What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
He hated niggers and did more to destroy the nigger family unit than anyone in America to this day.
Kind of don't like him but what first post said is correct
A psychopath that rigged an election, killed his own sister, and ordered the hit on JFK
From reading parts of a couple of the Caro biographies - which are fascinating, and very well-written - the man had a true, mind-boggling genius for politics - for tactics and strategy and personal suasion - that peaked in his Senate years. As President, he passed major social legislation that fucked up the US ever since; War on Poverty made things worse, and introduced a public policy that rekt black culture. Tying healthcare to federal money drove the cost of healthcare through the roof (same dynamic seen in higher education with student loans).
In sum, a fascinating and rather brilliant character, who always desperately wanted to be President, concluded at some point in the late 50s that that would *never* happen, then it, uh, miraculously happened, and it ended up being a kind of debacle for him. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.
Dumbass who was responsible for the dumbest war in history
Most of this, and he had a huge cack, that he was known for whipping out.
also probably killed jfk
I'm black so I hate him just off the fact that he and other white liberals from his era removed the societal constraints that kept the nuclear black family intact just so they could get some votes and keep power.
>"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
Absolutely based.
worst president of the latter half of the 20th century.
Worse than Obama. Probably the one president who single-handedly set this country on the path towards destruction. Clinton, Obama, they just picked up the torch and kept running with it.
>we care about minorities and the downtrodden! vote for us, the (insert marxist ideology group) party!! --style of politics
Fuck that guy.
>Removed societal constraints
>Nuclear black family
>mindless foreign wars and massive entitlement expansion
The George Bush of his day. Monstrous.
The Russians killed JFK user in a rogue operation run out of mexico. .
MGS3 made him out to be a good guy
fdr-lite. Fucked shit up good.
Worst American president of the 20th century, by far. Fuck him.
Literally the worst president.
hes a shit
He did fight the commies tooth and nail in Vietnam. But he also started all of the gibs that niggers still use today.
What do you guys think of his social programs? (Great Society)
He created the welfare state. Piss on his grave.
Great Society was an utter failure and it was clear that he knew the goings on about JFK's death. Nothing more than a puppet for the armament industry.
Fuck the great society
Murderer, war criminal, cuckold.
>War criminal
>That flag
There's literally nothing wrong with killing communists.
People were sympathetic to the Democrat party over JFK's death. That helped him win the election. His election was the only time since WW2 that the majority of white voters voted Democrat, Ironic since he was the worst president for white people, overseeing the 1965 immigration act.
Top 5 worst president of all time
>b-but muh niggers!!
God sometimes i forget how retarded summerfags are. You guys are aware that if it wasn't for this guy niggers wouldn't be as bad as they are now. Yes he hated niggers but he hated pretty much everyone else but he threw them on us. That's worse than any nigger. He was a filthy judah through and through.
The Obama of his time.
I suddenly love LBJ now.
he had a big johnson
Nah, FDR was the one who fucked it all up.
>First president that had gun control
>First president to hand out the GIBS
>First president to stick his dick into foreign politics
>Created the UN
>Caused the Vietnam war (Ho Chi Minh copied the US constitution/Declaration of Independence to emulate America in Vietnam, and FDR tried to have him killed for that)
>Made government bigger than ever
>Had polio, so he let his wife dictate politics
>His wife ends up helping women getting the right to vote
>His GIBS ME DAT platform caused the "great reversal" where Niggers decided to vote for Democrats, which is what inspired LBJ to do what he did
Worst part is that teachers in history class talk about how great he was, and how the New Deal was so good, even though economists from all walks of life agree that it made the Depression worse.
JFK was the Donald Trump the globalists warned you about---a chad who acted like he was above the law, enjoyed raping anything with a pulse, and spent every conscious moment tweaked out of his skull, and whose violent tantrums were the stuff of legend. It wasn't a matter of if he was going to start a nuclear war to get back at Khrushchev for making JFK look like the fucking moron he was, but when.
Damn right LBJ had JFK assassinated before his next tantrum destroyed the Republic and the human race with it. It's called putting country before party. Today's Democrats could learn from him.
Hmmm, good analysis.
Enjoy this delicious pizza as payment.
White men, you have your hero!!