Based Japan

"I want to live a safe and clean life, eat gourmet food, go out, wear pretty things, and live a luxurious life… all at the expense of someone else," reads the text on the illustration above. "I have an idea. I'll become a refugee."

Other urls found in this thread:

The artist did a fine job recreating the photo.


Uh-oh, looks like Japan is going to get to nuked again.

Lol at the fact you think we're wearing Armani with our gibs
t. refugee

I think they forgot their own rules--only one ethnicity is allowed to be called racist. Or are they turning on Asians now?

You shouldn't be on gibs at all you worthless leech, go back to your shithole

Should have saved the first two for Berlin and Moscow

The people who shat their pants were other Japanese, though. Japan is just dying (culturally) more slowly than other first world countries.

They just don't want her showing off that Japan power level.

it should be an Arab male 20-30 if it were going to be true


Think about this from my perspective
if your country was in a state of civil war, you would leave too. my daughter lost her fucking legs to a mine you shit

>saying men are worth less
what are you an SJW

I personally would stay and fight. I love my country. If someone did something like that to my daughter I'd stay fight and die to try and hurt them.

They fear the samurai

>I personally would stay and fight
sure you would. it's so easy to say what you'd do when you haven't experienced the situation for yourself.

If you're a male between 18-60 you should've stayed and fought. You have zero right to move to a first world country just because your fellow sandniggers are savages. Fuck off. You realise your people shit up every single country they enter? Why the fuck would I care about your shit sob story when there are hordes of mudslimes roaming around stealing everything they can get their hands on and raping every woman they walk past.

You have to go back. No more mudslimes. Fuck you.

Sure, I get that, but I believe it's in human nature to want to stay and defend things you have built from people that want to destroy it.
Oh, wait, are you a Turk?

>Oh, wait, are you a Turk?

>letting the media whip you into this much of a frenzy so you think europe is now 24/7 white girl rape festival
الضحك بصوت مرتفع

>manga cartoon

>not worthless
>fled like a coward

pick one

Can't play that card on me, Mohammad, I've walked through refugee neighborhoods and they're worse than any nigger ghetto in the US. The fucking police won't even go there it's that bad. You have some balls to try and pretend your fellow sandniggers aren't a cancer on every country they've infested when I've seen what they've done to relatively well to-do areas of my city within 3 years

also if your countries would stop destroying our governments and helping rebels, maybe I would go home. it's not my responsibility to fight in the russia-america-israel-iran puppet wars you make for us. SADDAM SENPAI PLEASE COME BACK

>Implying Africa and the Middle East wouldn't be killing each other over stupid shit without western intervention
Good one, I love that meme.


you're worthless cunt, and a coward who should have his balls chopped off because you aren't a man at all, I thought you fucking sandniggers weren't afraid to die? I though allah would reward you if your quest was righteous? what was your daughters name???? does she even exist? you're probably just a fucking liar, who is in europe soaking up gibs trying to pretend like you aren't some worthless leech spending all of his money on heroin and hookers, get fucked mamoud.

Bullshit. The U.S., France, Britain, Turkey, Russia, and half of the Middle Eastern states are pouring money, weapons, training, and even soldiers or operatives into Syria. Fuck if I'd stay put to fight for a bunch of international moneyed interests arguing about whether a pipeline will go east-west or north-south. I'd take my kids and go.

>walked through refugee neighborhoods
>lives in one
gee who is more trustworthy with this subject hmm? I do have some balls, bigger than yours.
>you're a coward if you dont want to die in an airstrike

Little brown girls are the best.

You savages are destroying western Europe why should Europe acts as a dumping bin for the trash of the third world? The fact is the hordes of shitskin refugees aren't genuine refugees they are going to Europe for welfare.

>daughter lost her legs

Did they turn up again? Look under the bed.

So far, none of you whities can come back to the retort of "If you're country is like Syria right now, you'd move out too".

This is why Whities can never understand. You causes all the grief we suffered in this past decades. Now we are slowly bringing terror to your land and you will now understand our pain losing our sovereignty

westerners elect governments who do this, like said.

her name is Aida you fuck. the extremeist retards are the ones who do that. again a foolish burger tells me what I should do in a situation he only knows from his biased news channels. of course. seeing a man running from hell and wanting to send him home is something the big man in heaven wont like my american friend. of course, hospitality is a muslim virtue, not a western one. so continue acting like we're all evil and live in your dome of foolishness.

why would you let her explore a mine on her own?

>anime makes everyone looks white
its true

"If" is the magical word. You implement your cowardly views as trying to say tat we are like you. We arnt. I have lived here my whole life, and regardless of our retarded leadership.


And ill be fucking damned if I wouldnt rise up to fight in a civil war on a side that fought for a canada that i want. I say this with no malice but just complete disdain and disgust of you, go fuck yourself.


That's all you got? You don't understand something fundamental to America. We LIVE for the day one of you dares to invade our country. Fuckin' bring it. Last time you tried, you took down three buildings and put a hole in the pentagon. In response, we annihilated at least four of your shitty sand countries. Don't want to die in an air strike? Don't get uppity. We have so many bombs, we want to use them before they pass their expiry date and we have to spend a lot of money just to dismantle and dispose of them.

Should have gotten shad to do it.

exactly brother. they choose imperialist bastards like bush and obama to destroy our governments and support extremist groups if it's their kind of extremism. then the puppet wars start and we're cowards for not wanting to die
again wait until you actually try living under daesh then lets see how excited you are to fight

>try living under daesh

It would literally never happen. Americans are prepared for such situations. Our 2nd Amendment rights ensure it would never happen.

>gee who is more trustworthy with this subject hmm?
Certainly not the sandnigger squatting in my country because he wants to live off gibmedats for the rest of his life. Fuck off back to your own country and stop shitting up mine. I do not give a fuck if you're one of the 'good ones'. 9/10 refugees are 65IQ males looking for free shit and women to rape. Get them out.

Fine then, i will wait for that day to prove you wrong. Until then? You are a coward,and I feel nothing towards your pain. This isnt anything new with the middle east bud, stop trying to pin it on my southern neighbors and try to see that the middle east as a whole needs to get with the fucking times, or you will continue to be treated as dogs.

finally. fucking finish what you start, America

you cant be racist if youre not white

Japan is based. They're ready.


>one of you
>Last time you tried
>you took down three buildings
we are not a hivemind
>we annihilated at least four of your shitty sand countries
yeah your government sure did. only children see the world as groups that are all the same. it is more complicated and can't be solved with destroying the governments that keep our countries stable and repress the rebels
missing the point.
>whole argument is generalizing
not pinning it on all americans, pinning it on their government. it's just like how not all muslims are jihadis, leaf friend

i dont want to brag, but Japs colonized my country during WWII. not too long (20 years) but hey its something

>Implying my generalizations are wrong

Alright substitute all americans with american government, my point stands. And I am not your friend. Contrary to popular belief, but canadians are actually some of the most racist people around. You just have to stay out of the big three and youd see.

also moe is life

>But despite removing the photo, Toshiko was unapologetic creating it: "I don't want European nations to be victimised and hard working people should not suffer by those fake immigrants," she told Trending. She admitted trying to be provocative by using an image of a young girl.

"The simple reason I used a girl is, if I drew an old man it wouldn't have gained attention," Toshiko said. "I am not denying that there are real miserable refugees. I am just denying those 'fake refugees' pretending like victims who are acting for their own benefit by exploiting the media attention on the real poor refugees."

that is a problem. it doesn't justify leaving us to die in hell. the solution is to kick out the lazy ones, not foolish zero tolerance rules

Get a load of this racetraitor.

>it doesn't justify leaving us to die in hell
Actually it does. Your wars are not our problem and your insinuation that we have some responsibility for your wellbeing is flat out wrong. Go back to your own country.

I was under the impression most Japanese citizens loved refugees. Guess it was just Jews propping up fake news.


>Your wars are not our problem
>"I don't know if sand can glow, but we're about to find out"
>"Bomb the shit out of them"
>dohuhuhu you think it's our fault? stop being a coward : )

all decent people have the responsibility to help those in need. to refuse is cruel and sinful. think about what you are saying, you would litterally leave another son of god to die to avoid paying a little bit more taxes

when did we bomb africa? Most "refugees" are infact economic migrants

>Assuming their gender
user pls.

these africans are economic migrants. not us

You're forgetting who sent the US to your region.
I'll give you a hint, he's got a silly hat and long sideburns.

>when did we bomb Africa?
Are you serious? Where are Somalia and Libya?

I was actually surprised yesterday when I was lurking 2ch and saw someone name the jew. Can't remember the specific thread though.

>all decent people have the responsibility to help those in need. to refuse is cruel and sinful

My responsibility, and the responsibility of any government with even an atom of self respect, is and will always be to the people of my homeland first and to the rest of the planet a very distant second. We have our own problems. Sure they arent civil war tier, but compounding our existing issues with an influx of sand niggers that neither understand or care about the cultures or people of the host countries brings my piss to a boil. We have zero fucking responsibility to take you in while there's even a single citizen of ours still in need of their own assistance.

Every government that is sucking refugee dick is one that no hell burns eternal enough for. They have damned the future of the citizens they were charged with looking after for the sake of PR. Even if they do realize they have betrayed their responsibilities, no amount of apologies will make up for this blatant disrespect of their own citizenry.

at least jews worship god, fucking kaffir
only thing gays worship is their cummies

>Your wars are not our problem
That's right, until you make it our problem by flying a plane into a fucking building.
You wanted a living hell and we gave it to you.
Control your dogs and we won't have to put down the lot of you.

love is love
love trumps hate
unintelligent homophobic brown man. dont you know gays are based?

>westerners elect governments who do this
Not all westerners. Statistically less % of them elect the current government than Islamic radicalism has supporters. They do follow the Quran after all.

See USA for instance
>60/320m people voted Trump
You are not eligible to blame the rest, they have nothing to do with anything.

>Muzzie larping as European
Do it while you still can.

nvm found it
Was pretty funny just seeing this out of the blue

ok podesta

>All decent people have the responsibility to help those in need. to refuse is cruel and sinful
Very convenient for you to say, considering you're the one in need. It's funny how your kin acts during reverse scenarios, though.

>you would litterally leave another son of god to die to avoid paying a little bit more taxes
No, it's not the taxes and shit I'm doing it for (and you're not going to die anyway, you just have to make do on your own). It's the fact you are a liability and a risk that no sane person should take. I'm not going to allow my boat to sink just so I can save one extra person.

There have been numerous proposals for increased taxes that will fund help for you at your place of origin, but that's too reasonable and not part of (((their))) plan.

we were controlling our dogs when our leaders that your media calls "dictators" were keeping things under control. again "I" didn't want any of this. muslims are not all clones, we have different views on things.

it's 7am, I need to go to bed. goodnight pol, I hope you rise out of your cruelty and find god. السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ

>I hope you rise out of your cruelty and find god
>If you don't believe in Allah and his goat fucker prophet you're an atheist

Have fun wondering afterwards why people don't want you here. Protip: it's not the taxes

Obviously they didn't do a good enough job Ahmed, and they didn't scrape and bow like they were supposed to after they fucked up.
Then Saddam was a big enough fucking moron to fight a conventional war against the U.S.
Laughable. If you stand in our way don't complain when you're crushed like an insect.

>short qts
>if you're 5'8"+ you're considered tall (for all you manlets out there)
>worship white people and blonde hair blue eyes.
>40% of young adults are virgins.
>cute and feminine acting.
>cute clothes and hairstyles.
>not ruined by feminism.
>higher IQ.
>less likely to reject you because she doesn't have tons of guys talking to her and asking her out.
>good at cooking.
>look young up until their 50s
>will rarely cheat.
>won't look down on your vidya or anime hobbies.
>hate darkies and brownies.

Why aren't you in Japan right now? Or looking for a Japanese Qt in your area? No other group of women can even compete.

>inb4 weeb ect ect

Too retarded to find one desu
Ahmeds everywhere

got anything to back that picture up?

its the same girl
but a better write up would be much better

keep jerkin it dude

>Ooga booga, me go to japan to fuck yellow wimmin, they love that whyte cock!
stay within your race, negro.

I want to sleep but this website will not let me escape

what is truly corrupting western civilization is the cruelty and narcissism caused by faithlessness. people live without god, and become too confident in themselves, causing disaster. even agnostics are ok, because they do not think they know everything. even (some) jews, because they worship god. the west is absorbed in a new religion "Me-ism" and it will destroy us.

yeah but how do I know cnn used it three times and tried to sell it as a different girl?


>Robot bears

This is nigger logic. Fuck off with this shit. People should only breed within their own race.

>(((white people))) get their tits in a bunch because they weren't social marxist enough


There are no girls refugees.

It would be totally ok to take care of girl refugees because they cant live on their own, but these fucking stupid nigger politicians and the left are taking 100% grown fucking men.

I hate her so much.

I would retake Jerusalem with her.



so you're advocating getting rid of 99% then?

Anyone have the Japanese comic like this one where it was about sending aid to africa?

Showed a nigger baby, a concerned Jap sending cash, the niggerbaby grown up fucking a sheboon thus having more niggerbabies repeat ad nausem


>Showed a nigger baby, a concerned Jap sending cash, the niggerbaby grown up fucking a sheboon thus having more niggerbabies repeat ad nausem
So you mean reality?

>cute girl
Oy vey!