the local water supply.
Agreed corporate tax rates should still be cut.
>Trump: Oh jeez Bannon thats such a crazy idea I didn't come up with 100% for sure. I guess I could try it.. can't say its my traditional conservative idea though
>the 1%
The whole concept of "the 1%" is a Jewish trick. 99.9% of "the 1%" are just smart capable people who are also tireless workaholics and slave away 80+ hours a week to make $460,000 a year
Trump needs to support candidates for congress that are in his like mind domestically. Unfortunately I don't think this is going to happen.
99.9% of the 1% are Jews
No idea if this is true, but it sounds like a starting point, and they'll art-of-the-deal it down to something like keep the taxes on the rich, lower the taxes on the middle
this is retarded, the rich guys are bringing the money, not the middle class, if u tax the rich he might just move bussiness to canada or mexico and just export his goods. Wont be such a good idea then , would it?
Trump is not a true conservative though leaf shill. Nice try.
This would be one of the best ways to get people out of poverty and create a robust middle class.
Poor people accomplish much more with an extra $10,000-$20,000 than rich people do with millions or tens of millions, which are usually just squandered away in shit stocks or sit in a bank account, doing nothing for society.
According to an inside source (meet with healthy skepticism), they're working on it.
Excellent concern troll, CTR. The LARP flag was a nice touch.
>Yeah, fuck failed states like norway and Switzerland
theres a tax on just being self employed that has to fucking go
Agree. He should start this now, and then try to get back in with another wave of new congressmen in 2020. Make it a package deal type of thing.
but I'm just an armchair strategist, so I could be very very wrong, but something tells me the Republicans aren't preparing to maintain this victory.
>the joke
>your head
It's not so much cutting down on their quality of life as it is their capability to invest in their businesses and startups, not that I think all of them do that but raising them too high will just lead to more tax evasion.
If he can get it done I will vote him for Prez come 2020,or vote for Trump again.
i'm cool if the (((1%))) leaves the country, we're better off without those fucks
If you abolish taxes on a group, that group will petition and vote endlessly for gibs because they don't have to worry about being taxed for it. Cutting their taxes would be fine, but something must exist so that they have a stake in government.
>implying it's healthy or good to work that much
>that flag
What the fuck do you know about money? Seriously, is that what happened to the rich in your country or are you just being an idiot?
which is why we freeze accounts and prosecute people / companies that do that.
Yeah, law enforcement will actually have to get off its ass and do its job for once.
If this plan sees the light of day they will crash the stock market. They think this will hurt Trump, but Trump will reveal them for who they are for all of the public to see. It will be up to the man in the street to Make America Great Again.
Free birth control is only the worst idea to the geniuses here. The rest of society has reckonized the benefits and pragmatism. I mean, I know Sup Forumswants women to wear chastity belts and reverse women's suffrage but this site is more about compensating irl beta-ness with anonymous edgelording and reactionary contrarian positions to intellect signal, which is really just vying for (you)s, which is pretty fucking beta
All hands on the cannons for Bannon
Any candidate that he has publicly endorsed or supported has gone on to win. The real problem however are the Cuckservative baby boomers who always vote in the primaries. They are the ones who keep voting for the establishment. So basically you NEED to go vote in your primaries so the boomers don't fuck us over yet again.
he has 19 government agencies have already been iced its not enough
The problem isn't Trump not listening to his advisors the problem is most of his advisors are cucks
So what you're saying is instead of business owners being able to invest in new businesses, non business owners will have a better chance at starting their own businesses? Great!