Is Macron the next Napoleon, Napoleon III, de Gaulle, or Hollande?

Is Macron the next Napoleon, Napoleon III, de Gaulle, or Hollande?

Or is he another beast entirely?

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He's a soulless Jew puppet.

he bows to the bogdanoffs

He is Macron, Destroyer of Trump and Co-President of European Federation

This. He's a Napoleon.

That nigga is King Louis XVI.


>smiling in his picture
definitely not napolean

Macron's party hired a PR firm to make internet marketing with the motif of "new leader of the free world".

It is directly funded by Rothschilds, the ones who groomed him to power. They're giving up on Merkel.

This thread and copies of it will be spread daily by paid shills for years.

Remenber to report and SAGE every time.

He's the next Charlemagne. He will be the "Father of the EU" as Merkel helps him to truly consolidate all powers into a unified nation state similar to the USA, and in that broad stroke will also usurp American hegemony as the primary world superpower. EU the nation state will be unstoppable and finally make Donald Trump answer for his war crimes and civil rights violations.

Napoleon my ass. He's the next Louis XVI.

underrated post

He's quisling

He is the puppet of the Jews who will be a reverse Napoleon. Instead of putting French in charge he will put the non-French in charge of France.

He's another petain, bowing to his german masters

He's a cuck who fucks old trannies and earns shekels for the Jews.

Shills literally doing Rothschild bidding. Them shiny shekels.

Next Inspector Clouseau, in the upcoming Pink Panther remake.

>Or is he another beast entirely?

He's a bought and paid for shill who will give Frances army and money to merckel to help her plan to replace all europeans with "Refugees"

Macaroni is a jew, and I believe related to kushner.


He has a bit of an ego. I think the French like that in a politician though.

>*blocks le path*

King Louis XVI was murdered by the people.

Maybe the niggers and sandniggers they imported can kill him and stabilish a Caliphate, but not the french. They're far too cucked.

Massive ego.

I think he's the first President since Napoleon III to address the nation (or in the 19th century, whoever showed up to watch) from Versailles palace on Bastille Day.

>2 rings
Polygamy confirmed progressive utopian virtue

He will steal Merkel's position as leader of the EU as far more people would align with his views of reformation over Merkel's status quo. Definitely Napoleon III



It's not like he's stealing her place, it's natural that she falls and he is a Rothschild backup plan.

My guess is that the Rothschild will groom another "centrist" and make him run AGAINST Merkel. That's classic Jewish modus operandi,
political cannibalism.

There is absolutely no chance a nationalist will take power in Germany, so we must start planning for them as a permanent threat to humanity.

He actually married THIS

I wouldn't fuck that thing with Merkel's dick

We are the ubiquitous hive mind controllers.

Macron must be seriously blackmailed to allow this, I hear he is meth addicted so I guess she's what he's used to seeing though...

Napoleon III
He'll Make Mexico Great Again and fuck u whitebois up

gets smacked le fuck up

>Macaroni is a jew, and I believe related to kushner.

In fact, if I'm not mistaken, his name is a forgery, and thus he is eligible for expulsion from office.

He will be french cucktator just like Merkel is one for Germany

>"There is no french culture"

Napoleon would spit on his face.


definitely got short-man complex. You can see it in his smirk.

He is the King of Saxony

I know a french girl who told me she sleeps with refugees only to try to teach them, over the couple of weeks she spends as the gf of each of them, that women have the same rights as men in Europe so they'll be more functional people in our society or something
I thought she was joking
Turns out she was very serious about that
Western Europe nord of te Pyrenees and the Alps is lost

I refuse to believe.

This is only going to make refugees hate Europe even more. Islam is stronger than feminism

Plus most of the time they were 20yo permavirgins refugees she slept with

also this

And when she broke it off with them, what was the justification?
>hey so welcome to europe! feminism is the law of the land here and that means women can sleep with as many men as they like, sometimes even multiple ones at the same time! isn't that awesome? i never had any feelings for you, i was only using you for sex and to teach you that all european women will do the same!

The next Sarkozy

Some bullshit that ultimately boiled dow to those lines once you took out all the emotional bullshit out

>destroyed a family, used his political connections to get a high paying finance job
>people vote for him instead of shoot at him
Why do people have no expectations for politicians?

Sarkozy didn't have the mandate that Macron has.

He's a faggot.

He's a Jew puppet, obviously.

more like a weak cuck

He'll be a neoliberal shill akin to Clinton. He'll cut spendings on white but not on shitskins. Frogs will be pissed off so they'll vote for the far left to restore the worker priviledges. The far left won't do this, they'll just give more money to the shitskins. So frogs will get angry again and for another Macron. Repeat until islam takes over.
>this is your country on leftism

You really think Melanchon has a shot in 2022? Didn't his support collapse after he came in fourth in the first round?

And so it begins, the greatest happening of our time.

What matters is the support among the youth. I recall he has huge support among this group and he'll get more due to more shitskins and indocrinated whites reaching voting age.
He'll also get "disappointed with centrism" bonus. So yes I really think it's possible.
It doesn't have to be him personally either.

god i hope so. would be great to see french with balls again

hollande II clearly

petain is the Hero of Verdun you faggot
ignorant ameriturd

>Is Macron the next Napoleon, Napoleon III, de Gaulle, or Hollande?

Quite literally
>Imperator of the Gallic Legions

What's Anzu up to these days?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain Le Pen had a higher percentage of the youth vote than Melanchon.

Petain was a geriatric cuck who sold out his country.
You can still venerate the Reich and recognize Petain and Quisling for the cucks they were.

Please don't conflate one of the greatest generals of all time with this fucking idiot. France should be embarrassed.

I don't know frog language so I had problem finding real numbers but I found this poll.
It shows a trend of growing support for the commies among the youngest people, even though Le Pen is popular too, she's 2nd in 18-24 group.

>de Gaulle
Is he going to run away to England too when Germany takes over?

He has complete control over the French government and upended the political status quo that's existed for the entirety of the Fifth Republic. He's already a more important historical figure than Sarkozy and Hollande and he's been in office a month.

Shills praising Macron are just paid by the international banker

>upended the political status quo that's existed for the entirety of the Fifth Republic
What? He's the embodiment of the status quo.

Petain was almost 80 when the governement called him to rule that mess
what would you have do to protect your crippled country ?
protip worse than him probably

The two main political parties were btfo in the election.
Macron's brand new centrist party stood for the first time in the legislative elections a couple weeks ago and won a super-majority.
That's upending the status quo.

Actually I think he was 84


They aren't centrist at all though, they're more leftist than anyone before and everyone in France and across the world knows it. It's like if the Democratic party went full Marxist and rebranded to look more impartial, when in reality these communist degenerates would vote for it knowing exactly what happened.


What the fuck are you talking about? Macron is an unabashed capitalist

They are making him look like a centrist so that they can attribute his inevitable failures to the center without damaging the left.

Our goy

>rothschilds are on the left
Oh, you sweet summer child.
The center-left are their stooges, but the far left are as much their enemies, if not more so, than the far right.

>the youth is either soviet union or vichy france

Well fucking duh, he's in the process of absorbing millions of low-pay workers and dehumanizing the native population of France in the process so he can regress the entire country into a massive low-income welfare state. A state oriented toward Marxism would abuse completely unrestricted capitalism to eliminate the middle class to leave only the plebs and those who rule them.

hey don't make fun of McDonalds, that's our national cuisine.
A good burger is the perfect food.
>easy to eat
>nutritious in every way if correct toppings plus lots of protein
>super cheap off the dollar menu
>saves time

Get a load of this goy. Nationalists are the biggest threat to the globalists. The Far Left is the defenders of their agenda.

Why did Marine Le Pen lose?

Well the only people who voted for her lived in Calais where the shit of Africa is largely concentrated in. It leaves one to assume that the rest of France is perfectly okay with the destruction of their nation and the walking trashbags swarming around Paris. know Melanchon and Corbyn both want/wanted out of the EU, right?
They're the Socialism-In-One-State kind of communists

The same reason why every other right-wing politican in Continental Europe lost: they want their demographics to be replaced. They're embracing it.

Le Pen cracked 30% in the second round.
That's unheard of for any far right party in the West. Tides are turning.

He's just Trudeau meets Hillary.


But with a mandate, that's the thing. He controls the legislature with a super-majority.

>Surrendered to the English
>English are such gentlemen they exile him to some remote island and allowed him to be mayor
>Loves being mayor - organizing people and all that jazz
>Island reaches maximum efficiency
>Napoleon needs to expand horizons
>Commands islanders to capture ship
>Sails to mainland
>Becomes Emperor of France again proving the first time wasn't a fluke
>Goes to war with England again proving he really hates the English or just loves war
>Loses again
>This time they put him on an even remoter island
>Not taking any chances
>Battleships patrolling island 24/7

There will never be another Napoleon.

I'm just interested to see what happens, because it'll be a reflection of what could've happened here.

Sockpuppet rothschild pedo poodle, I don't think so user.

What do you mean by "mandate"

Sarko had majority in parliement

Napoleon was the LAST frog with testicles.
Macron is a fucking eunuch!

at the very best he might prove to be a Catholic agent to restore order and invoke the government of the antichrist, which if true 90% of you will fall for it

Napoleon wasn't even French.